This is a further amendment to the post REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT/EXPANSION EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED, which introduced a discussion about the commission paid, The previous amendment introduced the new Conservery full time as well as part-time EVALUATION MARKETING CONSULTANTS positions depicted in the Organizational Chart, as well as the first set of those individuals to whom these special positions will be awarded. It must be noted that where the information has been updated by more recent details, found in posts such as, SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES & NEEDED/OTHER FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED; it has not been altered by this update.
Some of those to whom these positions have been awarded will be new and others, already in the “Holding Base” organization, In addition, this post also reinstates the individual selected for the position that had been held open for her who can again fill the role when she decides the time is appropriate for her to make the commitment to moving in a specific path. Please follow the description below. NOTE: THE
Since the conditions that has caused this position announcement to be awarded to another individual have now been addressed, it will be again set aside for the original candidate, Jessica, about whom additional details will be provided later.
However, the former Bobbie Ellis, a very skilled professional Lady and long-time 4th grade school teacher, from Hamden, Connecticut, who was announced for this position will now instead be awarded the first of the EVALUATION MARKETING CONSULTANTS positions. She will be based instead in the state of Connecticut and this will be the effective area in which, she will market these efficiency evaluation products to businesses that in effect takes a cross-sectional look at an organization to see how savings can be realized by conducting activities more efficiently when a root cause/efficiency evaluation is conducted . Just as in the case of the Coca Cola organization where approximately $45,000,000.00 in savings were realized and in the case of the Disney organization (where no assumptions could be made about the savings realized as details were not published and are unavailable), $3.4 million total income realized, as documented in the post THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT - EDITED AND AMENDED by doing business more efficiently; similar results can be realized in other organizations of, which a percentage of the savings is the typical income to be generated by the Proprietorship. The consultants will also in turn be given a percentage of the income realized as their commission, which increases if the Consultants are interested in actually developing the skills (or being trained) to assist in carrying out the evaluations to be conducted.
Discussion of the Finder’s Commission:
To better understand the commission paid, for those whose marketing activities produce tangible results, i.e., evaluations being conducted that enable those organizations to “reap” savings by carrying out business activities more efficiently. In such instances a 1% of the Proprietorship's income is the Finders Fee paid. Naturally, the greater the savings the higher will be the income realized and if for example the Proprietorship realizes approximately $13,000,000.00 from an institution, the Finders Fee would be $1,300,000.00. On the other hand if approximately $45,000.00 in income is realized by the Proprietorship, then the Finder’s Fee would be $4,500.00. These two examples are being used to show that even if the savings realized is smaller as is the case in the second example; then the smaller income realized is still quite a substantial amount to be generating for your efforts and if only smaller results are the typical Fees to be obtained in your district, don’t be dissatisfied and simply only focus on “going after” a big payday because the main purpose will be lost, namely, assisting others in carrying out their operations more efficiently if only in smaller applications. Many smaller applications are better than none at all and if it's determined that dissatisfaction with the assigned districts exists, then they can always be reassigned in their entirety to others who would be more appreciative.
These evaluations can be very time-consuming (as they are somewhat like an audit, requiring a significant amount of research and depending on what limitations are placed on conducting the activities, since some organizations may not want too many details from the past “unearth” as an avenue for conducting business more efficiently in the future, essentially “tying your hands behind your back, but still expecting meaningful results. Such circumstances can limit what results are obtained, so be sure to be cognizant of such scenarios when conducting marketing activities, in effect the less restrictions placed by the organization, the more likelihood exists for significant efficiencies to be realized, depending on the size of the organization.
With regards the potential for increasing the income earned, if Consultants demonstrate that they are willing to be trained in order to be able to assist in the evaluations, which can reduce the length of time required (compared to if only a single individual is carrying out the activity), if a very skilled individual is assisting; then it is possible for the very skilled to earn as much as 3% of the Proprietorship's income and the outstanding to earn as much as 3.6%. Therefore with the same example used above, for the very skilled the 2% Assisting Fee would result in an additional $2,600,000.00 in income above the $1.3 million and for the outstanding, the 2.6% Assisting Fee would be an additional $3.38 million above the $1.3 million. In the alternate example the 2% Assisting Fee for the very skilled would be an additional $9,000.00 above the $4,500.00 Finder’s Fee and for the outstanding, the 2.6% Assisting Fee, would be an additional $11,700.00 in income. These totals are all before any type of required Payroll Taxes are deducted. For those who are unable to participate in the evaluations for one reason or another and inform me of such, accommodations can be made depending on the specific circumstances.
The point being made here is that it’s not the size of your district that matters in this instance but more importantly, whether or not research skills are able to be acquired by the Consultants that enable them to become very “valuable” assistants. I am sure that some may be wondering about the size of the districts allocated, but please don’t become concerned in this regard because this can be compensated for by developing the type of research skills to make the best Consultants earn even more income.
Others to whom either part-time and/or full time EVALUATION MARKETING CONSULTANT positions will be offered are as follows: the late Lyn Swanston's older daughter, the entire state of MA, full time where she will be eventually based along with some of the other member of her family, however this excludes the general Fall River/New Bedford/Taunton area, which is being awarded to the 1st daughter of Jan Miller, on a part time basis; Ivanka Trump will be awarded the entire state of Florida as a full-time position with the exception of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties that will be awarded to Condoleezza Rice on a part-time basis. All others will also be awarded as part-time positions, such as follows: the entire state of Nevada will be shared between the daughter of my former Manager, Ken Rhode as well as Janet L. Windus will be allowed to also market in NV, where she will already be based; Terese VonBehren will be awarded the entire state Colorado, where she will already be based; Bristol Palin will be awarded the state of Washington as well as the cross border areas in neighboring Canada; Sarah Palin will be awarded the effective area in CA all the area including the greater Los Angeles County and south to the Mexican border, which she is already assigned; Lily Covington will be awarded the Ventura County area of CA to market in; the Long-Time Friend of the former first lady will be awarded the remainder of the effective area in CA north and due east of Ventura County to the Oregon border; Abby Keiper will be awarded the state of South Carolina where she will be based with the exception of the greater Greensboro area; which will be awarded to Jan Miller; the late Elizabeth Edwards daughter will be awarded the entire state of Rhode Island excluding the greater Newport district which is being awarded to the youngest daughter of the former Vicky VonBehren on a part time basis; Kathryn Huque will be awarded the state of New Jersey where she will on occasion be based; Pat Huque will be awarded the state of OK where she and the remainder of her family will be eventually be based; Gerdes who will be based in IA but will be awarded the state of Missouri; the stare of Mississippi, which will be awarded to my cousin Abby even though she will be based in the state of Texas; the adopted daughter Denise of my mentor the late Mr. Abelew the state of Louisiana; the state of Hawaii will be awarded in three (3) districts - a) the Big Island and the island of Kauai to the Hawaiian Islands Independent Sales/Marketing Proprietor, b) Honolulu to the Hawaiian Islands Independent Distributor, & c) the remainder of the island of Oahu (excluding Honolulu) as well as the island of Maui to Linda Lingle and Jessie Mart will be awarded the state of VA. (see the Table below for a more complete listing).
This post focused on implementing critical changes to ensure that successful product delivery is attained in a critical Division’s “flagship” product (as shown in the updated Organizational Chart) as well as the new announcement for the Evaluation Consultants positions, Based on these organizational changes the work of implementing and “fashioning” what is intended to be an outstanding investment business operation will now be better achieved even with the part time activities implemented. With these changes, a better and smoother running organization will result, based on the efforts of all the staff working together as a finely tuned investment “vehicle” aimed at delivering/producing outstanding investment products and services.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
This is a further amendment to the post REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT/EXPANSION EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED, which introduced a discussion about the commission paid, The previous amendment introduced the new Conservery full time as well as part-time EVALUATION MARKETING CONSULTANTS positions depicted in the Organizational Chart, as well as the first set of those individuals to whom these special positions will be awarded. It must be noted that where the information has been updated by more recent details, found in posts such as, SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMENDED EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED MARKETING/SALES PROPRIETORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES & NEEDED/OTHER FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED; it has not been altered by this update.
Some of those to whom these positions have been awarded will be new and others, already in the “Holding Base” organization, In addition, this post also reinstates the individual selected for the position that had been held open for her who can again fill the role when she decides the time is appropriate for her to make the commitment to moving in a specific path. Please follow the description below. NOTE: THE
Since the conditions that has caused this position announcement to be awarded to another individual have now been addressed, it will be again set aside for the original candidate, Jessica, about whom additional details will be provided later.
However, the former Bobbie Ellis, a very skilled professional Lady and long-time 4th grade school teacher, from Hamden, Connecticut, who was announced for this position will now instead be awarded the first of the EVALUATION MARKETING CONSULTANTS positions. She will be based instead in the state of Connecticut and this will be the effective area in which, she will market these efficiency evaluation products to businesses that in effect takes a cross-sectional look at an organization to see how savings can be realized by conducting activities more efficiently when a root cause/efficiency evaluation is conducted . Just as in the case of the Coca Cola organization where approximately $45,000,000.00 in savings were realized and in the case of the Disney organization (where no assumptions could be made about the savings realized as details were not published and are unavailable), $3.4 million total income realized, as documented in the post THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT - EDITED AND AMENDED by doing business more efficiently; similar results can be realized in other organizations of, which a percentage of the savings is the typical income to be generated by the Proprietorship. The consultants will also in turn be given a percentage of the income realized as their commission, which increases if the Consultants are interested in actually developing the skills (or being trained) to assist in carrying out the evaluations to be conducted.
Discussion of the Finder’s Commission:
To better understand the commission paid, for those whose marketing activities produce tangible results, i.e., evaluations being conducted that enable those organizations to “reap” savings by carrying out business activities more efficiently. In such instances a 1% of the Proprietorship's income is the Finders Fee paid. Naturally, the greater the savings the higher will be the income realized and if for example the Proprietorship realizes approximately $13,000,000.00 from an institution, the Finders Fee would be $1,300,000.00. On the other hand if approximately $45,000.00 in income is realized by the Proprietorship, then the Finder’s Fee would be $4,500.00. These two examples are being used to show that even if the savings realized is smaller as is the case in the second example; then the smaller income realized is still quite a substantial amount to be generating for your efforts and if only smaller results are the typical Fees to be obtained in your district, don’t be dissatisfied and simply only focus on “going after” a big payday because the main purpose will be lost, namely, assisting others in carrying out their operations more efficiently if only in smaller applications. Many smaller applications are better than none at all and if it's determined that dissatisfaction with the assigned districts exists, then they can always be reassigned in their entirety to others who would be more appreciative.
These evaluations can be very time-consuming (as they are somewhat like an audit, requiring a significant amount of research and depending on what limitations are placed on conducting the activities, since some organizations may not want too many details from the past “unearth” as an avenue for conducting business more efficiently in the future, essentially “tying your hands behind your back, but still expecting meaningful results. Such circumstances can limit what results are obtained, so be sure to be cognizant of such scenarios when conducting marketing activities, in effect the less restrictions placed by the organization, the more likelihood exists for significant efficiencies to be realized, depending on the size of the organization.
With regards the potential for increasing the income earned, if Consultants demonstrate that they are willing to be trained in order to be able to assist in the evaluations, which can reduce the length of time required (compared to if only a single individual is carrying out the activity), if a very skilled individual is assisting; then it is possible for the very skilled to earn as much as 3% of the Proprietorship's income and the outstanding to earn as much as 3.6%. Therefore with the same example used above, for the very skilled the 2% Assisting Fee would result in an additional $2,600,000.00 in income above the $1.3 million and for the outstanding, the 2.6% Assisting Fee would be an additional $3.38 million above the $1.3 million. In the alternate example the 2% Assisting Fee for the very skilled would be an additional $9,000.00 above the $4,500.00 Finder’s Fee and for the outstanding, the 2.6% Assisting Fee, would be an additional $11,700.00 in income. These totals are all before any type of required Payroll Taxes are deducted. For those who are unable to participate in the evaluations for one reason or another and inform me of such, accommodations can be made depending on the specific circumstances.
The point being made here is that it’s not the size of your district that matters in this instance but more importantly, whether or not research skills are able to be acquired by the Consultants that enable them to become very “valuable” assistants. I am sure that some may be wondering about the size of the districts allocated, but please don’t become concerned in this regard because this can be compensated for by developing the type of research skills to make the best Consultants earn even more income.
Others to whom either part-time and/or full time EVALUATION MARKETING CONSULTANT positions will be offered are as follows: the late Lyn Swanston's older daughter, the entire state of MA, full time where she will be eventually based along with some of the other member of her family, however this excludes the general Fall River/New Bedford/Taunton area, which is being awarded to the 1st daughter of Jan Miller, on a part time basis; Ivanka Trump will be awarded the entire state of Florida as a full-time position with the exception of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties that will be awarded to Condoleezza Rice on a part-time basis. All others will also be awarded as part-time positions, such as follows: the entire state of Nevada will be shared between the daughter of my former Manager, Ken Rhode as well as Janet L. Windus will be allowed to also market in NV, where she will already be based; Terese VonBehren will be awarded the entire state Colorado, where she will already be based; Bristol Palin will be awarded the state of Washington as well as the cross border areas in neighboring Canada; Sarah Palin will be awarded the effective area in CA all the area including the greater Los Angeles County and south to the Mexican border, which she is already assigned; Lily Covington will be awarded the Ventura County area of CA to market in; the Long-Time Friend of the former first lady will be awarded the remainder of the effective area in CA north and due east of Ventura County to the Oregon border; Abby Keiper will be awarded the state of South Carolina where she will be based with the exception of the greater Greensboro area; which will be awarded to Jan Miller; the late Elizabeth Edwards daughter will be awarded the entire state of Rhode Island excluding the greater Newport district which is being awarded to the youngest daughter of the former Vicky VonBehren on a part time basis; Kathryn Huque will be awarded the state of New Jersey where she will on occasion be based; Pat Huque will be awarded the state of OK where she and the remainder of her family will be eventually be based; Gerdes who will be based in IA but will be awarded the state of Missouri; the stare of Mississippi, which will be awarded to my cousin Abby even though she will be based in the state of Texas; the adopted daughter Denise of my mentor the late Mr. Abelew the state of Louisiana; the state of Hawaii will be awarded in three (3) districts - a) the Big Island and the island of Kauai to the Hawaiian Islands Independent Sales/Marketing Proprietor, b) Honolulu to the Hawaiian Islands Independent Distributor, & c) the remainder of the island of Oahu (excluding Honolulu) as well as the island of Maui to Linda Lingle and Jessie Mart will be awarded the state of VA. (see the Table below for a more complete listing).

This post focused on implementing critical changes to ensure that successful product delivery is attained in a critical Division’s “flagship” product (as shown in the updated Organizational Chart) as well as the new announcement for the Evaluation Consultants positions, Based on these organizational changes the work of implementing and “fashioning” what is intended to be an outstanding investment business operation will now be better achieved even with the part time activities implemented. With these changes, a better and smoother running organization will result, based on the efforts of all the staff working together as a finely tuned investment “vehicle” aimed at delivering/producing outstanding investment products and services.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
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