Monday, May 18, 2015


This opportunity is being taken to remind all about the basic reason why this approach was pursued instead of a more inefficiently run and “bloated” organization because it’s vital for achieving a successful and sustainable Proprietorship, which is my primary objective as Proprietor. Therefore, from a “big picture” perspective, if any activity is discovered to be operating outside its intended design, swift action will be initiated to alter such a divisive course for the long-term functioning of the business, which should be shared by all, but unfortunately this is not always typically the case. Please follow, to discover what will be the expectation in the new business model less it‘s taken for granted.

Here are the Critical Issues of Importance:
Efficiently run business units, at every level will be the expectation, from the farthest Base where an individual Representative is located to the “Holding base” itself, will be expected to be run very,very efficiently if the desired objectives are to be realized; namely effecting an outstanding investment vehicle, which at its core is focused on the delivery of notable goods and services that are second to none. To achieve this eventuality, a consistent focus will be on routing out inefficiency and if any type of questionable activity is suspected that could result in such, unscheduled audits targeting the suspected area(s) of concern will follow since this could potentially be an indication that errors in product pricing are taking place and only an audit will reveal what exactly has been taking place . As a result, the goal of the audits will be to match expenditures to corresponding actions taken and where impropriety is discovered (including staff who cannot justify their output) throughout the various Divisions, those involved will be replaced and if needed these replacements will also be replaced until those found are cognizant of the importance of sound business management.
These audits will be aimed at determining if in fact the pricing managers are being “fed” accurate input data in their attempt to price the various products even with “Holding Base” margins applied. Furthermore, every single activity effecting the design, development, manufacturing and production of the products and services will receive scrutiny to be assured of thoroughness in product pricing is occurring and any inefficiency discovered will be routed out (including non-producing staff members). Nothing will be off limits including from the actions and activities of senior Management and the activities of the Coordinators and Marketing/Sales Consultants stationed in the various National base locations, for the purpose of ensuring that all decisions executed can be justified in support of final product output to how supplies are used, discarded, lost and/or unaccounted for by those with whom such responsibility lie. Therefore, it will make the task much easier if all records are maintained and not disposed for traceability purposes as any other course of action will make this process much more “painful” for all those involved. Towards this end, if any type of condoning of ineptitude or “codling” as well as quid pro quo activity has been made among staff using the Proprietorship’s resources as the basis for such arrangements, ALL those involved will be replaced to eliminate unsound business practices with the potential to cause inefficiency to be introduced and result in an unsuccessful enterprise due to lax practices on the part of staff with little no concern for whether or not success is achieved as an end product.

The Outcome of these Developments for Further Application:
I will also take this opportunity to encourage those in the Independent Marketing/Sales & Distribution Proprietorships to routinely conduct self assessments to determine if and where your operations could use or benefit from assistance if for example: 1) you are wearing many “hats” and don’t have the time needed to devote to the primary Marketing/Sales business activity where consistency of involvement is crucially required to achieve satisfactory and above results, then give consideration to hiring outside part-time assistance with the appropriate skills to effect the results needed, 2) even with your effort you are not achieving the type of returns needed for the sales targets set, then, also in such a scenario, consider hiring either full-time or part-time assistance to effect the results required to achieve the goals set and 3) even if over the years habits have been adopted and/or deficiencies have been overlooked that do not exactly translate into what’s needed to effect the right mix required to achieve the best output, and personal area(s) for improvement would be beneficial to assist in achieving the best skills required, take action to seek out and obtain what would best benefit you individually as it’s never too late to learn new “tricks” to prepare for the task ahead and if I can be of an assistance in effecting such, please do not hesitate to seek me out, after all, this is what is preferred as opposed to not seeking any assistance and then finding yourself overwhelmed later if constructive action is avoided altogether and instead of preparing for what’s ahead, putting off needed action is maintained until too late.

Whenever the opportunity for honest self assessment is available, take it and if assistance is required of one form or another, seek it, you will be glad for having sought out this course of action as one success you never thought possible is gained and then another and so on but it will only start if that FIRST STEP IS TAKEN NO MATTER HOW LONG YOU HAVE WAITED.

A skillfully managed and sound fiscally run Proprietorship is the desired objective in this Holding Baseapproach in case that fact has been lost on anyone caught up in their own agenda. That is why this opportunity is being taken to remind all that any and all actions not supportive of such a business approach will be eliminated. Improper pricing can be a “death nail” for a product, that is why the importance of this task cannot be overstated and/or those in whom this responsibility will be given realize how critical their functions are to their overall personal success specifically and the Proprietorship's generally as it cannot be stated any clearer. These individuals will come to realize that professional results are their primary objective, which will in turn be reflected in successful Proprietorship products and their duty is to bring any form of uncooperative conduct to the attention of senior management for follow-up action in order that their actions will be faultless in any follow-on action that is required. In closing, my recommendation is a reminder that all are involved in pricing either directly or indirectly and cooperation is required to achieve success, which is the ultimate objective. However, to those who will be involved in products Pricing specifically, adherence to strict professionalism will be your best course, knowing that following such a path consistently will lead to vindication in circumstances where others choose more questionable paths of conduct. To aid in this regard, if that business feature that can be utilized and was referenced in the previous organizational approach as a path to achieving a desired objective is required, (namely training), it will be utilized routinely to ensure that the importance of tracking ALL costs becomes second nature (or is instilled) to (in) staff. 

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

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