Friday, July 17, 2015


This addition to the previous post 
AMENDED SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED introduces a further expansion of the Proprietorships to compensate for the various EVALUATIONS MARKETING CONSULTANTS that will ALL be carrying out their activities part time, because anything else would cause the professionalism being fostered to be open to question and this is not a path for these highly regarded individuals. Furthermore, any updates to the individual assignments indicated in other posts since the publishing of this post on 7/11/2015 are not reflected in this alteration with inserts except that a highlighted (U) in parentheses at the end of the applicable numbered listing is an indication of more current applicable details, unless the information is being updated (by this post), then the most current information is included. In addition ONLY new details are highlighted.

Since it was previously stated on the pages of this Blog that a few select individuals would be assisted as an outcome of the reorganization that took place and resulted in a complete change in the proposed Proprietorship’s structure that had been proposed; this announcement updates details previously described in the post INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES as well as in the post HOW BUSINESS COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTOR IS INTENDED TO FUNCTION and expands on the details discussed earlier, please follow below.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities Background Details:
At least twelve (12) INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES proprietorships being assigned to various either singly or in partnerships will be assisted with the establishing of distinct businesses, which eleven (11) will be based in various States in the contiguous USA to ensure that no overlap occurs and one (1) will be based in the Hawaiian islands, focusing on the sale of the Proprietorship “flagship” product on a wholesale basis.

These Independent Outlets will be awarded as follows: 1) in the southeast Florida including Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, is where Condoleezza Rice will be based (U); 2) the Texas greater San Antonio area has been awarded to the adopted daughter of my late lecturer, Mr. Abelew, - Denise in partnership with her older daughter with an agreed profit sharing to be worked out between them (bearing in mind that Denise will be the one to ensure that the business is managed successfully ultimately); 3) the Louisiana area has been awarded to Abigail Keiper to be managed and operated by her in partnership with her older daughter with whom she will determine an appropriate profit sharing arrangement to, which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 5.5% and will receive 34.5% instead (U); 4) Connecticut has now been awarded to my former “Stonegate” neighbor Barbara in partnership with the former Bobbie Ellis and their establishment will be based in northern Fairfield County and their annual profit split will be 30% each to. which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 4% to be divided equally and will receive 36% instead; 5) Elin Nordegrin has been awarded the state of New Mexico to be operated by her in partnership with a hired Manager and other assistance as needed with a recommended profit sharing arrangement as described in the post AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEEDED FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED & ALTERED W/INSERTS; 6) the greater Greensboro, SC area has been awarded to the 1st daughter of the former Vicky VonBehren’s eldest daughter, with a profit sharing as documented in the above referenced post SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMENDED EXPANSION OF ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES & NEEDED/OTHER FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED when it was previously assigned to Kathryn; 7) the Hawaiian Islands has been awarded to eldest "daughter" of the spouse of my former colleague, Curt Bock, who will be based on the Big Island of Hawaii and will seek to ensure that she is ably assisted to effect a successful outcome in this critical district; 8) the Michigan district has been awarded to my former colleague Jeanie keiper, where she will now partner with the former Tipper Gore’s 1st daughter and they will be based in this location; 9) the Staten Island district has been awarded to the former Tipper Gore in partnership with Jan Miller, Janice Forde and Aubrie Huque’s sister, where their business will be based to successfully manage this effective area exclusively and will split their annual 60% profit sharing equally to, which the Proprietor will contribute an additional 20% and will receive 20% instead, These partners will obtain Consulting services from Kim Harbin a native New Yorker, about the best paths to proceed with in the establishing of their Proprietorship in this very tough marketplace to ensure success is achieved (U), 10) the greater Bristol and Providence, Rhode Island districts have been awarded to the daughter of the late Elizabeth Edwards in partnership with the late Lyn Swanston’s older daughter (who will eventually be based in neighboring MA with some of her remaining family when not in this business) and 11) the County of Fairfax, VA that has been awarded to Laura Bush in partnership with Janice Forde’s 1st daughter and Jessie Mart with a recommended profit sharing arrangement described in the post AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEEDED FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED & ALTERED W/INSERTS and 12) the greater Orlando, FL area will be awarded to my sister June Norville in partnership with Ivanka Trump’s Older Sister and Celia Holder. Both my sister and Celia Holder will both be eventually be based in this area and their profit can be evenly split between these three. They will also share the state of Georgia as their EVALUATIONS MARKETING district, which can be divided in three districts such as 1) the area north of Interstate 20, 2) the area east of interstate 75 and 3) the area west of interstate 75. These would be a roughly equivalent method for allocating the area into working districts because even though district 1 contains most of Atlanta it’s the smallest geographical area. District 2 is the largest geographical region and contains the two (2) business centers of Savannah and Augusta and in the south Camden County benefits from it close proximity to Florida being on its (Florida's) northern border and benefits from the Jacksonville, FL business center on Florida’s north eastern tip. On the west the 3rd district contains the Columbus business center and it also includes south western Atlanta. However, to avoid confusion, district 1 could be allocated all Atlanta, but surrender the western most area to the west of Interstate 75 to district 3 in order that this district (3) would extend all the way to the northern tip of the State on its border with Tennessee instead. These suggestions are for considerations only but could be useful basis from, which to start considering how to allocate the areas.
Required Changes:
With the reassignment of Tipper Gore’s 1st daughter to partner with Jeanie Keiper in her Proprietorship, the MOBILE CONSULTANT’s position for, which she was announced has to be filled and the individual considered and to whom this position will be offered is the Advance Personnel Office Manager. This lady who bas been involved with personnel placement issues, will be called upon to join the former Tipper Gore’s 2nd daughter and fill this void and will be well suited to assist the Cosvry Investments (CI) staff with the educational instruction needed by their very young dependents. These essential, Mobile Instruction Assistants in cooperation with the staff will ensure that those dependents are prepared for their ACT test criteria as documented in the post ADDRESSING THE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OF COSVRY’S STAFF DEPENDENTS, though modified due to the changes in the business operating model, from that considered at the time of the publishing of that referenced post and by so doing achieve a critical “Holding Base” business objective. Finally, to replace Celia Holder, in her Independent Proprietorship Facility, Pat can offer this management opportunity to Ivanka Trump’s Mother who will be well able to assist to provide the assistance needed and a suitable profit sharing arrangement can be worked out with her and the EVALUATIONS MARKETING district can be shared with her as previously indicated.    

With these arrangements in place those who have been assigned Evaluation Marketing districts will now be able to follow-through on those activities when not involved in these business ventures on a part time basis as documented in either the post
REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT/EXPANSION UPDATE AND EVALUATION CONSULTANTS ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED & AMENDED or NATIONAL “HOLDING NASE” STAFF ROSTER ROLLOUT - UPDATED as appropriate. In closing, it's my hope that all these ventures will reap the successes that have been envisioned for them and will come to be recognized by all as note worthy respected professionals. with various arrangements made to contribute to their success for the awareness of the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR as well as the PERSONAL FINANCIAL CONSULTANT as documented in the post CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENTS TO BETTER REFLECT "HOLDING BASE" INTERESTS - UPDATED. Therefore, please join me in congratulating and welcoming all to their respective assignments as they all work towards achieving the “Holding Base” as well as their own personal goals.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

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