Tuesday, July 28, 2015


After giving consideration to the organizational model that has been proposed as discussed in the post
REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTING ALL PREVIOUS POSITIONS FOR COSVRY & CLCHS BAKERY and subsequently considered in all the various posts, it has now been concluded that this approach cannot be implemented because of limitations and as a result a slimmer organization is now being implemented with only a single subsidiary Proprietorship under the “Holding Base”. Please follow below for details.

The NewHolding BaseModel:
As depicted in the updated Organizational Chart for the slim down Model approach, only the COSVRY DEVELOPMENT subsidiary Proprietorship will now be a part of the organizational focus, and those who have been considered for positions in this new model have been announced in the new Organization below. As shown in the
Organizational Chart, at its head will be the FINANCIAL COMPTROLLER, who will my sister, June Norville reporting to the Proprietor. Also reporting to the Proprietor will be GENERAL OFFICE/HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) CONSULTANT, who will be the same individual, previously considered in the lady whom I refer to as the Mother of Larios. The Special Positions of ONLINE FREELANCE EDITOR as well as PART-TIME TRAINING CONSULTANT will be the Younger of the Former Vicky VonBerhren eldest Twins and Ivanka Trump respectively. The final “Holding Base” direct report of the Proprietor is the BASE COORDINATORS MARKETING/SALES MANAGER, and the individual considered for and to whom this position (that is similar to Regional Manager in the previous organizational model), is Trisha Huque. This adept lady will guide these Base Coordinators in their activities with regards the seeking out of opportunities for submitting bids for construction projects for the “Holding Base” to lay the groundwork that will ultimately help the Teams secure high regard for track records that’s second to none.
The critical position, that's not really a “Holding Base” typical role even though the assigned responsibilities as described, can directly impact the Organization in THE PROPRIETOR'S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OVERSEER, is also shown on the Chart for completeness and was eventually awarded to the Older of the two Daughters of the former Tipper Gore as documented in the post
SPECIAL “HOLDING BASE” STAFF/ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY - SUPPLEMENTED. Furthermore, though not a “Holding Base” position, the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR will continue to be filled also by the Middle of the Daughters of Ivanka Trump.
The direct reports of the Financial Comptroller will be the GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (GM-CD) that will be filled by the Older of the Twins of the Former Vicky VonBehren’s eldest , The second (2nd) of the seven direct reports will be HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) & PAYROLL/BENEFITS COORDINATOR, which will be filled by Denise Maddox. Also reporting to the Financial Comptroller will be the COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER that will now be filled by the former Kate Middleton. The fourth (4th) of these direct reports will be the VP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR, which will be offered to Gabby. The fifth (5th) of the direct reports, will be the IT MANAGER and that position will be offered to the Daughter of Olivia Gibbons. The sixth (6th) direct report, OPERATIONS ANALYST will be offered to Jan Miller and seventh (7th) and final direct report to the Financial Comptroller will be the PRICING & FACILITIES MANAGER, which will be offered to Michelle Obama,
Those in the GM-CD’s group will be a GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR who will be supervising the Skills Trades Carpentry Team that will be offered to the Adopted Daughter of my late Lecturer - Mr. Abelew - Denise. The others in this group will be two (2) DEVELOPMENT COORDINATORS, who will be supervising the Electrical and Tiling Teams. These positions will be offered to Chelsea Clinton and the Younger of the two (2) Daughters of the older sibling of Ivanka Trump respectively. LEAD PROJECT PLANNER will be offered to my former colleague Curt Bock and the two (2) ASSISTANT PLANNERS positions will be offered to the Youngest of the three (3) Daughters of Ivanka Trump and Chris Blood. As depicted in the Chart, there will be up to approximately 60 skilled trades staff positions, comprising teams of 20 each for those willing to become skilled in their choice from the three skills trade areas depicted.
Working with the HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) & PAYROLL/BENEFITS COORDINATOR will be 1 FLEET ASSET MANAGER who is in reality responsible for knowing what type, in addition to the current status of all the vehicles in the Fleet Program and 1 FLEET PROGRAM COORDINATOR who is responsible for ensuring that the Program “pool of funds” are maintained current with payments for every Program vehicle and that the funds effectively managed, by ensuring that the proper attention is drawn to their status, as appropriate. These positions will be offered to Abby Keiper and Abby John respectively.
Assisting the Communications Manager, will be two (2) VP COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS in the 3rd of my late friend Margaret’s Granddaughters as well as the Younger of the Daughters of Carla Charliere.
Working with the VP Program Administrator will be the eldest Daughter of the Advance Personnel Office Manager as GENERAL CONSULTANT, with the Former Tipper Gore’s Younger Daughter and the Advance Personnel Office Manager being offered the positions as MOBILE CONSULTANTS. Tricia Norville, Sheri Weaver, Carla Charliere & her Older Daughter as well as the 3rd of the Daughters of Ivanka Trump will be offered positions as TASK CONSULTANTS, assisting the General Consultant in developing instruction modules for the various age groups as well as in turn assisting guardians with the instruction needed by their dependents.
The Pricing & Facilities Manager will be supported by a PRICING CONSULTANT and the 2nd of Jan Miller’s Daughters will be offered this position.
The IT MANAGER will be assisted by an IT CONSULTANT and this VP position will be offered to the Barbara’s 2nd Daughter’s oldest.
The updated combined Base Coordinators and Part-time Evaluations Marketing districts are depicted on the new Stand Alone Table/Page, “HOLDING BASE” NATIONAL COORDINATORS & P/T EVALUATIONS MARKETING DISTRICTS that has also been slimmed down due to resource limitations involved in training the staff to prepare them for carrying out Evaluations Marketing as announced previously.

Additional Opportunities:

In addition, shake-up details relating to ClChs Bakery can be found on the ClChs Bakery Blog Page under the post, SHAKE-UP EFFECTING ALL OF CLCHS BAKERY
Furthermore, some deserving rising individuals of promise will be offered assistance by including them in the VP work study Program to prepare them for the work force. These include: 1) the 1st Daughter of Franchise Holder, 2) the next to the Youngest sibling in Ivanka Trump’s family, 3) Janice Forde’s Youngest daughter and 4) the oldest daughter of Kim Kardashian.

It is now felt that the level of staff being supported will be sustainable financially as a functional business unit with operations in the locations to be announced on the Pages of these Blogs. It is regrettable that all previously considered could not be accommodated but this would not have been sound business management from a “big” picture perspective. As a result, this slim down organization is the appropriate “model” that will be maintained with those selected and identified “on board”. Those selected for the National Base Coordinators will be trained to be able to carry out part time Evaluations Marketing as the training effort involved in the previously selected number would have been prohibitive to sustain economically, with an effectively trained and professionally capable caliber of individuals being the desired objective. Therefore, please join me in congratulating and welcoming those selected for the positions outlined and at the same time wishing all who could not be accommodated the best. 

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(See the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Sunday, July 26, 2015


This updated post to the original SPECIAL “HOLDING BASE” STAFF/ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY introduces another of the “Holding Base” roles that are not typical staff positions at this location, about, which other such positions were previously announced in the post UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY & CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED as well as is depicted in the Organizational Chart. This post introduces another of these positions as well as the individual selected and to whom the position will be offered well as the resulting changes to other announced roles. Please follow below for the details.

Online Freelance Editor:
This is a position that requires the “selectee” to research, develop and submit articles to be published either on one of the “Holding Base” Blogs as appropriate. Once the material selected is approved it will be published (posted) via the appropriate online avenue. It is envisioned that the individual selected will make the material very relevant, news or personal interest worthy to “compel” readers to “follow” (or develop a desire for the informative material being presented). The individual considered and to whom this position will be offered is the elder daughter of Franchise Holder and 1st granddaughter of my longtime acquaintance Celia Holder and in this young lady, I’m very positive that the desired objectives as stated will be realized. Additional Responsibility: In addition to the role of Freelance Editor, this young lady will also be providing assistance to the Personal Finance Manager to the Proprietor as documented in the post

Part Time Training Consultant:
In order to ensure that the Evaluations Marketing Consultants remain at the top of their “game” in their ability to discuss the subject matter convincingly to prospective clientele as described in the details associated with the Page
TABLE OF ASSIGNED EVALUATIONS MARKETING DISTRICTS, on-going training will be provided to assist all as a reminder of how important these professionals are to the “Holding Base”. As a result, Ivanka Trump has been selected for and will be offered this critical role of PART TIME TRAINING CONSULTANT that can make and will make the difference between success In the Marketing Consultants being able to show their “depth” (in the subject) in their discussions about the importance of Root Cause/Evaluations as oppose to discouragement and missed opportunities. This very focused professional will assist in helping the Consultants to keep their attention fixed in order to be able to in turn/convince wavering potential customers about the benefits of Evaluations, professionally, by relying ONLY on: 1) knowledge of the subject matter, 2) the marketing materials that will be provided and 3) the back-up availability of the Proprietor and/or the Financial Overseer to provide the needed assistance in those rare instances when a little added support will help make the case to possible clientele. In this role finally I’m convinced that, Ivanka’s skills will be best utilized to assist the “Holding Base” achieve its desired business goals/objectives as documented in the post SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT DELIVERY - THE KEY TO THE “HOLDING BASE” BUSINESS MODEL APPROACH. Even though this post is focused mainly on the Cosvry Investments (CD) Division, it’s applicability applies to all areas of operation.

Resulting Changes:
As an outcome of this reassignment, the Former Tipper Gore’s older daughter will now become the
PROPRIETOR'S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OVERSEER instead to point out the importance of being consistent even though “away from the cameras”. This young lady who prefers privacy (or not being in the “limelight”) will bring a unique sense of focus to this critical position that requires the individual filling the it to be “eyes” and “ears” (or to be able to act) for the Proprietor but with quiet but yet determined diplomacy and on whom one can rely, fully knowing that the task at hand will be completed as was intended. She will bring her Mother’s quiet “tenacity” to carry on in spite of overwhelming “odds” to this position just as it was designed for as documented in the post of the above referenced title THE PROPRIETOR'S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OVERSEER, and in her selection, I’m very confident that the appropriately prepared professional will take the “reigns” with all the seriousness intended. 
For the position being vacated by the former Tipper Gore’s older sibling in the partnership with Jeanie Keiper in the MI Independent Proprietorship, Ivanka Trump’s Mother will now fill. This lady who knows how to persevere under tough circumstances even when discouragement appears to be what is to be expected, will bring the type of attitude needed to ensure success in this very challenging but yet important region in, which to carry out business, for this “flagship” “Holding Base” product.
Pat in her Independent Proprietorship Facility, for the recommended role indicated for Ivanka’s Mother, now has no shortage of interested candidates for that position and I’m leaving it up to her to choose appropriately to achieve all the objectives intended for that important venture to produce the intended success.   
Ivanka in addition, will now be awarded the Greensboro Independent Proprietorship along with the Part Time Consulting position already discussed, which will I’m confident all be managed effectively and successfully and any changes in the Evaluations Districts will be appropriately documented in the

All these roles, include the potential for growth because for example in the Freelance Editor’s other role as Personal Financial Consultant she may on occasion be required to act independently to demonstrate her skill. In addition, as the ONLINE FREELANCE EDITOR, she may also on occasion be required to update the online Blogs and become savvy with regard Site maintenance and as she develop these skills accordingly she will become more experienced both as a financial consultant and as a site developer/Blogger, etc., and in this regard I’m confident she will become even more confident in her acquired skills. Likewise, the PART-TIME TRAINING CONSULTANT may be called upon to assist other areas of the “Holding Base” Proprietorship’s staff broaden their skills with on-going training, if its determined this feature will be beneficial generally as previously introduced when the previous organizational model was being considered.

Therefore, please join me in congratulating and wishing all these outstanding professionals with much potential the best, as they seek to build on their existing strengths and continue to work towards achieving all their goals with the support of those “closest” to them in spite of any hindrances they may encounter along the way, because these are on occasion encountered and how they are managed determines the types of individuals we will eventually become, such as determined, successful, ethical etc.
PLEASE NOTENO DECISIONS REGARDING THE STATUS OF A TOP LEVEL SITE IS IMPLIED BY ANYTHING INCLUDED IN THIS POST.                                                                                                                                                                      

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Thursday, July 23, 2015


In this update of the previous post 
ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT CHANGES AND/OR ANNOUNCEMENT TO REFLECT “HOLDING BASE” INTERESTS - SUPPLEMENTED/UPDATED details with the focus of the information contained in the post THE EXTREME IMPORTANCE OF COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (CD) DIVISION TO THE "HOLDING BASE" BOTTOM LINE being taken into consideration as reflection on what was included again came into full circle and caused me to focus my attention that what was conveyed was not to be taken idly even by me, and the inconsistency made by me that has been of some concern is now being corrected with regards the appointment of the new Regional Manager - Cosvry Development with regards the Financial Affairs Overseer and how best to utilize the professional abilities of these very skilled candidates for the selected positions. As a result, my previous decision in that regard is now being altered to finally address any perceived imbalance. Other applicable management changes are again being made in this organization to ensure that the objectives indicated in that post are realized. Please follow below for details.

Cosvry Development Changes:There will be further changes in assignments affecting this critical Division, to better align staff and their skills with the positions that are ideally suited to them to realize the goal and objectives envisioned for this section. For the position of REGIONAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (RM-CD) will now be awarded to older daughter of Ivanka Trump, instead and she will focus her attention on the critical role of the regional Coordinators (as pointed out In the above referenced post) to underscore their importance in the securing of work opportunities for, which can be translated into successful bids to ensure continued work assignments for the teams. With her very noted professional skills, she will be able to guide these teams into success after success and I'm confident that in her these Coordinators will be able to assist the General Manager in moving from one assignment after another skillfully.  
For the position of GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (GM-CD), the Proprietor of Paulson's Garage will again be called upon to fill this critical position. The responsibilities that she will be called upon to demonstrate, she will be at "home" with as the of individual who adapt (from hard hat) to fill the role required of her and in this very talented lady, her direct reports and teams will come to know is able to show them first-hand how to carry out exactly what is required of them but in this instance ably supported by her Planners and Development Coordinators and Pricing staff to enable the Regional Manager to whom she reports to focus all her attention on her primary task.

Required Changes:

With Ivanka's reassignment to this position, Michelle Obama and the younger daughter of Kandijah Ameen will become partners in the Greensboro SC Independent Proprietorship and will evenly split the 60% profits annually.
The Louisiana Independent Proprietorship will now be awarded to the oldest Daughter of the former Vicky VonBehren's 1st and in it I'm sure she will be just as successful as in the other assigned area, only here, she will have the advantage of working in a broader area with a state-wide emphasis.
My cousin Abby John will again be assigned the role of HUMAN RESOURCES(HR) & PAYROLL/BENEFITS COORDINATOR to, which she was previously assigned and I'm sure that she will assist the "Holding Base" achieve its intended objectives (for her sphere of responsibility), with her determined approach. 

The role of THE PROPRIETOR'S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OVERSEER as documented in the post THE PROPRIETOR'S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OVERSEER ANNOUNCEMENT - UPDATED, will now be filled by Ivanka Trump with and in her appointment, I'm confident she will do her very best in carrying out the overall responsibility with the type of seriousness required for the assigned areas, which the position covers, with my complete support. The applicable changes in the Evaluations Marketing District assignments are reflected on the TABLE OF ASSISGNED EVALUATIONS MARKETING DISTRICTS.

These changes for these carefully chosen individuals will better assist the
Proprietorship in achieving all its critical business objectives as they each bring unique qualities to the very important positions that affect many individuals.  Therefore please join me in welcoming and congratulating these very intuitive professionals as they work to achieve the proprietorship’s critical objectives of introducing, marketing selling and delivering uniquely crafted construction projects as well as managing all the HR, Payroll and Benefits issues and Independent Proprietorship area, and others as discussed, successfully,


James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


This is an update to the post
ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT CHANGES AND/OR ANNOUNCEMENT TO REFLECT “HOLDING BASE” INTERESTS – SUPPLEMENTED to focus on additional changes being considered for the positions of: COMMUNICATIONS and PRICING MANAGERS, the partnership in the Orlando, FL based Independent Proprietorship, PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR, PERSONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT, the 4th Supplier in the ClChs Bakery west coast unit and the Atlantic Coastal MARKETING CONSULTANTS.

Please follow below for details.

Additional Changes:

There will be changes in assignments affecting the above positions mentioned in the Introduction, to better align staff and their skills with the positions that are ideally suited to them for the positions of GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (GM-CD) and the HR & PAYROLL/BENEFITS COORDINATOR. This change will result in location changes for each of these individuals from what was previously indicated for both. The applicable individuals will bring critical skills to these positions as my cousin Abby John will bring her very professionally demanding but unique style to the role of GM-CD, which requires such an individual who can wear a “hard hat” and be on the work site one minute and then remove it the next instant and still be at ease with administrative duties involving issues of critical importance with other executive types and in this position working with the GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR as well as the DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, the PLANNERS and the SKILLS TRADE TEAMS. Abby will be assisted by Barbara’s niece Holly in the position of GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, Chelsea Clinton in the position of DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR and Curt Bock as LEAD PLANNER and his group as well as Kathryn Huque as PRICING MANAGER and the GM-CD will report to the Regional Manager - Cosvry Development.
As a result of this change, the Proprietor of Paulson’s Garage will be moving into the critical “Holding Base“ position of HUMAN RESOURCES(HR) & PAYROLL/BENEFITS COORDINATOR being vacated by Abby. This equally adept and tactful lady will be as at home handling the various HR issues for all the Proprietorship’s staff as she was handling such for her own business even though this will be under more demanding circumstances, involving many more individuals. Her typical responsibilities are discussed in the post
UPDATED REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. She will be working in the group headed by the recently announced Financial Comptroller as documented in the post referenced in the Introduction.

Required Changes:
With Kathryn’s reassignment to this pricing position, the former role for, which she was announced in the post
CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENTS TO BETTER REFLECT “HOLDING BASE” INTERESTS - UPDATED, COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER will now be filled by the Elder sibling of Ivanka Trump instead. This talented lady with much technical ability as is her daughters will ably fill this void of ensuring that a very reliable communications network is established between the various “Holding Base” centers of operation as well as, including the nationally based consultants/coordinators outposts.

Her place in the Orlando, FL Independent Proprietorship will now be filled by the “spouse” of my former colleague, Curt Bock instead, who will be the 2nd partner In this Proprietorship, as documented in the post AMENDED SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED/ALTERED W/INSERTS.
The role for, which she was recently announced as the 4th supplier in the ClChs Bakery west coast unit will once again be filled by Kim Kardsshian in partnership with her sister Chloe to keep that operation mainly in the “hands” of that business-minded family for better organizational effectiveness with their Mother, the former Chris Kardashian being the 3rd supplier again.
To fill the void created for the role of the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR, will now go instead to the older of the former Vicky VonBehren’s eldest Twin daughters. To assist her in the position of PERSONAL FINANCE CONSULTANT will be her sister and the younger of the Twins of the former Vicky VonBehren’s eldest with responsibilities as documented in part as documented in the posts AMENDMENT TO THE PROPRIETOR’S PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITIES and SPECIAL “HOLDING BASE” STAFF/ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY respectively, These very organized and take charge type young ladies, at my direction will ensure that fiscal responsibility  is exercised by all and in the case of the younger sibling will submit very current material for the position of FREELANCE EDITOR.
Their previous positions as MARKETING CONSULTANT(S) for the Atlantic Coast district based in VA will now be filled by Janice Fode’s eldest their cousin and will be reflected in the post NATIONAL “HOLDING BASE” STAFF ROSTER ROLLOUT - UPDATED. This thoughtful and responsible young lady will assume the Marketing Consultant's position with all the seriousness that is being entrusted in her and will do her best to ensure that her district goals for the "flagship" product are achieved as would any "seasoned" professional.

These changes for these carefully chosen individuals will better assist the Proprietorship in achieving all its critical business objectives as they each bring unique qualities to the very important positions that affect many individuals. Furthermore, any associated change In
TABLE OF EVALUATIONS MARKETING DISTRICTS assignments will be reflected accordingly. Therefore please join me in welcoming and congratulating these very intuitive professionals as they work to achieve the proprietorship’s critical objectives of introducing, marketing selling and delivering uniquely crafted construction projects as well as managing all the HR, Payroll and Benefits issues and Independent Proprietorship area, and all others discussed, successfully,


James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address) 

Monday, July 20, 2015


This is a supplement to the post ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT CHANGES AND/OR ANNOUNCEMENT TO REFLECT “HOLDING BASE” INTERESTS to focus on an additional change being considered for the position of GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT(GM-CD), which will affect the following assignment Human Resources(HR) & Payroll/Benefits Coordinator. Please follow below for details.

Additional Changes:
There will be a change in assignments affecting the above positions mentioned in the Introduction, to better align staff and their skills with the positions that are ideally suited to them and that is why the change is being made between the individuals previously announced for the positions of GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (GM-CD) and the HR & PAYROLL/BENEFITS COORDINAOR. With these changes, which will result in location changes for each of these individuals from what was previously indicated. Both individuals will bring critical skills to these positions as my cousin Abby John will bring her very professionally demanding but unique style to the role of GM-CD, which requires such an individual who can wear a “hard hat” and be on the work site one minute and then remove it the next instant and still be at ease with administrative duties involving issues of critical importance with other executive types and in this position working with the GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR as well as the DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, the PLANNERS and the SKILLS TRADE TEAMS. Abby will be assisted by Barbara’s niece Holly in the position of GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, Chelsea Clinton in the position of DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR and my former colleague Curt Bock as LEAD PLANNER and his group and reports to the Regional Manager - Cosvry Development (RM-CD).
As a result of this change, the Proprietor of Paulson’s Garage will be moving into the critical “Holding Base“ position of HUMAN RESOURCES(HR) & PAYROLL/BENEFITS COORDINATOR being vacated by Abby. This equally adept and tactful lady will be as at home handling the various HR issues for all the Proprietorship’s staff as she is handling such for her own business even though this will be under more demanding circumstances, involving quite a few more individuals. Her typical responsibilities are in part discussed in the post UPDATED REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. She will be working in the group headed by the recently announced Financial Comptroller as documented in the post referenced in the Introduction.

These changes in these carefully chosen individuals will better assist the Proprietorship in achieving all its critical business objectives as they each bring unique qualities to the very important positions that affect many more individuals. Therefore please join me in welcoming and congratulating these very intuitive professionals as they work to achieve the proprietorship’s critical objectives of introducing, marketing selling and delivering uniquely crafted construction projects as well as managing all the HR, Payroll and Benefits issues, successfully,

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Sunday, July 19, 2015


This follow-up to the post
Please follow below for details.

General Changes:
The lady previously assigned to the role of one of two FLEET CONSULTANTS, Abby Keiper is being reassigned to partner with the Daughter of the late Elizabeth Edwards in her Bristol, RI Proprietorship instead of the previously announced individual, who is being reassigned for another position, (described later). She will bring her enthusiastic attitude and “down-to-earth” style to this business to ensure its success working with the late Elizabeth’s Daughter.
To fill the void in the position she held, the Eldest Daughter of my late former friend Margaret as indicated in the referenced post whose mother will be based in the Hawaii Distributorship as documented in he post
SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED, will become the other FLEET CONSULTANT to assist the HR & Payroll/Benefits Coordinator in this critically important role with her former announced position being filled as described below.
To fill the void created in the position of OFFICE ASSISTANT will be the older Daughter of the late Lyn Swanston, who will bring her eager attitude to assist the Regional Manager - Cosvry Investments (RM - CI) remain focused on only those activities that are of importance to her and by so doing will be becoming a mature young lady and setting the appropriate type of example for her own family and who will be learning in the process how to focus only on what’s in her own sphere of concern as she helps “guard” the RM - CI appointments in this manner.
The “spouse” of my former colleague, Curt Bock is being reassigned, and will become the replacement Independent Contractor who will be supplying products to the west coast ClChs Bakery mobile fleet of ten (10) vehicles and will become the 4th supplier as Chloe and the former Chris Kardashian will be the 3rd supplier in partnership instead and I’m fully confident that she will bring her highly regarded culinary skills and thorough attitude for pursuing all details to her Proprietorship, (which she as well as the others as documented in the post
AMENDMENT REGARDING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE EFFECTING ALL OF CLCHS BAKERY - UPDATED will be assisted with the establishing of) and in it, will do her very best to assist in achieving the overall success of this personal business investment.

To fill the role of the PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR with the void being created by the reassignment of the previous candidate, described above, who will be essentially switching roles with the individual considered for and to whom this position will be offered, in Kim Kardashian. This well qualified young lady who was also previously announced in another personal business activity of the Proprietor, knows very well how to be thorough in all her business undertakings and possesses very well documented skills of this type, will ensure that the personal business finances of the Proprietor will be adequately and carefully managed as documented in the appropriately referenced post above. It is these business skills that best qualifies this very success driven lady for this critical role of managing all the personal finances of the Proprietor and in Kim I'm confident her best will be put forward to ensure that in this area of personal finances, the type of control needed will be demonstrated.   
For the position of FINANCIAL COMPTROLLER, I can think of no better candidate that my sister, June Norville, who being herself a banker for 20 plus years before taking early retirement do to an unfortunate vehicular “accident”. That accident though did not in anyway impede her financial capabilities as she is being called upon to assist the “Holding Base” by focusing on all the shorter term financial management issues to ensure that the Proprietorship’s finances are well maintained and all areas adequately funded that can only result in the smooth operation of the business activities as referenced in the post THE PROPRIETOR’S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OVERSEER ANNOUNCEMENT - UPDATED. Those areas for, which she will be required to focus on include but are not limited to, for example: payroll, the leasing benefits pool funds, the staff incentive awards benefits as well as all benefits generally and managing the annual staff range funds for those positions entitled to such for the smooth operating of the Proprietorship’s business activities in the absence of the Proprietor, such as the $50,000.00 limit for the Divisions Manager, the $25,000.00 limit for Regional Managers and the $15,000.00 limit for General Managers based in international type locations such as the Facilities General Manager and the General Manager Hawaii Operations. In this role she will bring the type of financial management she is best known for as it is her who carefully managed all my finances throughout my studies years to ensure that success was obtained eventually without whose assistance it would not have been possible (as some who were aware of her behind the scenes action, such as the late lecturer, Mr. Abelew's adopted daughter, knows first hand). Therefore, much is being expected of her and in June, I'm confident that she will rise to the occasion.
To fill the void in her greater Orlando area Independent Proprietorship’s (partnership), June will hire the assistance of a manager to ensure that her reassignment doesn’t impact any portion of that operation. That manager will be none other than her daughter Tricia Norville, who is well able to fill in for her Mother and provide the type of assistance required to ensure success in that critical district.
Tricia’s other assignment as part time PROGRAM MANAGER/SALES CONSULTANT for the Cosvry Investments (CI) will now be filled by Sheri Weaver, who will move into the almost equivalent position being vacated by Tricia Norville working to develop instruction modules for those dependents of staff requiring instruction.
The position being vacated by Sheri, the 1st Daughter of the Advance Personnel Manager will now fill, namely GENERAL CONSULTANT in the Cosvry Development (CD) section. She along with Sheri will develop the instruction modules needed by the various staff dependents according to their age groups to ensure that all in need of instruction, receive it, to ultimately prepare them for the ACT requirements as documented in the post 
ADDRESSING THE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF COSVRY’S STAFF DEPENDENTS, though modified due to the changes in the business operating model, from that considered at the time of the publishing of that referenced post.
The 1st daughter of Franchise Holder, previously announce for the special “Holding Base” position as documented in the post SPECIAL “HOLDING BASE” STAFF/ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY is being reassigned. She will be essentially switching roles will the 1st daughter of Janice Forde in the Fairfax, VA Proprietorship, where she will become the 2ndpartner” in that Proprietorship, with the following profit sharing arrangement; Laura Bush will receive 20%, the 1st Daughter of Franchise Holder will receive 35%, Jessie Mart will receive 25% and the Proprietor 20% for the awareness of the PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR and the PERSONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT. This young lady will be a very valuable asset to this Proprietorship and in it, I’m confident that she will assist in achieving the type of successes desired as a business objective.
Janice Forde’s 1st Daughter will now assume the positions described in the post
SPECIAL “HOLDING BASE” STAFF/ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY, namely FREELANCE EDITOR and PERSONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT. She will assist the Personal Finance Manager to the Proprietor as documented in the referenced post and submit note worthy articles to assist the Proprietor in the maintenance of the “Holding Base” Blog presence and in these roles she will bring her vibrant personality to to assist with the type of human interest and other noteworthy content that will appeal to the Blog’s “followers”.   

Any associated changes to the Evaluation Marketing districts will now be reflected in the stand-alone Page
TABLE OF ASSIGNED EVALUATIONS MARKETING DISTRICTS. With these changes and announcement, a better and smoother running organization will result, based on the efforts of all the staff working together as a finely tuned investment “vehicle” aimed at delivering/producing outstanding investment products and services, therefore, please join me in congratulating/welcoming all these individuals to these very responsible positions in, which they will do their best to achieve the “Holding Base” as well as their own goals for achieving success as the professionals they are truly deserving of representing being called some of the Proprietorship’s finest.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Friday, July 17, 2015


With regards the previously announced positions and regarding my interest in making sure that key personnel are duly placed in appropriate roles, additional appointments are being made to better address the long-term professional development of the Proprietorship’s staff in order to prepare them for even greater future responsibility, such as those critical personnel that keep the technical focus of the offices in, which they serve better organized. This post announces two such individuals to a critically important Division within the “Holding Base” organizational model in addition to others in equally very important positions of a different type in this same office. Please follow below for details. 

To better ensure that the organization that will be manufacturing, producing, marketing and selling the “Holding Base” Proprietorship’s “flagship” product consistently with appropriate staff to ensure that the innovative designs of the Proprietorship are maintained current with appropriate assistance from the Design Legal Analyst and her Group, such that even with anticipated competition, these key personnel will assist with the implementation of these goals. With these individuals on-board, the Division will be much better able to carry out their assigned responsibilities without any hindrances. The individuals considered for and to whom these two positions will be offered to better enable the Regional Manager - Cosvry Investments (RM - CI) to carry out the critical mission that that Department is charged with, namely as emphasized above, the position of TECHNICAL PRODUCT CONSULTANT will be offered to the Oldest Daughter of Ivanka Trump’s Older Sister. In this very responsible young lady, the Division’s design requirements, with regards this product, will be in very capable “hands” to better enable Denise Maddox and her Team to complete their critical mission.
Furthermore, to assist the Product Consultant in her mission. the person considered for and to whom role of TECHNICAL PRODUCT DESIGNER will be offered is Ivanka Trump Older Sister’s 2nd Daughter. This very organized and technically savvy young lady will provide the technical assistance to ensure that the product’s focus is kept on being very “creative” to maintain its unique appeal before the demanding customers. With these two key additions to the staff, I’m confident that the Division’s “flagship” products will be able to keep their focus current even with anticipated competition to enable the Division to remain its goals with regards the
Proprietorship’s “flagship” product aggressively from this groundfloor opportunity.

Other Position Announcements:

In addition, to maintain this office functioning effectively and to ensure that the Proprietorship’s objectives previously indicated and highlighted are met, another professional has been considered for and selected to be offered the position of OFFICE ASSISTANT, for the purpose of maintaining the staffs’ business requirements adequately addressed and that individual is none other than the Second of the Two (2) Daughters of Ivanka Trump. She will ensure that this office is kept well organized for this Division to always be cognizant of its mission and by so doing, achieve success. Furthermore, to personally assist the Regional Manager in ensuring that her focus is kept of the longer term issues, the 1st Granddaughter of my late former friend Margaret is being called upon to maintain ("guard") her schedule of appointments such that she can focus on the objectives of importance to her in order that her direct reports can in turn attend to the more immediate day-to-day issues in need of addressing in the position of PERSONAL ASSISTANT to the Regional Manager - Cosvry Investments. With these carefully chosen skilled professionals in the very important roles selected for them, I’m confident that the Division's desired goals will be a step closer to being attained.

Additions such as these are required to ensure that the important roles with critical significance will not overlooked in the “Holding Base”. These appointments will in my opinion, better assist the Proprietorship in meeting it’s critical objectives because of the type of processionals they are even when competition is in the marketplace. These professionals will better enable the Proprietorship to achieve its design and office goals as well as intended function successfully; therefore please join me both in congratulating and welcoming
all of these skilled ladies to their respective positions as the “Holding Base” Proprietorship prepares for operation, efficiently and effectively.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)


This addition to the previous post 
AMENDED SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED introduces a further expansion of the Proprietorships to compensate for the various EVALUATIONS MARKETING CONSULTANTS that will ALL be carrying out their activities part time, because anything else would cause the professionalism being fostered to be open to question and this is not a path for these highly regarded individuals. Furthermore, any updates to the individual assignments indicated in other posts since the publishing of this post on 7/11/2015 are not reflected in this alteration with inserts except that a highlighted (U) in parentheses at the end of the applicable numbered listing is an indication of more current applicable details, unless the information is being updated (by this post), then the most current information is included. In addition ONLY new details are highlighted.

Since it was previously stated on the pages of this Blog that a few select individuals would be assisted as an outcome of the reorganization that took place and resulted in a complete change in the proposed Proprietorship’s structure that had been proposed; this announcement updates details previously described in the post INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES as well as in the post HOW BUSINESS COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTOR IS INTENDED TO FUNCTION and expands on the details discussed earlier, please follow below.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities Background Details:
At least twelve (12) INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES proprietorships being assigned to various either singly or in partnerships will be assisted with the establishing of distinct businesses, which eleven (11) will be based in various States in the contiguous USA to ensure that no overlap occurs and one (1) will be based in the Hawaiian islands, focusing on the sale of the Proprietorship “flagship” product on a wholesale basis.

These Independent Outlets will be awarded as follows: 1) in the southeast Florida including Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, is where Condoleezza Rice will be based (U); 2) the Texas greater San Antonio area has been awarded to the adopted daughter of my late lecturer, Mr. Abelew, - Denise in partnership with her older daughter with an agreed profit sharing to be worked out between them (bearing in mind that Denise will be the one to ensure that the business is managed successfully ultimately); 3) the Louisiana area has been awarded to Abigail Keiper to be managed and operated by her in partnership with her older daughter with whom she will determine an appropriate profit sharing arrangement to, which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 5.5% and will receive 34.5% instead (U); 4) Connecticut has now been awarded to my former “Stonegate” neighbor Barbara in partnership with the former Bobbie Ellis and their establishment will be based in northern Fairfield County and their annual profit split will be 30% each to. which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 4% to be divided equally and will receive 36% instead; 5) Elin Nordegrin has been awarded the state of New Mexico to be operated by her in partnership with a hired Manager and other assistance as needed with a recommended profit sharing arrangement as described in the post AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEEDED FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED & ALTERED W/INSERTS; 6) the greater Greensboro, SC area has been awarded to the 1st daughter of the former Vicky VonBehren’s eldest daughter, with a profit sharing as documented in the above referenced post SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMENDED EXPANSION OF ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES & NEEDED/OTHER FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED when it was previously assigned to Kathryn; 7) the Hawaiian Islands has been awarded to eldest "daughter" of the spouse of my former colleague, Curt Bock, who will be based on the Big Island of Hawaii and will seek to ensure that she is ably assisted to effect a successful outcome in this critical district; 8) the Michigan district has been awarded to my former colleague Jeanie keiper, where she will now partner with the former Tipper Gore’s 1st daughter and they will be based in this location; 9) the Staten Island district has been awarded to the former Tipper Gore in partnership with Jan Miller, Janice Forde and Aubrie Huque’s sister, where their business will be based to successfully manage this effective area exclusively and will split their annual 60% profit sharing equally to, which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 20% and will receive 20% instead, These partners will obtain Consulting services from Kim Harbin a native New Yorker, about the best paths to proceed with in the establishing of their Proprietorship in this very tough marketplace to ensure success is achieved (U), 10) the greater Bristol and Providence, Rhode Island districts have been awarded to the daughter of the late Elizabeth Edwards in partnership with the late Lyn Swanston’s older daughter (who will eventually be based in neighboring MA with some of her remaining family when not in this business) and 11) the County of Fairfax, VA that has been awarded to Laura Bush in partnership with Janice Forde’s 1st daughter and Jessie Mart with a recommended profit sharing arrangement described in the post AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEEDED FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED & ALTERED W/INSERTS and 12) the greater Orlando, FL area will be awarded to my sister June Norville in partnership with Ivanka Trump’s Older Sister and Celia Holder. Both my sister and Celia Holder will both be eventually be based in this area and their profit can be evenly split between these three. They will also share the state of Georgia as their EVALUATIONS MARKETING district, which can be divided in three districts such as 1) the area north of Interstate 20, 2) the area east of interstate 75 and 3) the area west of interstate 75. These would be a roughly equivalent method for allocating the area into working districts because even though district 1 contains most of Atlanta it’s the smallest geographical area. District 2 is the largest geographical region and contains the two (2) business centers of Savannah and Augusta and in the south Camden County benefits from it close proximity to Florida being on its (Florida's) northern border and benefits from the Jacksonville, FL business center on Florida’s north eastern tip. On the west the 3rd district contains the Columbus business center and it also includes south western Atlanta. However, to avoid confusion, district 1 could be allocated all Atlanta, but surrender the western most area to the west of Interstate 75 to district 3 in order that this district (3) would extend all the way to the northern tip of the State on its border with Tennessee instead. These suggestions are for considerations only but could be useful basis from, which to start considering how to allocate the areas.
Required Changes:
With the reassignment of Tipper Gore’s 1st daughter to partner with Jeanie Keiper in her Proprietorship, the MOBILE CONSULTANT’s position for, which she was announced has to be filled and the individual considered and to whom this position will be offered is the Advance Personnel Office Manager. This lady who bas been involved with personnel placement issues, will be called upon to join the former Tipper Gore’s 2nd daughter and fill this void and will be well suited to assist the Cosvry Investments (CI) staff with the educational instruction needed by their very young dependents. These essential, Mobile Instruction Assistants in cooperation with the staff will ensure that those dependents are prepared for their ACT test criteria as documented in the post ADDRESSING THE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF COSVRY’S STAFF DEPENDENTS, though modified due to the changes in the business operating model, from that considered at the time of the publishing of that referenced post and by so doing achieve a critical “Holding Base” business objective. Finally, to replace Celia Holder, in her Independent Proprietorship Facility, Pat can offer this management opportunity to Ivanka Trump’s Mother who will be well able to assist to provide the assistance needed and a suitable profit sharing arrangement can be worked out with her and the EVALUATIONS MARKETING district can be shared with her as previously indicated.    

With these arrangements in place those who have been assigned Evaluation Marketing districts will now be able to follow-through on those activities when not involved in these business ventures on a part time basis as documented in either the post
REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT/EXPANSION UPDATE AND EVALUATION CONSULTANTS ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED & AMENDED or NATIONAL “HOLDING NASE” STAFF ROSTER ROLLOUT - UPDATED as appropriate. In closing, it's my hope that all these ventures will reap the successes that have been envisioned for them and will come to be recognized by all as note worthy respected professionals. with various arrangements made to contribute to their success for the awareness of the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR as well as the PERSONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT as documented in the post CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENTS TO BETTER REFLECT "HOLDING BASE" INTERESTS - UPDATED. Therefore, please join me in congratulating and welcoming all to their respective assignments as they all work towards achieving the “Holding Base” as well as their own personal goals.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

Thursday, July 16, 2015


This updated announcement to the previous post
THE PROPRIETOR’S FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OVERSEER ANNOUNCEMENT focuses on the role being created for an individual to be a “watchdog” of sorts of the Proprietor’s financial affairs with authority to make various decisions that will better enable the focusing on “big picture” issues for the long-term financial health of the “Holding Base” Proprietorship business model, by the Proprietor. This position is for an individual who will be on the “outside” performing a type of independent oversight of the Proprietorship’s as well as the personal financial affairs of the Proprietor with regards all financial activity. Please follow below for the details.

This position is a type of “Chief Financial Officer” (CFO) role for, which the unique talents of a very skilled and highly effective but yet “diplomatic” negotiator has been envisioned and that lady is none other than an individual whose maternal example will serve her well as she is one who can be tough but yet considerate on occasion as needed to for the cause at hand but doesn’t allow the “softer” side to become evident in order not to leave herself vulnerable to those who thrive on taking advantage of others. This Young Lady like her Mother is very passionate about the causes she devotes herself to and it is indeed these qualities that will serve her best in this position that is now being offered her instead of the previously announced candidate in order to avoid any family disruptions. This position brings with it much grave responsibility and I have no doubt that it will be exercised wisely having learned these lessons from the Mother she “prides” herself after and respects the most. Therefore, even though my alternate candidate; the individual that I had little difficulty in immediately turning to in order to decide whether or not to place this responsibility on her shoulders, is none other than the oldest daughter of Ivanka Trump.

Her responsibilities will include but is not limited to the following: 1) having the authority to represent the Proprietor in personal financial matters such as determining the amount of profit to be realized with regards the annual 60/40% rate such as to reduce it if deemed necessary in new applications; 2) the Overseer will facilitate the annual meetings between the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR as well as the PERSONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT and the Independent Proprietors aimed at determining the amount of profit realized; 3) the Overseer will have the authority to conduct the type of audits indicated if needed, as documented in the post SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT DELIVERY - THE KEY TO THE ADOPTION OF THE “HOLDING BASE” BUSINESS MODEL at the direction of the Proprietor; 4) the Overseer can carry out assessments as directed by the Proprietor, within the “Holding Base” organization to determine if greater efficiencies can be realized in carrying out business operations; 5) when required, the Overseer will help facilitate the arrangements being made with the various vehicle manufacturers selected from, which to obtain the best price for the staff Lease Vehicles Benefit Program; 6) the Overseer can determine if it’s financially feasible to establish new additional Independent Proprietorships and recommend where in her opinion, they are to be established, to the Proprietor; 7) when needed the Overseer will ensure that the Proprietor’s focus remain on “big picture” issues with the potential to impact financial issues by making recommendations to ensure that this focus is maintained for the effective management of the “Holding Base” Proprietorship model; 8) as appropriate, the Overseer can make recommendations to the Proprietor about senior staff needs that will realize a more financially effective business operating “model”; 9) the Overseer will be the Proprietor’s “eyes” and “ears” with regards the smooth running of all financial affairs both with regards the “Holding Base” as well as in personal finance matters; 10) as appropriate, the Overseer can make recommendation to the Independent Proprietors about the auditing of their operations if deemed beneficial in the best interest of the financial investment to help ensure their continued sound operation; 11) the Overseer can make recommendations to the Proprietor about the continued operation of the Independent Proprietorships if it’s determined that the investment is at “risk” of becoming an unsound investment and either if a) an attempt to “rescue” the enterprise with a new Operator should be considered or b) complete closure would be the best option, 12) the Overseer can make recommendations to the Proprietor about individuals who should be considered for senior staff needs if it’s deemed appropriate for the financial “health” of the “Holding Base” operating model, 13) if anything or any individual within the “Holding Base” creates the type of atmosphere that has the potential to redirect either the focus of the Financial Controller or the Proprietor away from their primary focus, (the best path in, which to direct the finances of the Proprietorship in the near term and “big picture” financial focus, as appropriate); then action can and should be taken by the Overseer to ensure that the needed focus is redirected), up to and including recommending staff reassignments where required to the Proprietor and 14) the Overseer can be called upon to assist the Proprietor with the conducting of Efficiency Evaluations if deemed necessary to ensure the conducting of a more effective evaluation, in instances where none of the Marketing Consultants have an active interest in the activity. The Overseer may also be called upon when any associated Consultant desires to be excused from assisting for one reason or another. In such instances, the Overseer will receive either 0.5% or 1.5% of the Proprietorship’s income, depending on the level of involvement required, but no greater than 1.5%.

Required Changes:
As a result of this reassignment for this full time position, the Louisiana Independent Proprietorship will now be assigned to Ivanka Trump in partnership with other members of her family in its entirety with an appropriate profit sharing agreement with the Proprietor now contributing 9% to this total to assist them with achieving success in their venture. Ivanka will also be entitled to the part time EVALUATIONS MARKETING district that is now associated with this Proprietorship, namely North Carolina as her own area, which she can also share with the remaining members of her family. The previously announced candidate Abby Keiper, will along with her Older Daughter will become the two (2) FLEET CONSULTANTS, working closely with the HR & Payroll/Benefits Coordinator, Abby John to implement and manage this very important benefit program successfully. They will still share the SC EVALUATIONS MARKETING area excluding the greater Greensboro district. The associated changes are included in the post

It is my hope that in this specially “crafted” position, the Overseer will become the vital link required to assist the “Holding Base” and the Proprietor in ensuring that it’s and his finances are maintained on a sound financial operating “footing” by keeping consistent oversight of all financial affairs that will enable the Proprietor/Proprietorship to maintain “healthy” personal/business finances and as a result, this will enable the Financial Controller to be more focused on the effective handling of near term financial issues in order that the Proprietor will be in a better position to maintain a consistent focus on the “big picture” issues in need of attention within the chosen “Holding Base” operating model and in this manner, its financial status will be bolstered. Therefore, please join me in welcoming and congratulating Ivanka’s oldest Daughter on her appointment into this highly needed and regarded role, which I’m confident she will bring her strength of character and professional skills to, in order to assist the Proprietor and the Proprietorship achieve the objectives as described above and by so doing, her own personal goals as well.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)


This alteration of the previous post AMENDED SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED introduces additional adjustment to compensate for the various EVALUATIONS MARKETING CONSULTANTS that will ALL be carrying out their activities part time, because anything else would cause the professionalism being fostered to be open to question and this is not a path for these highly regarded individuals. Furthermore, any updates to the individual assignments indicated in other posts since the publishing of this post on 7/11/2015 are not reflected in this altered updated except that a highlighted (U) in parentheses at the end the applicable numbered listing is an indication of more current applicable detail, unless the information is updated, then the most current information is included. In addition ONLY new details are highlighted.

Since it was previously stated on the pages of this Blog that a few select individuals would be assisted as an outcome of the reorganization that took place and resulted in a complete change in the proposed Proprietorship’s structure that had been proposed; this announcement updates details previously described in the post INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES as well as in the post HOW BUSINESS COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTOR IS INTENDED TO FUNCTION and expands on the details discussed earlier, please follow below.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities Background Details:
At least eleven (11) INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES proprietorships being assigned to various either singly or in partnerships will be assisted with the establishing of distinct businesses, which ten (10) will be based in various States in the contiguous USA to ensure that no overlap occurs and one (1) will be based in the Hawaiian islands, focusing on the sale of the Proprietorship “flagship” product on a wholesale basis.
These Independent Outlets will be awarded as follows: 1) in the southeast Florida including Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, is where Condoleezza Rice will be based (U); 2) the Texas greater San Antonio area has been awarded to the adopted daughter of my late lecturer, Mr. Abelew, - Denise in partnership with her older daughter with an agreed profit sharing to be worked out between them (bearing in mind that Denise will be the one to ensure that the business is managed successfully ultimately); 3) the Louisiana area has been awarded to Abigail Keiper to be managed and operated by her in partnership with her older daughter with whom she will determine an appropriate profit sharing arrangement to, which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 5.5% and will receive 34.5% instead (U); 4) Connecticut has now been awarded to my former “Stonegate” neighbor Barbara in partnership with the former Bobbie Ellis and their establishment will be based in northern Fairfield County and their annual profit split will be 30% each to. which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 4% to be divided equally and will receive 36% instead; 5) Elin Nordegrin has been awarded the state of New Mexico to be operated by her in partnership with a hired Manager and other assistance as needed with a recommended profit sharing arrangement as described in the post
AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEEDED FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED & ALTERED W/INSERTS; 6) the greater Greensboro, SC area has been awarded to the 1st daughter of the former Vicky VonBehren’s eldest daughter, with a profit sharing as documented in the above referenced post SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMENDED EXPANSION OF ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES & NEEDED/OTHER FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED when it was previously assigned to Kathryn; 7) the Hawaiian Islands has been awarded to eldest "daughter" of the spouse of my former colleague, Curt Bock, who will be based on the Big Island of Hawaii and will seek to ensure that she is ably assisted to effect a successful outcome in this critical district; 8) the Michigan district has been awarded to my former colleague Jeanie keiper, where she will now partner with the former Tipper Gore’s 1st daughter and they will be based in this location; 9) the Staten Island district has been awarded to the former Tipper Gore in partnership with Jan Miller, Janice Forde and Aubrie Huque’s sister, where their business will be based to successfully manage this effective area exclusively and will split their annual 60% profit sharing equally to, which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 20% and will receive 20% instead, These partners will obtain Consulting services from Kim Harbin a native New Yorker, about the best paths to proceed with in the establishing of their Proprietorship in this very tough marketplace to ensure success is achieved (U), 10) the greater Bristol and Providence, Rhode Island districts have been awarded to the daughter of the late Elizabeth Edwards in partnership with the late Lyn Swanston’s older daughter (who will eventually be based in neighboring MA with some of her remaining family when not in this business) and 11) the County of Fairfax, VA that has been awarded to Laura Bush in partnership with Janice Forde’s 1st daughter and Jessie Mart with a recommended profit sharing arrangement described in the post AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEEDED FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED & ALTERED W/INSERTS.

Required Changes:
With the reassignment of Tipper Gore’s 1st daughter to partner with Jeanie Keiper in her Proprietorship, the MOBILE CONSULTANT’s position for, which she was announced has to be filled and the individual considered and to whom this position will be offered is the Advance Personnel Office Manager. This lady who bas been involved with personnel placement issues, will be called upon to join the former Tipper Gore’s 2nd daughter and fill this void and will be well suited to assist the Cosvry Investments (CI) staff with the educational instruction needed by their very young dependents. These essentially, Mobile Instruction Assistants in cooperation with the staff will ensure that those dependents are prepared for their ACT test criteria as documented in the post ADDRESSING THE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF COSVRY’S STAFF DEPENDENTS, though modified due to the changes in the business operating model, from that considered at the time of the publishing of that referenced post and by so doing achieve a critical “Holding Base” business objective.

With these arrangements in place those who have been assigned Evaluation Marketing districts will now be able to follow-through on those activities when not involved in these business ventures on a part time basis as documented in either the post
REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT/EXPANSION UPDATE AND EVALUATION CONSULTANTS ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED & AMENDED or NATIONAL “HOLDING NASE” STAFF ROSTER ROLLOUT - UPDATED as appropriate. In closing, it's my hope that all these ventures will reap the successes that have been envisioned for them and will come to be recognized by all as note worthy respected professionals. with various arrangements made to contribute to their success for the awareness of the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR as well as the PERSONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT as documented in the post CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENTS TO BETTER REFLECT "HOLDING BASE" INTERESTS - UPDATED. Therefore, please join me in congratulating and welcoming all to their respective assignments as they all work towards achieving the “Holding Base” as well as their own personal goals.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)