September 17, 2015 at 8:19 AM & 9/19/2015 (AGAIN WITH UPDATED LINK) by J_F_Brazant
To be fair to the original inhabitants of the Biblical land of Israel, they were instructed by Moses to give Hebron to Caleb as indicated in the Biblical book of Judges, chapter 1 and verse 20. The bigger picture view of this development is that when exceptions are made to various instructions/guidelines we have to be very careful that we don’t convey another point of view by such actions, the unintended consequence of such an action, (namely that it’s okay in this instance for others to dwell in the assigned areas along with those to whom it was assigned).
For example in verse 21 it states that the children of Benjamin did NOT drive out the Jebusites. In verse 27 it also states that the half tribe of Manasseh did NOT drive out the Canaanites. Furthermore, it states in verse 28 that “when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did NOT utterly drive them out.” It doesn’t end there, for in verse 29 it points out that the half tribe of Ephraim did likewise, as did Zebulun in verse 30, the tribe of Asher in verse 31 and Naphtali in verse 33. However, the most embarrassing of all was the children of Dan whom the Amorites forced to live in the mountains and did NOT allow them to live in the more fertile valley areas as documented in verse 34. The final outcome of these various developments is what is pointed out in verse 11 of the Biblical book of Judges chapter 2, namely that “the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served Balim.”
The other point to be made here of those who like to label what they don't understand as its always easier to do this because it allows such types to avoid facing the harsh reality of what the other alternative implies, with the path scattered with the siblings that were forced to grow up without their parents in many instances of those in my journey and not to mention those such as the two examples chosen for whom the Pages of the Conservery Sites have been Dedicated who simply “vanished without a trace” along with all their immediate family members as pointed out in "operation replacement" discussed in The Finale/Outcome section of the post PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED as well as the cause of Lois Bruno of the "Chisholm family inclusive" and in the Here are the Background Details and The Implications and Outcome sections of the post IS THERE A CONNECTION BETWEEN THE TARNISHINGS OF A FORMER TOP PROSECUTOR AND THE POWERFUL WAY AND MEANS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - UPDATED AND AMENDED)?.
Just because my journey has been ordered by a path that is completed unexpected, which is how such methods on occasion do follow, labeling and the rush to judgment should be avoided because none can truly state with absolute certainty, what the will of God is in any specific situation. What is being stressed is that we should refrain from labeling just because certain accepted customs aren’t being followed verbatim to avoid making the same mistake as the children of Israel did against the tribes of Judah, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh with the alter of ED that was mistaken for a trespass against the God of creation because they (the remaining tribes) did NOT understand their true intent as pointed out in the Biblical book of Joshua chapter 22 verses 21 through 34. on REORGANIZATIONAL SHAKE-UP - AMENDED
September 15, 2015 at 12:02 AM/September 14, 2015 at 11:59 PM J_F_Brazant
When the God of creation gives us instructions, He expects us to carry them out exactly as they are outlined without altering them in anyway. This is what sets apart those who honor Him from those who don't, as depicted in the Commandments, which calls for us to simply "honor Him and as an outcome, respect others as described in the post HONORING GOD AND RESPECTING OTHERS PRACTICALLY - UPDATED.
For example, when the Israelites were instructed to give the Levites their own lots of land from among the other tribes (because of not receiving any direct inheritance in the Promise Land themselves) they were not supposed to be shortchanged by the others, the Biblical book of Joshua in chapter 21 and verse 41 indicates that they received FORTY EIGHT (48) such cities with their suburbs. However, when the details are checked closely, in verse 12, it reveals that Caleb was given the fields and the villages of the city of Hebron, making the correct number they received, FORTY SEVEN and NOT 48 as documented. They were not instructed to give a non Levite, in Caleb any inheritance among the Levites. This was a disregard for God's explicit direction for the children of Israel when they reached the Promised Land that He gave them through Moses, His servant, with the fall of the walls of Jericho!
Honoring God usually means doing what's right even though its not popular and this is where most fail, because its the opposite path that chosen by our society as we do not want to be ostracized but would prefer inclusion rather than exclusion as is practiced then as today, by making it impossible for those who do not follow the puppeteers to "buy or sell" as the Book of Revelation correctly predicted in chapter 13 and verse 17, clearly demonstrating that GOD alone knows the real future and no one else does, (pseudo short-term media-driven events aside).
Furthermore, just as God was displeased with Israel for not following His explicit instructions in the Land that He gave them and eventually drove them out as promised for not obeying Him fully, He is equally displeased with all who choose to thwart His will for His chosen by allowing and supporting impostors to claim be originals who know nothing about Him or His cause, which does not include giving charitable donations to state determined 501 c3 organization(s) in exchange for reduce tax liability even when the taxes are being fraudulently paid in the identities of others by those of the "free loaders cause" with the support of those who control these societal "vices" as documented in the Pages of these Blogs in such posts as SUPPLEMENT TO THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - THE ADDENDUM UPDATED or flaunt their ability to command much of His (God's) resources without the realization that all is His as documented in posts such as WHAT REALLY IS "UNDERSTANDING" THE ADDENDUM UPDATED?. These types, who choose not to honor God in anyway, then in turn attempt to parade themselves as being His, knowing full well that they are not but are only using questionably obtained resources as a pretext for "purchasing" their "credibility" from those who are willing to trade ANYTHING for the right price, (WHETHER OR NOT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO TRADE SUCH IN THE FIRST PLACE), while also choosing to erroneously believe that the God creation is a myth and this allows them to attempt to continually impede His will for His chosen. This will continue until these types have to be reminded as did ancient Egypt that none can impede His will for His chosen as the previous Comment to this post (Comment #1 from 9/8/2015 on the COMMENTS 2015 Page) indicated would, occur as history does have a way of repeating itself with those who constantly try to prove that their will can override His as an indication of their "legitimacy" to do as they please, even when respectfully requested to act otherwise as they can but choose no to. on REORGANIZATIONAL SHAKE-UP - AMENDED
September 8, 2015 at 6:51 AM & 9/11/2015J_F_Brazant
Our society and its history has a way of repeating itself and just as there were controlling empires and Pharaoh type dictators enslaving his people, these same conditions exists today. The God of creation also doesn't change and just as He dealt with Pharaoh as described in the Biblical book of Genesis He will also deal with those the Dictator type(s) today as described in the futuristic Book of Revelation where the events of these days were already depicted and these are no myths because some would like to believe this to be so. His depiction of how the Pharaoh(s) of today who have His people under "siege" will be dealt with is described in Revelation chapter 16 as their "reward" is appropriately depicted in the same language used in the book of Genesis. It's remarkable how these type all react in the same manner and conduct themselves as if they are "entitled" to carry out the immense responsibility of determining outcomes for others, who only desire it is to live the lifestyle of their choosing, which doesn't impact these types in anyway, except for the fact that they "invade" the life of His chosen to force their will in the furtherance if their unethical activities the easy way, to provide those if their cause with "ready-made" history and solid foundations.
The most telling part if this entire "melodrama" is that these "entitled" types with a financial "empire" that almost spans the globe, and so vast that its "squirreled" away behind numerous "tycoons" and "moguls" because this dictatorial "empire" type can't explain this vast wealth in his own "family" name. Here is the most incredible part of this entire saga, IT''S ALL BASED ON THE WORD OF A VINDICTIVE KNOWN THIEF & LIAR! Why would any sensible, pillar of the community type very, very "successful" business type build an empire of such magnitude behind such? The correct answer is, no one of sound thinking would dare place their "credibility" on the backs of so much carnage in terms of missing, dead, unaccounted for, etc.. such an individual and "lieutenants" need a unscrupulous type to point their activities to so that they can go on wearing "blinkers" to all the gruesome activities left in their wake, when all the dots are connected as generally referenced in the post HISTORICAL FACTS CANNOT BE ALTERED BY CURRENT EVENTS - UPDATED!.
What's depicted in the referenced passage, is taking place and will play out according to God/s will, which none an impede for His chosen! This doesn't imply that they were preselected regardless of lifestyles lived, on the contrary, it must be remembered that God knows the future as no one else does and this is the basis for His choosing, and if one falters, they will be omitted accordingly, because not all of Israel's descendants are among His chosen. For example, as depicted in Revelation chapter 7, the entire tribe of Dan has been purposely omitted from those numbered among His that are "sealed" as described. Does this mean absolutely none of Dan's descendants will be sealed? The correct answer is, none of the male descendants will be, as this is how Biblically heredity has been determined. If any of Dan's descendants are to be "sealed", it will be through a female who has offspring with a male of another tribe and they (the resulting descendants) will in turn be numbered among that tribe, but not through Dan's. Dan's place was taken by the tribe of Joseph, whose tribe is number twice, once as Joseph and the 2nd as Manasses (or Manasseh) his oldest son.
God knows that these types (dictatorial) will only do what's proper for His chosen under pressure in the way that He has already outlined that it will take place. on REORGANIZATIONAL SHAKE-UP - AMENDED
August 26, 2015 at 4:32 PM J_F_Brazant
The decision regarding any activity regarding a top level website has NOT changed from what was stated in this post, when if and when it does it will be announced on the pages of this Blog BEFORE any action is taken in this regard, and the owner of this Blog and "Holding Base" Proprietorship has deferred taking any such action indefinitely.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery (see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
August 2, 2015 at 3:08 PM, 8/9, 8/16, 8/21. 8/25, 8/28, 8/31 & 9/1 J_F_Brazant
“Lows” Presents “How to Keep the Dead Alive, Starting with a “Whispering” campaign,” [especially if such an individual(s) gave those without regard for the rights of others, “political authority” to completely disregard the rights of an individual considered so mundane that those who considered themselves “entitled” or those with aspirations of becoming such, and they would escape “justice”, no matter how blatant their actions were].
First: the idea starts out as just a low-grade talking point in certain circles among one or two executive types.
Next: it’s turned into a full blown rumor as it’s passed on to the gossip “mongerers”, who make sure it’s given “credibility” everywhere with the aid of a prior well documented event, and
Third: it’s given “liufe” and announced in a press release with the aid of old photos that showed the progress made at that time, but now used to pass off the dead individual as being “aluve” and recovered from the ailment and in effect “sustaining luife” as it lands on the prime news hour on all the major networks making it “A Fact of Life” in the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” and possibly around the world, (because the activity implemented at the “hands” of this individual had far-reaching international implications such that it affected the life of a “not so important” old female friend by the name of Margaret, (survived by one daughter and now 3 grandchildren) who along with many others (considered expendable and could be impacted in one way or another, however, when the-dots-are-connected as the partial listing in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED, depicts a different picture emerges, namely lives TARGETED by callous “free loader” types and their supporters), simply because she (they) was (were) aware of the FACTS about, which a bad attempt was being made to erase, and replaced them with the new reality (long before reality TV programming became popular), namely to give impostors "without origin", in this Country, ready-made history and more importantly a path of entry for many including possibly a stowaway(s) who snuck into this Land for nefarious purposes, which for all we know, could be an assassin with connection to another tragedy of historic proportions that some call a “conspiracy” to this day because the “answers” provided publicly like that other incident documented in the post, A BADLY SCRIPTED DRAMA - UPDATED, don’t add up (as the new “reality” being introduced also doesn’t add up when subjected to close scrutiny). The point being made is that the lengths being made to place this individual clearly into a place where he doesn’t belong, even with the aid of another on-going “whispering” campaign aided by another impostor armed with “talking points” also in search of “legitimacy” and previously identified in Comment #1 from 7/7/2015 on THIS Page, begs the question, who would go to such lengths for just an ordinary stowaway?, even to connect the “unique” residence number in part “82(63)” “coincidentally” assigned in 1993 (30 years after this national tragedy apparently by those who felt it was now comfortable to reward this stowaway for his actions) to the property purchased by me and transferred as part of the Divorce Proceedings discussed in the above identified Comment on THIS Page, which in the bracketed part gives reference to the indicated year of the historic tragedy previously mentioned. The first part of the assigned number allows those of the “free loaders cause” to “morph” themselves into my 1982 wedding that ended in divorce as discussed in the same indicated Comment, because without labels and/or numbers, “free loaders” would have nothing on, which to base their “legitimacy” as described in the post, “THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY."
The fact of the matter is that that they are too many other witnesses to the contrary for this “whispering” campaign to have “legs”, many of whom (witnesses) are identified on the Pages of this Blog, that those with resources who attempt to keep propping up the impostors, attempt to give “legs” to (or bring to “liufe” for lack of any other course of action because this plan, now BACKFIRED was considered A SURE THING, but for one not so small point, it ran into God’s will for His chosen, which none can impede because unlike those who misrepresent themselves even to try to adopt a “godlike” posture as documented in the post “THOSE WHO WOULD BE “god” - EDITED/UPDATED & AMENDED”, He alone knows the future and can affect His will “in real time”, unlike all others who have to use illegal and other such unethical activities “after the fact” to try to bring about their unethical “end game”). However, they (“entitled" types and others with aspirations of being such) continue to use the coincidence” of spectacular disasters to attempt to implement this new reality, which in this case is the unmitigated gall of attempting to pass of a dead individual as being “aluve” because it suits their unethical ends (and requires continuous updates of those forced to give credence to this "moving and talking dead individual" while relying on this and other spectacular disasters to attempt to circumvent making Conservery's resources available to its rightful Owner, instead of an impostor(s) supported by "entitled" types as demonstrated in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED), and attempting to “silence” one aware of facts to the contrary by de facto Internet accessibility action or "whatever works" as added “insurance” that this event that started out as a “whisper” and became a full-blown prime time news hour event, didn’t have a single detractor.
On the note of those that rely on the “coincidental” occurrence of spectacular disasters (such as the mid to late ‘90s Explorer/Firestone rollover “accidents” due to defective tires and the ’01 911 disaster, discussed in part in the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE “SWEEPING CHANGES” SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY - EDITED/UPDATED & AMENDED); as a way of conducting business and have benefited in anyway, even if just to avoid changing from a monopolistic business model, ALL will be held accountable including those who hold such (utilities) as investments vehicles in their portfolios. Neither the “Holding Base” nor the Proprietor personally will hold such investments and is in no way responsible for and/or connected to the actions of those seeking a “free ride” at the expense of others, who are accustomed to using: 1) "electric/electronic" methods illegally to attempt to manipulate others for the purpose of carrying out criminal activity to achieve "originality" while loosing sight of the fact that as previously indicated on the pages of these Blogs CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED, 2) misrepresentation by feigning connection to the property of others as belonging to them to other business entities who are gullible enough to allow themselves to be tricked into believing that such are capable of conducting any business activity that is not connected to unethical and/or criminal activity, regardless of the names of those who (whom) are supporting such individuals and/or entities in league with those with "origin issues" and 3) reliance on those in search of legitimacy” with “talking points” in a "credibility cause" on-going “whispering campaign” WHO IS A KNOWN THIEF OF THE CONSERVERY "HOLING BASE'S" BUSINESS RECORDS, as documented in the bulleted a) highlight in the "The Implications/Outcome of these Developments" section of the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY" THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED", because my business with its historical status as documented in the post STATUS OF LIST OF ATTACHMENTS PROVIDED IN BIDC'S LETTER DATED 1 2003 - UPDATED and THE LAUNCHING OF THE IN ITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - AMENDED ARE PART OF MY OWN RECORDS THAT WERE RETAINED BY ME EVEN AFTER MY DIVORCE TO, WHICH A LINKED REFERENCED IS INCLUDED IN THE COMMENT #1 FROM 7/7/2O15 ON THIS PAGE, WHICH AWARDED MY EX SPOUSE THE PHYSICAL PROPERTY AT 8263 140TH AVE OLIN, IA ONLY AND THAT DID NOT INCLUDE THE CONSERVERY PROPRIETORSHIP BUSINESS, ITS ASSETS (INCLUDING THE RESOURCES DOCUMENTED IN THE POST THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT - EDITED AND AMENDED), OR ITS RECORDS that were NEITHER given to her NOR should she (OR ANY OF HER ASSOCIATIONS) be in possession of them.
As long as they (utilities) rely on such practices as a business model no investing in such vehicles will be done because that’s neither sound nor outstanding investing and others will come to see the value of this position even if only one, because it just takes one to start or CHAMPION a cause for wholesomeness, uprightness and what's only ethical, and by so doing bring about CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, AS OTHERS COME TO SEE WHO REALLY BENEFITED FROM THESE SPECTACULAR DISASTER(S) IT CAN BECOME A RALLYING CRY FOR THE CAUSE OF SUCH AN INDIVIDUAL WHO CAN'T BE INTIMIDATED BY THE USUAL METHODS USED BY SUCH TYPES AS THEIR "NORMAL" BUSINESS TOOLS AS DOCUMENTED IN THE POST THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED, that's why they have to waste so much of their ill-gotten resources constantly advertising their "legitimacy" [by alluding to some aspect of the "SOLID FOUNDATIONS" of those with such as documented in the bulleted listing following the "Furthermore all (WHO) THAT HAVE BECOME DEPENDENT ON..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS "CARNDERS" (EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED) or by assuming old (financial & other business) accounts of the individual whose identity is being ravished by those with "origin issues" and their supporters as documented in the post FREQUENTING PAST ESTABLISHMENTS AS A MARK OF LEGITIMACY - UPDATED], and by so doing, implying connection to such and "limitlessly" illegally monitoring others they have wronged in order to control the events least their true practices become known by all.
In addition, such entities (utilities), shouldn't become smug with the "WELFARE" type rebates they usually hand out as a means of escaping from the real benefits they have received from avoidance of not operating in a truly deregulated industry with their "captive" rate payers, because of the "COINCIDENTAL" '01 911 DISASTER, because all who have benefited from this "spectacular disaster" will one day be made to pay for the "good" fortune of this development, TO THOSE WHO HAVE AND STILL ARE SUFFERING IN NOT SO VISIBLE WAYS THAT CAN'T BE MEASURED IN TRULY PHYSICAL MEANS. That is why it is always better to do what's RIGHT and HONORABLE and ETHICAL then needless time and resources won't have to be expended in ONGOING dishonorable activities. However, one day these entities have to shoulder their share of responsibility for the benefits they have received from relying on such events and this will occur in the not-so-distant future because the will of one is involved,
which NONE can impede for His Chosen. on REORGANIZATIONAL SHAKE-UP - AMENDED
July 9, 2015 at 4:12 AM by J_F_Brazant

First: the idea starts out as just a low-grade talking point in certain circles among one or two executive types.
Next: it’s turned into a full blown rumor as it’s passed on to the gossip “mongerers”, who make sure it’s given “credibility” everywhere with the aid of a prior well documented event, and
Third: it’s given “liufe” and announced in a press release with the aid of old photos that showed the progress made at that time, but now used to pass off the dead individual as being “aluve” and recovered from the ailment and in effect “sustaining luife” as it lands on the prime news hour on all the major networks making it “A Fact of Life” in the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” and possibly around the world, (because the activity implemented at the “hands” of this individual had far-reaching international implications such that it affected the life of a “not so important” old female friend by the name of Margaret, (survived by one daughter and now 3 grandchildren) who along with many others (considered expendable and could be impacted in one way or another, however, when the-dots-are-connected as the partial listing in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED, depicts a different picture emerges, namely lives TARGETED by callous “free loader” types and their supporters), simply because she (they) was (were) aware of the FACTS about, which a bad attempt was being made to erase, and replaced them with the new reality (long before reality TV programming became popular), namely to give impostors "without origin", in this Country, ready-made history and more importantly a path of entry for many including possibly a stowaway(s) who snuck into this Land for nefarious purposes, which for all we know, could be an assassin with connection to another tragedy of historic proportions that some call a “conspiracy” to this day because the “answers” provided publicly like that other incident documented in the post, A BADLY SCRIPTED DRAMA - UPDATED, don’t add up (as the new “reality” being introduced also doesn’t add up when subjected to close scrutiny). The point being made is that the lengths being made to place this individual clearly into a place where he doesn’t belong, even with the aid of another on-going “whispering” campaign aided by another impostor armed with “talking points” also in search of “legitimacy” and previously identified in Comment #1 from 7/7/2015 on THIS Page, begs the question, who would go to such lengths for just an ordinary stowaway?, even to connect the “unique” residence number in part “82(63)” “coincidentally” assigned in 1993 (30 years after this national tragedy apparently by those who felt it was now comfortable to reward this stowaway for his actions) to the property purchased by me and transferred as part of the Divorce Proceedings discussed in the above identified Comment on THIS Page, which in the bracketed part gives reference to the indicated year of the historic tragedy previously mentioned. The first part of the assigned number allows those of the “free loaders cause” to “morph” themselves into my 1982 wedding that ended in divorce as discussed in the same indicated Comment, because without labels and/or numbers, “free loaders” would have nothing on, which to base their “legitimacy” as described in the post, “THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LABELS AND NUMBERS IN TODAY'S "VIRTUAL" SOCIETY."
The fact of the matter is that that they are too many other witnesses to the contrary for this “whispering” campaign to have “legs”, many of whom (witnesses) are identified on the Pages of this Blog, that those with resources who attempt to keep propping up the impostors, attempt to give “legs” to (or bring to “liufe” for lack of any other course of action because this plan, now BACKFIRED was considered A SURE THING, but for one not so small point, it ran into God’s will for His chosen, which none can impede because unlike those who misrepresent themselves even to try to adopt a “godlike” posture as documented in the post “THOSE WHO WOULD BE “god” - EDITED/UPDATED & AMENDED”, He alone knows the future and can affect His will “in real time”, unlike all others who have to use illegal and other such unethical activities “after the fact” to try to bring about their unethical “end game”). However, they (“entitled" types and others with aspirations of being such) continue to use the coincidence” of spectacular disasters to attempt to implement this new reality, which in this case is the unmitigated gall of attempting to pass of a dead individual as being “aluve” because it suits their unethical ends (and requires continuous updates of those forced to give credence to this "moving and talking dead individual" while relying on this and other spectacular disasters to attempt to circumvent making Conservery's resources available to its rightful Owner, instead of an impostor(s) supported by "entitled" types as demonstrated in the Cosvry post ONE TOO MANY COINCIDENCES - THE FINALE UPDATED), and attempting to “silence” one aware of facts to the contrary by de facto Internet accessibility action or "whatever works" as added “insurance” that this event that started out as a “whisper” and became a full-blown prime time news hour event, didn’t have a single detractor.
On the note of those that rely on the “coincidental” occurrence of spectacular disasters (such as the mid to late ‘90s Explorer/Firestone rollover “accidents” due to defective tires and the ’01 911 disaster, discussed in part in the post WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THOSE “SWEEPING CHANGES” SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY - EDITED/UPDATED & AMENDED); as a way of conducting business and have benefited in anyway, even if just to avoid changing from a monopolistic business model, ALL will be held accountable including those who hold such (utilities) as investments vehicles in their portfolios. Neither the “Holding Base” nor the Proprietor personally will hold such investments and is in no way responsible for and/or connected to the actions of those seeking a “free ride” at the expense of others, who are accustomed to using: 1) "electric/electronic" methods illegally to attempt to manipulate others for the purpose of carrying out criminal activity to achieve "originality" while loosing sight of the fact that as previously indicated on the pages of these Blogs CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED, 2) misrepresentation by feigning connection to the property of others as belonging to them to other business entities who are gullible enough to allow themselves to be tricked into believing that such are capable of conducting any business activity that is not connected to unethical and/or criminal activity, regardless of the names of those who (whom) are supporting such individuals and/or entities in league with those with "origin issues" and 3) reliance on those in search of legitimacy” with “talking points” in a "credibility cause" on-going “whispering campaign” WHO IS A KNOWN THIEF OF THE CONSERVERY "HOLING BASE'S" BUSINESS RECORDS, as documented in the bulleted a) highlight in the "The Implications/Outcome of these Developments" section of the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE" "CREDIBILITY" THIS STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED", because my business with its historical status as documented in the post STATUS OF LIST OF ATTACHMENTS PROVIDED IN BIDC'S LETTER DATED 1 2003 - UPDATED and THE LAUNCHING OF THE IN ITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - AMENDED ARE PART OF MY OWN RECORDS THAT WERE RETAINED BY ME EVEN AFTER MY DIVORCE TO, WHICH A LINKED REFERENCED IS INCLUDED IN THE COMMENT #1 FROM 7/7/2O15 ON THIS PAGE, WHICH AWARDED MY EX SPOUSE THE PHYSICAL PROPERTY AT 8263 140TH AVE OLIN, IA ONLY AND THAT DID NOT INCLUDE THE CONSERVERY PROPRIETORSHIP BUSINESS, ITS ASSETS (INCLUDING THE RESOURCES DOCUMENTED IN THE POST THE TIME FOR THE "OVERLOOKED" PAYMENT IS FINALLY HERE, MR. BUFFETT - EDITED AND AMENDED), OR ITS RECORDS that were NEITHER given to her NOR should she (OR ANY OF HER ASSOCIATIONS) be in possession of them.
As long as they (utilities) rely on such practices as a business model no investing in such vehicles will be done because that’s neither sound nor outstanding investing and others will come to see the value of this position even if only one, because it just takes one to start or CHAMPION a cause for wholesomeness, uprightness and what's only ethical, and by so doing bring about CHANGE FOR THE BETTER, AS OTHERS COME TO SEE WHO REALLY BENEFITED FROM THESE SPECTACULAR DISASTER(S) IT CAN BECOME A RALLYING CRY FOR THE CAUSE OF SUCH AN INDIVIDUAL WHO CAN'T BE INTIMIDATED BY THE USUAL METHODS USED BY SUCH TYPES AS THEIR "NORMAL" BUSINESS TOOLS AS DOCUMENTED IN THE POST THE METHODS OF "FREE LOADERS" - UPDATED, that's why they have to waste so much of their ill-gotten resources constantly advertising their "legitimacy" [by alluding to some aspect of the "SOLID FOUNDATIONS" of those with such as documented in the bulleted listing following the "Furthermore all (WHO) THAT HAVE BECOME DEPENDENT ON..." paragraph of the Conclusion section of the post WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS "CARNDERS" (EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED) or by assuming old (financial & other business) accounts of the individual whose identity is being ravished by those with "origin issues" and their supporters as documented in the post FREQUENTING PAST ESTABLISHMENTS AS A MARK OF LEGITIMACY - UPDATED], and by so doing, implying connection to such and "limitlessly" illegally monitoring others they have wronged in order to control the events least their true practices become known by all.
In addition, such entities (utilities), shouldn't become smug with the "WELFARE" type rebates they usually hand out as a means of escaping from the real benefits they have received from avoidance of not operating in a truly deregulated industry with their "captive" rate payers, because of the "COINCIDENTAL" '01 911 DISASTER, because all who have benefited from this "spectacular disaster" will one day be made to pay for the "good" fortune of this development, TO THOSE WHO HAVE AND STILL ARE SUFFERING IN NOT SO VISIBLE WAYS THAT CAN'T BE MEASURED IN TRULY PHYSICAL MEANS. That is why it is always better to do what's RIGHT and HONORABLE and ETHICAL then needless time and resources won't have to be expended in ONGOING dishonorable activities. However, one day these entities have to shoulder their share of responsibility for the benefits they have received from relying on such events and this will occur in the not-so-distant future because the will of one is involved,
which NONE can impede for His Chosen. on REORGANIZATIONAL SHAKE-UP - AMENDED
July 9, 2015 at 4:12 AM by J_F_Brazant
I find it again necessary to remind any(one) specific recently promoted to a “holding Base” position of leadership of the COMMENT #2 from 5/16/2015 on the THIS Page, even if relocation to a very distant location is needed to assume the role being offered (or was/is involved); this does not take away from the point being underscored in that comment. Redressing past actions is imperative when leading others, because if we fail to act wisely in the affairs of critical importance in our own personal family lives; how can we then expect to lead others and make sound and on occasion very difficult decisions that carry the potential to impact others, if in our own lives we have issues from our past left unaddressed. In these days of almost instant communication, when something thought “closed”, from yester year (approximately 14 or even 9 years), revealed the previous id used in an article long forgotten, except for that characteristic asset that can’t be mistaken. How much more so could very profound actions left dangling be brought back to impede us when we had concluded that there was no possible way a past action thought completely covered-up (possibly “without a trace”) in the life of another (or even others as the case may be), could come back to "haunt" us or that
the-dots-could-be-connected-directly-to-your-door-step, even if carried out in an international location and was never "resolved"? That’s why when it’s in our ability to reconcile past actions (OR REFRAIN FROM A LONG-STANDING CAMPAIGN IN THE LIFE OF INNOCENT INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT TO BE SO UNIMPORTANT THAT COMPLETE LIFE-ALTERING DECISIONS COULD BE MADE IN THE INDIVIDUALS LIFE AND IT WOULD NEVER BE REVEALED), we should do what’s proper and move on because those “borrowed foundations” can be returned, especially when being utilized by those who would prefer that their routine activities be carried out “indiscreetly”. The example of what has taken place here in my own life’s example with the steam- of-witnesses all awaiting employment, and possessing bits and pieces of the knowledge expedient types thought that they had covered-up with ONE (1) OR TWO (2) SPECTACULAR DISASTERS; and even ONE (1), TWO (2) OR MORE “SEEMINGLY UNCONNECTED ACCIDENTAL DEATHS” IN THE LIVES OF “TARGETED” INDIVIDUALS, as well as AN EXPEDIENT IMPOSTOR, THOUGHT TO BE THE “POINT OF UNITY” FOR TYPES WHO HAVE ASSUMED THE ROLE OF DETERMINING OUTCOMES FOR OTHERS (AS DEPICTED IN THE POST WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED), AND ALWAYS WITH A DAILY “STORY” FOR ALMOST EVERY SCENARIO; even cannot erase! on MAJOR REALIGNMENT OF REORGAZATIONAL POSITION/BUSINESS ASSIGNMENTS
July 7, 2015 at 8:43 PM by_J_ F_Brazant
I find it again necessary to remind any(one) specific recently promoted to a “holding Base” position of leadership of the COMMENT #2 from 5/16/2015 on the THIS Page, even if relocation to a very distant location is needed to assume the role being offered (or was/is involved); this does not take away from the point being underscored in that comment. Redressing past actions is imperative when leading others, because if we fail to act wisely in the affairs of critical importance in our own personal family lives; how can we then expect to lead others and make sound and on occasion very difficult decisions that carry the potential to impact others, if in our own lives we have issues from our past left unaddressed. In these days of almost instant communication, when something thought “closed”, from yester year (approximately 14 or even 9 years), revealed the previous id used in an article long forgotten, except for that characteristic asset that can’t be mistaken. How much more so could very profound actions left dangling be brought back to impede us when we had concluded that there was no possible way a past action thought completely covered-up (possibly “without a trace”) in the life of another (or even others as the case may be), could come back to "haunt" us or that
the-dots-could-be-connected-directly-to-your-door-step, even if carried out in an international location and was never "resolved"? That’s why when it’s in our ability to reconcile past actions (OR REFRAIN FROM A LONG-STANDING CAMPAIGN IN THE LIFE OF INNOCENT INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT TO BE SO UNIMPORTANT THAT COMPLETE LIFE-ALTERING DECISIONS COULD BE MADE IN THE INDIVIDUALS LIFE AND IT WOULD NEVER BE REVEALED), we should do what’s proper and move on because those “borrowed foundations” can be returned, especially when being utilized by those who would prefer that their routine activities be carried out “indiscreetly”. The example of what has taken place here in my own life’s example with the steam- of-witnesses all awaiting employment, and possessing bits and pieces of the knowledge expedient types thought that they had covered-up with ONE (1) OR TWO (2) SPECTACULAR DISASTERS; and even ONE (1), TWO (2) OR MORE “SEEMINGLY UNCONNECTED ACCIDENTAL DEATHS” IN THE LIVES OF “TARGETED” INDIVIDUALS, as well as AN EXPEDIENT IMPOSTOR, THOUGHT TO BE THE “POINT OF UNITY” FOR TYPES WHO HAVE ASSUMED THE ROLE OF DETERMINING OUTCOMES FOR OTHERS (AS DEPICTED IN THE POST WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED), AND ALWAYS WITH A DAILY “STORY” FOR ALMOST EVERY SCENARIO; even cannot erase! on MAJOR REALIGNMENT OF REORGAZATIONAL POSITION/BUSINESS ASSIGNMENTS
July 7, 2015 at 8:43 PM by_J_ F_Brazant
With reference to details documented in comment #1 from 6/28/2015 regarding the reason for the reestablishment of the new Conservery office in its current location, namely FOR THE COLLECTION OF BILLS/DEBTS OWED as confirmed by the details contained in the State of Iowa Business Application Permit as depicted in the below photo, and in no way did it ever mention the collection of medical bills for an ex spouse as the Divorce Decree CDDM001838 of 4/16/2015 as shown in the photo insert included in the post EXPANSION OF THE ANNOUNCED INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES WITH NEEDED FOLLOW-UP - UPDATED, confirms, EX SPOUSE WITH MAIDEN NAME HARBIN (as validated by the available links in comment #1 from 5/29/2015 and COPY OF NEW YORK STATE MARRIAGE LICENSE BELOW WITH A SPOUSE WHO USED THE NAME JANIS IN THAT CEREMONY AND NOT THE "JANICE - HOLLOW NAME" THAT THOSE "FREELOADER" TYPES HAVE ATTEMPTED TO ASSIGN TO ME SINCE RELOCATING TO IOWA TO SEPARATE ME FROM THAT DOCUMENT AND BY SO DOING, ENABLE A HOST "FREELOADER CAUSE" TYPES TO "MORPH" THEMSELVES INTO IT AT MY EXPENSE AS DOCUMENTED IN THE POST ADDENDUM TO GIVING "LIFE" THE OLD FASHIONED WAY - UPDATED TO INCLUDE AN EXAMPLE OF CONSISTENCY).


Please note, that there should be no bills for an ex spouse AT THIS CONSERVERY MAILING ADDRESS (and one who attempted to change her identity by pretending to be a Brazant by birth) from an Entity intent on making this nonsense valid by insisting that this fraud is “legitimate” by continuously mailing the same bill in this phony name to this mailing address (and by so doing implying that this individual is a Brazant by birth and forcing its acceptance by their continuous contemptuous action in sending it to this mailing address with the aid of some postal worker who either mistakenly or intentionally fraudulently placed a forwarding mailing label on this bill and sending It to my new office mailing address with this name on and forwarding it when NO SUCH FORWARDING REQUEST WAS MADE ON BEHALF OF THIS INDIVIDUAL EITHER WITH THE PRIVATE MAILING ADDRESS OR AT THE POST OFFICE AND MY RECORDS WILL CONFIRM THIS - THOSE ARE THE FACTS).
By claiming that their “POINT OF UNITY” is this impostor, whom these “freeloaders” are using as their “point” of “legitimacy”, does not make this action, that’s riddled with fraud at ALL levels, credible. This fraud who they attempting to use as a focal “POINT” to force into my Proprietorship and in turn use to justify stealing the resources mailed to me as well as all other mail with potential opportunities for generating income, is the height of the unethical methods of conducting business by those who are without standards and believe that CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY EVEN WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED.
They have concluded that just because of size (corporate “giants”) and can attempt to take advantage of an individual whom some are of the opinion that they can take advantage of and defraud in the process by showing complete disregard for all the processes (agencies) in society intended to provide services for ALL equally and not just the “few” who can abuse them at the expense of those who are not in a position to abuse power (who does not possess campaign contribution power), with the aid of those publicly elected officials with questionable ethical standards who allow their sense of what’s wholesome, upright, proper and meaningful to be determined by the size of their campaign donations.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
June 28, 2015 at 9:38 AM by J_F_Brazant
This Comment is an Amendment to the two (2) Part comments below again displaying email (Gmail) communication with the Sate of Iowa Department of Revenue clarifying details generally regarding the structure of ClChs Bakery.
Re: March, 2015 Iowa Withholding Tax Quarterly Returns for Conservery, Cosvry & ClChs Bakery - Follow-up/Amendment
From: James F Brazant Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 9:25 AM
To: Iowa Department of Revenue
This amendment to the previous email update of all the email content is intended to emphasize that ClChs Bakery is not intended to be operated as a subsidiary proprietorship in the "Holding Base" model approach, but as a completely separate proprietorship and ONLY as mobile operations in two different locations.
Respectfully ,
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
June 28, 2015 at 12:36 & 12:41 AM by J_F_Brazant

This comment, which is being posted in two (2) parts contains my email (Gmail)communication with the State of Iowa Department of Revenue regarding the status of my Proprietorship's missing revenue.
Part 1 is posted below:
This comment, which is being posted in two (2) parts contains my email (Gmail)communication with the State of Iowa Department of Revenue regarding the status of my Proprietorship's missing revenue.
Part 1 is posted below:
March, 2015 Iowa Withholding Tax Quarterly Returns for Conservery, Cosvry & ClChs Bakery - Follow-up
From: James F Brazant Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 12:23 AM To: Iowa Department of Revenue
This complete update of my earlier email response to your communication dated June 04, 2015 and June 08, 2015 for my Proprietorships; Conservery, Cosvry & ClChs Bakery with Permit/Account Nos. 80-0700798-002/990261104, 80-0700798-003/990261105 and 80-0700798-004/990261106 respectively; is untended to document for the record, the extenuating circumstances that exists with regards my ability to complete the State Business Permit Processes, as required. My previous email communication with your Office dated April 9, 2015 indicated that circumstances beyond my control had impeded my ability to ethically complete the State permitting process as required for all businesses. Since the conditions as described have not been altered, this impasse remains and this is unfortunate because I am still unable to ensure that all mail indented to arrive at either of my business/personal ONLY mail addresses (and containing funds owed by for example the Coca Cola Corporation and paid via check), actually arrive as intended. These addresses to, which ALL my Conservery/personal mail should be directed are 5249 N Park Place NE, #372, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-6210 or P.O. Box 11292, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410-1292. Since I am unable to validate that all mail intended, arrive as required, I cannot in good faith complete the business permitting process that requires the revenue made and by default received by the business be indicated accurately. However, since some questionable activity with regards the mail receipts for my business has denied me the ability to validate these details and I cannot keep requesting that the Coca Cola Corporation send a new check, because this is the second occasion that this payment had to be resent due to non receipt of the funds (check mailed to Conservery) not being received by me the intended recipient (as the Proprietor of Conservery). As a result, I have concluded that a definite pattern exists when it comes to my ability to conduct business unimpeded as any other proprietor and/or entity has the right to do as guaranteed by the Constitution.
It is therefore incorrect to simply indicate that I am not interested in continuing the referenced Permits/Accounts; to the contrary, the funds being awaited (to the tune of approximately $16,000,000.00) are the basis for a major expansion of my business with Conservery serving as the “Holding Base” Proprietorship from, which the other Proprietorships (Cosvry and ClCh's Bakery) are operated as subsidiaries with the only business activity carried out by Conservery, being efficiency (or root cause) evaluations. The Cosvry Investments Blog Page documents the “Holding Base” business model approach in part, in postings such as SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT DELIVERY - THE KEY TO THE “HOLDING BASE” BUSINESS MODEL APPROACH as well as documented in the "Holding Base" Conceptual Organizational Chart. The only business-related activity that will actually be carried out by Conservery, apart from operating the “Holding Base” business model, will be root cause/efficiency evaluations as documented by the fact that that activity was never included in the items offered for sale along with the Conservery assets as indicated in the post THE SALE OF CONSERVERY'S ASSETS - UPDATED, even though no sale took place and furthermore, neither were the rights to its predecessor Blog (SociAllMedia Issues) offered to be conveyed in the sale. The applicable Permit will be amended when such activities are being carried out again as required, since the current Permit only allows for an office for funds owed to be collected. Part 2 is included below:
Part 2
Being subjected to highly unethical and questionable treatment at the “hands” of those obviously with little regard for the rights of other should not be condoned apparently because only a section of the business expansion is slated to be carried out in Iowa, that has impeded my Proprietorship from carrying out its intended function for, which it was reestablished, namely collecting funds owed me doing business as Conservery. As an individual with the same rights as any other to conduct business activity, wherever it is deemed most appropriate for such to be conducted, I am forced to make plans accordingly. For example, how could I in good conscience, conclude that it’s a sound business decision to expand all my Proprietorship’s business activities in a location where its impossible to receive ALL mail intended for my business, the very reason the office was reestablished in its current location. THE OFFICE WAS NOT RE-ESTABLISHED TO RECEIVE MEDICAL BILLS FOR AN EX SPOUSE, PURPORTING TO BE CONNECTED TO THE PROPRIETORSHIP, BEING SUPPORTED BY OTHERS ALSO WITH NO FACTUAL CONNECTION TO MY PROPRIETORSHIP, AND NONE POSSESSING ANY LEGAL BASIS FOR SUCH POSITIONS, With these circumstances existing, how could any concrete plans be made for this location and any activity likewise be supported under these circumstances? With these conditions existing, the plans drawn up now calls for partial expansion in Iowa and additional expansion outside Iowa, with a resumption of the root cause/efficiency evaluations when normal operating conditions are allowed to take place for my Proprietorship, a right ALL are entitled to. It is because, I did not want to completely abandon the State altogether, [or blame all for the actions of possibly just a “few” with the ability to circumvent Processes (Agencies) intended to provide the same services for ALL], a portion of the expansion will be carried out in Iowa and a portion outside of Iowa as previously indicated, especially since I am an international citizen, and wanting to cast your state in the best possible “light”, but unable to due so due to the actions of perhaps just a few, who may not even be from Iowa.
With regards your permitting process, even though the scenario only applied to the Conservery Proprietorship, none of the Permits were completed to avoid conveying improper information since the expansion of ALL is depended on the funds receive from ONE, I hope your (State) Process allows for extenuating circumstances such as described here, in order that overall progress is not impeded by those with such objectives and giving your State, a negative light as a result, Please indicate how those processes that are intended to function for ALL can be made to function for me in order to conduct business effectively as well as any other legal resident as guaranteed by the Constitution (as well as State Law)?
Respectfully James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address) on REORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESSION THOUGHT PROCESS/DECISION - UPDATED
June 21, 2015 at 6:29 PM by J_F_Brazant
When tragedy strikes and leaves us wounded,
It does on occasion appear as if all that’s dear has been grounded,
Until we consider that untimely ends occur all too often,
Dashing hopes, dreams and all too often those whose years have been shortened.
By focusing on what has been offered,
And where new opportunity awaits a girl who’s discovering courage isn’t only for those who suffered,
But instead realizes that she can move on but not bothered,
To a far better place, because what she has been “hoffered”,
Is extended friendship that can’t be easily bartered,
That includes support even when it’s popular to be among the list of those who will have scattered! on AMENDMENT TO PREVIOUS POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS
When tragedy strikes and leaves us wounded,
It does on occasion appear as if all that’s dear has been grounded,
Until we consider that untimely ends occur all too often,
Dashing hopes, dreams and all too often those whose years have been shortened.
By focusing on what has been offered,
And where new opportunity awaits a girl who’s discovering courage isn’t only for those who suffered,
But instead realizes that she can move on but not bothered,
To a far better place, because what she has been “hoffered”,
Is extended friendship that can’t be easily bartered,
That includes support even when it’s popular to be among the list of those who will have scattered! on AMENDMENT TO PREVIOUS POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS
June 13, 2015 at 2:52 PM by J_F_Brazant
Often we focus on the cause of others (in the mistaken notion that the “grass is always greener” elsewhere), without realizing that all have unique characteristics and qualities that are essential to us as individuals. Therefore, instead of wasting much time and energy in the pursuit of the cause of others, (which in this context implies being consumed with what others may or may not have that we do not, as opposed to coming to the assistance of others when the need exists, which is always wholesome, instead), stop and “smell the roses” right where we are and if we do, often the little details that make us “one of a kind” will be realized, as an acquaintance of mine did and along the way, discovered her best asset, as included in the artistic impression about the lady who made a rediscovery included in the post THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE CHAGUANAS WEST BY ELECTION IN THE CARIBBEAN ISLAND/NATION OF TRINIDAD - UPDATED. A feature/fact, which so personally identified her that not even time could take it away from her. on SUPPLEMENT TO THE PROPRIETOR'S PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITIES
Those types who have no respect for the time-honored Processes that have served this Country well since its founding, should bear in mind that just because they show disdain for the rights of others and circumvent these in situations in order to achieve much by doing very little that's honorable, that the resources of James F. Brazant dba Conservery does not belong to any individual(s) but me as the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED, so clearly depicts. Just as carried out throughout my professional career as the above linked Experience Summary depicts and as the many witnesses included on this Blogs posts and even included the comments associated with this post (below); which most still have to come to realize that the then Conservery website as well as all its assets, are the property of no other individual but me, (as this Blog’s posts clearly illustrate). Those who have absconded with my Proprietorship’s resources should realize by now that nothing implemented “today” will change historical events and transform a bunch of “highly disrespectful individuals” into being the owners of my Proprietorship’s property (resources). Therefore, when those who have acted improperly for the purpose of evading the correct order, alter their current path and restore what was not theirs to confiscate and “hold” illegally in the first place; at that time the State’s process (for indicating earned income received), as indicated in the email communication photo below, will be complied with.

May 31, 2015 at 9:20 PM by J_F_Brazant
To be really free from past developments that have “enslaved” us to certain “overwhelming” circumstances, where action is required to address wrongdoing of one form or another, choose the path that will truly bring liberation in order that those involved will be forced to take responsibility for the activities carried out regardless of what positions the responsible party (parties) involved may be in. Please remember that INTERVENTIONS are ONLY PRACTICAL when USE of such (THE CORRECT ACTIONS REQUIRED) are employed, implying that the appropriate results (or outcomes) cannot take place in the face of inaction and/or lack of courage for one reason or another. If we all conducted ourselves in this manner, just think of the positive outcomes many are aware of that have benefited some (we may even be aware of), that would have been left unaddressed That’s why if it’s in our ability to address some long-standing critical issue left undone, seize the moment and move forward, you will not only be glad that you did, but you may also be liberated from that past scenario that you are very well aware, requires “a more fitting (or appropriate) conclusion”. on UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY AND CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED
May 29, 2015 at 8:57 & 9/19/2015 PM by J_F_Brazant
It has been my experience that when there is inconsistency in certain critical situations, then there is more to the scenario than meet the eye. As a result, when an attempt to connect the dots with regards these basic criteria are attempted, improbable outcomes are revealed leading to successful interventions to obtain the FACTS, as demonstrated repeatedly and described on the Pages of these Blogs. Take for example the case of my ex spouse in her attempt to change her identity and assume the identity of a “Brazant”, not by marriage but by birth, (even though THIS IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE FACTS, as documented in the Conclusion section of the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE CASE OF THE MISSING (AND MANGLED) RECORDS - UPDATED); while her older daughter is pretending to be a ’Brazant” by marriage. The “birth” records she (my ex spouse) uses show her name spelt as “Janice” and her “school” and “post” records show her name spelt as “Janis”. It’s as if someone at the (post College) School she “supposedly attended” was afraid to use her birth name just in case the “fictional creation” she is unravels and they do not want to be held liable for any of the obvious fraud involved, that many (“free loaders”) are relying on for their "point of unity", “credibility”.
I would risk to say that if a random year is selected, such as 1947 or earlier and the birth records are examined, her ACTUAL birth records would be discovered in Brooklyn, NY., in complete contrast to the 1951 she “fictionally” uses to mask her true identity.
May 28, 2015 at 4:31 PM & 10:05 PM by J_F_Brazant
Those who are placed in positions of leadership should be aware of some of the lessons of SOUND DECISIONS, such as taking time before carrying out any actions to be sure that accurate input details have been gathered before acting typically in haste with faulty data especially when emotionally connected to an issue, leading to inappropriate responses. Taking a step back and/or delaying acting to be sure that decisions are based on sound information will reveal the difference between those who are acting wisely as oppose to those are not. It's the expectation that all those in leadership are following this path at all times. Those who do not will be replaced with others who have learned these lessons to avoid placing themselves and the Proprietorship on the path of making unsound and/or bad decisions that will result more often than not in bad choices, impacting others negatively and leaving those making these decisions, frustrated and on uncertain “footing”. It’s the Proprietorship’s expectation that leaders will act wisely at all times!
On the other hand, when those in positions of leadership and others who find themselves being targeted by some with an agenda, we should be very careful to avoid rushing to “judgment” least those being accused, whether in public service, private business or otherwise are being “railroaded” (such as described by the examples used in the post A BADLY SCRIPTED DRAMA - UPDATED & AMENDED, as outlined in in the "In instances such as these... paragraph of The Outcome section). by those with an agenda as depicted in the itemized listing in the Conclusion section of the post specifically as well as generally, PUTTING ON YOUR BEST FACE - EDITED AND UPDATED.
We may very well be “convicting’” the innocent without knowledge of any of the facts. on UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY AND CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED
We may very well be “convicting’” the innocent without knowledge of any of the facts. on UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY AND CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED
May 24, & May 31, 2015 at 10:00 & 5:00 AM by J_F_Brazant
It is not always wise to intervene on behalf of others,
because it could be misused if not carefully applied.
Recently, I had occasion to determine whether or not pursue this action in a number of cases,
and I chose to act in some and refrained in another.
But less of some those involved become confused and perplexed,
it must be pointed out that in all instances the scenarios involved rose to level of
care and consideration for those or others held “dear”.
As a result, a “damsel” of note has now been given her “freedom”,
and in two identical situations the one assisted is in a much better “place”,
while the other continues to reveal why she was excluded but not in haste.
In the case of the younger (see below photo) sibling of some from yester year held aloft,
because it could be misused if not carefully applied.
Recently, I had occasion to determine whether or not pursue this action in a number of cases,
and I chose to act in some and refrained in another.
But less of some those involved become confused and perplexed,
it must be pointed out that in all instances the scenarios involved rose to level of
care and consideration for those or others held “dear”.
As a result, a “damsel” of note has now been given her “freedom”,
and in two identical situations the one assisted is in a much better “place”,
while the other continues to reveal why she was excluded but not in haste.
In the case of the younger (see below photo) sibling of some from yester year held aloft,

the “light’ she now “sees” from her years of “captivity”,
was worth every effort involved to secure her from longevity.
In addition, even though many did not get it,
the connections, and another involved from the Country of my birth
to some considered by me as if a dear “family”, now understand in their banding,
that a “helping” hand will be extended, just as told to an offspring of her sister at a moment of “bonding”.
The oldest of these has now, grown and become a respectful lady in her own right,
Who even in an instances where she bore no direct blame in that “plight”,
knew how to use the lost art of reconciliation, to repair the “blight”, which she used to uplift the cause of One who was “wounded” by the cover of night.
Furthermore, in the cause of the offspring of my first professional "height", liberation from her circumstances is now very bright.
And finally, in one last example considered so tight,
a chance was taken on one that found herself bound in “salvage” and respite,
to introduce assistance through her connection that was once a colleague considered a professional, who wasn’t very slight.
In all these cases mentioned a hand was extended,
to those who now know that hope is now befriended!
on UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY AND CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED (see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s & my new mailing address)
May 16, 2015 at 10:48 PM by J_F_Brazant
In these days of almost “instant” communication when details about the lives of individuals (whether fact or fiction), can be obtained with the click of a “mouse”, it’s imperative that those either in positions of leadership and/or authority, conduct themselves in such a manner as to convey lives reflecting wholesome role models consistently to those with whom we interact , because to do anything else is a recipe for failure (as a leader).
In the conduct of our daily lifestyle choices, we should strive to adopt sound decision-making instead of expedient actions because when we do, our conduct will be indeed worthy of emulating with the confidence that what we are demonstrating does not in anyway lead to failure in the task ahead because past actions left unreconciled defeat any hope of achieving success going forward. Therefore when it's in our ability to redress earlier mistakes made with the potential to “haunt” us, do so and move on with confidence as your actions could have much more far-reaching impact than you could ever realize. on FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER - UPDATED/AMENDED
In these days of almost “instant” communication when details about the lives of individuals (whether fact or fiction), can be obtained with the click of a “mouse”, it’s imperative that those either in positions of leadership and/or authority, conduct themselves in such a manner as to convey lives reflecting wholesome role models consistently to those with whom we interact , because to do anything else is a recipe for failure (as a leader).
In the conduct of our daily lifestyle choices, we should strive to adopt sound decision-making instead of expedient actions because when we do, our conduct will be indeed worthy of emulating with the confidence that what we are demonstrating does not in anyway lead to failure in the task ahead because past actions left unreconciled defeat any hope of achieving success going forward. Therefore when it's in our ability to redress earlier mistakes made with the potential to “haunt” us, do so and move on with confidence as your actions could have much more far-reaching impact than you could ever realize. on FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER - UPDATED/AMENDED
May 16, 2015 at 3:04 AM by J_F_Brazant
On occasion it takes experiencing much difficult circumstances in our lives, such as some connected to the 6th photo included in the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS - EDITED & UPDATED W/INSERTS for us to realize what’s offered in our best interests when headstrong and certain that we know what’s best for our own circumstances. Nevertheless, I’m FULLY aware of ALL those needing assistance in that regard and their situation will be handled appropriately. on UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY AND CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED
On occasion it takes experiencing much difficult circumstances in our lives, such as some connected to the 6th photo included in the post THE CASE OF THE MISSING RECORDS - EDITED & UPDATED W/INSERTS for us to realize what’s offered in our best interests when headstrong and certain that we know what’s best for our own circumstances. Nevertheless, I’m FULLY aware of ALL those needing assistance in that regard and their situation will be handled appropriately. on UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY AND CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED
May 14, 2015 at 7:18 PM by J_F_Brazant
There is a whole other class of individuals who fully know that the individual whom they are ascribing the title as being their paternal father who is from Israel’s third tribe and who in fact isn’t in reality any relation of theirs, and know better; this (these) individual(s) should apologize and stand down from this type of very serious misrepresentation because it is in very poor taste, shows a lack of concern for the feelings of others, if this type of deception is allowed to continue into the beginning of their “middle” years. Such an action would show a great deal of maturity, character, and show that their claim of having true “consideration” for another and especially how others are impacted by their decision-making, on the eve of assuming a leadership position with the ability to have very serious impact on the lives of many individuals; are truly deserving of the role you have been offered. on FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER - UPDATED/AMENDED
There is a whole other class of individuals who fully know that the individual whom they are ascribing the title as being their paternal father who is from Israel’s third tribe and who in fact isn’t in reality any relation of theirs, and know better; this (these) individual(s) should apologize and stand down from this type of very serious misrepresentation because it is in very poor taste, shows a lack of concern for the feelings of others, if this type of deception is allowed to continue into the beginning of their “middle” years. Such an action would show a great deal of maturity, character, and show that their claim of having true “consideration” for another and especially how others are impacted by their decision-making, on the eve of assuming a leadership position with the ability to have very serious impact on the lives of many individuals; are truly deserving of the role you have been offered. on FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER - UPDATED/AMENDED
May 14, 2015 at 4:41 AM by J_F_Brazant
Using various questionable tactics at the State DMV at various County levels to illegally cover-up the existence of my vehicle that was ONLY legally disposed of on 5/7/2015 via C C Recycling of 41st Street/Avenue Dr SW, Cedar Rapids, IA is not the way to address the fraudulent and improper handling of the legal purchase of my vehicle to in turn permit impostors to continue to operate vehicles in my identity by various questionable “official” types at the State and local levels, who were “elected” to office for such purposes. Those whose business model is based on using criminal activity to conduct business “legally”, and are allowed to continually “think” that such methods are the way to hold me hostage “limitlessly” (as described in items # 6 and 12 of the post THE “FREE LOADERS CAUSE” “CREDIBILITY”, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED), is an exercise in futility to enable criminal types of all stripes to hide in my identity because they cannot show how they entered this Country legally; is not a problem of my creation nor am I concerned with how it’s addressed as long as I am not used as a “pawn” by the supporters of such activities who expect much by doing very, very little for their “slight of hand” methods of demonstrating their existence in this Country due to origin issues that “free loader” types all suffer from, even though historical witnesses of all types are available to demonstrate that such types are NOT whom they are claiming to be as shown in various posts on this Site but is only desired by a few “entitled” types, apparently with little regard for due process, as ling as their desired “way” is the only “way”, who expect that they can continue to “play” dictatorial games (as referenced in the post HOW CAN A BUSINESS BE OPERATED LIKE A DICTATORSHIP IN A FREE SOCIETY - UPDATED?), in this “Free” society of the “Brave” types who sacrificed much for its existence as documented in the post A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE). I expect my decision to legally dispose of my legally purchased vehicle (see below photo) for, which the State DMV Plates were turned in on 5/13/2015 at the Jones County State DMV office to be handled properly and the results placed in my legally obtained U.S. Postal service, Post Office Box; P.O. Box 11292, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410-6210, which is my new mailing address as conveyed to the attendant who handled the transaction. on AMENDMENT TO FILLING THE CRITICALLY IMPORTANT POSITIONS OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER (GBC), GENERAL MANAGER - BUSINESS INVESTMENTS (GM -IP) AND SALES GENERAL,MANAGER - INVESTMENT PRODUCTS - UPDATED.
Using various questionable tactics at the State DMV at various County levels to illegally cover-up the existence of my vehicle that was ONLY legally disposed of on 5/7/2015 via C C Recycling of 41st Street/Avenue Dr SW, Cedar Rapids, IA is not the way to address the fraudulent and improper handling of the legal purchase of my vehicle to in turn permit impostors to continue to operate vehicles in my identity by various questionable “official” types at the State and local levels, who were “elected” to office for such purposes. Those whose business model is based on using criminal activity to conduct business “legally”, and are allowed to continually “think” that such methods are the way to hold me hostage “limitlessly” (as described in items # 6 and 12 of the post THE “FREE LOADERS CAUSE” “CREDIBILITY”, THEIR STORY IS NOW TOLD - UPDATED), is an exercise in futility to enable criminal types of all stripes to hide in my identity because they cannot show how they entered this Country legally; is not a problem of my creation nor am I concerned with how it’s addressed as long as I am not used as a “pawn” by the supporters of such activities who expect much by doing very, very little for their “slight of hand” methods of demonstrating their existence in this Country due to origin issues that “free loader” types all suffer from, even though historical witnesses of all types are available to demonstrate that such types are NOT whom they are claiming to be as shown in various posts on this Site but is only desired by a few “entitled” types, apparently with little regard for due process, as ling as their desired “way” is the only “way”, who expect that they can continue to “play” dictatorial games (as referenced in the post HOW CAN A BUSINESS BE OPERATED LIKE A DICTATORSHIP IN A FREE SOCIETY - UPDATED?), in this “Free” society of the “Brave” types who sacrificed much for its existence as documented in the post A CLOSER LOOK AT AN UNUSUAL FORM OF EXEMPLIFIED COURAGE). I expect my decision to legally dispose of my legally purchased vehicle (see below photo) for, which the State DMV Plates were turned in on 5/13/2015 at the Jones County State DMV office to be handled properly and the results placed in my legally obtained U.S. Postal service, Post Office Box; P.O. Box 11292, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410-6210, which is my new mailing address as conveyed to the attendant who handled the transaction. on AMENDMENT TO FILLING THE CRITICALLY IMPORTANT POSITIONS OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER (GBC), GENERAL MANAGER - BUSINESS INVESTMENTS (GM -IP) AND SALES GENERAL,MANAGER - INVESTMENT PRODUCTS - UPDATED.
May 13, 2015 at 3:58 AM by J_F_Brazant
It must be noted that each of the Independent Sales/Marketing & Distribution Proprietorships will include providing each of the "selectees" with loans to defray start-up operating expenses at terms that involve a 60/40% split of the annual profits derived, with 60% being kept by the Independent Proprietors & 40% being paid to me (the loaner - James F. Brazant, Conservery Proprietor). on HOW BUSINESS COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTOR IS INTENDED TO FUNCTION
May 11, 2015 at 1:40 AM by J_F_Brazant
Those seeking the highest office in the Land shouldn’t be so easily dismissive of an individual(individuals) from a critically important State who could be an important ally (important allies) in your endeavor. After all, this is not the correct manner in, which to use the small group “meeting” method to achieve the desired objective! on REORGANIZAIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTING ALL PREVIOUS POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED
May 9, 2015 at 12:08 PM by J_F_Brazant
Those who have special skills should never be apprehensive or reluctant about allowing their talents to be seen if and when circumstances arise with the potential for such abilities to be showcased. Even if such skills are in a non-traditional area, where you typically would expect to find certain types of individuals; such barriers should propel those with the required skills to follow through and seize the opportunity rather become a hindrance and “freeze” them from taking advantage of such circumstances. It can never be said for certain what “heights” could have been accomplished unless an effort is expended in attempting to undertake some meaningful challenge where the requisite skills are certainly available but the courage to proceed forward is what’s “cementing” those individuals with definite ability in place because of specific situations that are being allowed to be stumbling-blocks in their lives. Passing up the chance to “press your case” should never be said about anyone, who when a God-given development arose, simply allowed fear to rule the moment. After all if the voice to simply seek a chance is all that’s lacking, how can it be known for certain what would have been made available simply by asking for a specific chance to allow your special skill to be revealed? At such times, what should be remembered is that old “saying”, “NOTHING BEATS A TRIAL, BUT AN EFFORT”. on THE EXTREME IMPORTANCE OF THE COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (CD) DIVISION TO THE "HOLDING BASE" BOTTOM LINE
May 6, 2015 at 8:47 AM by J_F_Brazant
While my former “Stonegate” neighbor may have been assigned one of the most challenging areas for her sales/marketing district, she should not allow that facet of this region’s demographic make-up to become a stumbling block for her but instead, let it be the factor that motivates you to rise to the occasion and “slay that dragon“ in the way that only you can when faced with a daunting obstacle. If viewed from this perspective, it (the district/sales area), could potentially become very rewarding.To digress:
One example that is notable is of a very young girl who lost then her position in a power struggle that took place for the ownership of a successful southern sports “franchise”, nut she did not allow this factor in itself to “frame” how her life’s story would be written. This very young lady reassessed her situation, took action by regrouping and eventually became one of the most successful First Ladies of this Country, who was given the privilege of gracing its most famous residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in my opinion. This first Lady, in every sense of the word, was none other than the unassuming, Laura Bush, who went from that humble beginning to a position of “honor” because she did not allow the circumstance in, which she found herself to become a hindrance to what she could achieve.
To resume:
Just as that then young lady did not permit that time of upheaval to become an obstacle for her in “shaping” how the next “chapter” in her life would be written, neither should you allow this “sales map” to cause you any consternation about what can be accomplished when the appropriate attitude is adopted. on INDEPENDENT SALES/MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED/AMENDED
May 5, 2015 at 7:00 PM by J_F_Brazant
To the girl I choose to remember as the very “sharp” dresser who was as personally confident about her abilities as anyone else and as a result, was very skilled in her area of expertize, who when it was time to take action did so. Let no one take what you have to offer for granted because you have much to give in the appropriate environment where you will be appreciated and that is why you were considered for and offered the very, very responsible position in the Proprietorship, you were. In the Conservery “Holding Base” business model approach in general and in the Cosvry Investments section, in particular, your skills will be appreciated as you assist in helping to achieve all the critical goals outlined, who will in my opinion, will become a role model for others to aspire to.
To digress:
Take time to remember the contribution of one of the most successful US presidents in my opinion, who while he was in office was denigrated and made fun of the so called Capitol Hill “experts” and “think tanks” who made fun of anyone who as not of the “right standing”. However, when recorded history is researched, and honestly evaluated it will show that President Carter made one of the most significant contributions, if not the most significant to the Middle East peace effort as any President in the history of this Country. However, while in office, he was not appreciated because he often neither told people the things they wanted to hear nor did he “sugar-coat” it (the facts), since it was far from what the public wanted to hear in bad economic times, which marked his tenure as did a very questionable “Embassy/hostage take-over crisis” that just so happened to end “coincidentally” on the day he left office.
To resume:
Therefore, never shy away from putting your best “foot” forward in the way only you can, and you will be appreciated and rewarded by the Proprietorship when you take the helm of a very important Division as only you can in your own capable style, and just as you were credited with being able to recognize early on that the original Cosvry organizational model was not capable of achieving the financial goals desired; you will be recognized for all the successes you achieve as Cosvry is taken from idea to the investment business model known for its outstanding investment “vehicles”. on REORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESSION THOUGHT PROCESS/DECISION - UPDATED
May 5, 2015 at 5:08 AM by J_F_Brazant
It is heartening when a real life scenario effecting the lives of meaningful individuals, results in a positive ending/beginning! on FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER - UPDATED/AMENDED
May 4, 2015 at 3:49 AM by J F Brazant
With regards the information in Comment 1 above, please check the Records from 1980 to find the correct birth details. on FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER - UPDATED/AMENDED
May 3, 2015 at 7:29 PM by J_F_Brazant
This is a discussion in rhyme about life’s unexpected developments!
Life is like a merry-go-round,
that continues on its way, sometimes even without the sound,
which riders mount and dismount without concern that they are embarking on a driver less bound, hound.
On occasion we meet some on the “thound” with whom we go-merrily-along,
who appear to “encourage” us on this journey,
and even give advice when the ride becomes dreary and gloomy,
who in spite of the unlikelihood of encountering them on the “pround”,
provide momentary distraction and seek to tag along on our part of the “ground”
and who when traveling “take-nothing-to-chance”,
on the journey we share and wonder if its all a “dance”.
This journey with our unlikely companion does come to an end without fuss or bother
and not even a small memento to remind us of the time spent with our traveling partner who has moved on and pitched another “tent”.
After many years has passed and the merry-go-round appears crowded in our personal compartment, and it’s realized that “one or two distant” mementos and “no. two” from those who “accompanied” me on the journey appeared without deportment, leaving one to wonder how could such have entered a “traveling subpartment?”
Alas its realized that the crowded condition has been brought about either by some who were allowed to sneak aboard
for the ride on my part of the journey or were complete fabrication and “placed” in my “department”.
These final thoughts are a result of discovering too many “travelers” tagging along on my “ride”, from, which I “disembarked” and is awaiting the opportunity to move forward with those who are actually on my side,
to accompany me on the journey even including: some of renown, an earlier ”distant” traveler “placed” in my “compartment”,
other specially selected individuals some office holders both high and low and lesser known individuals all chosen by one who will always abide! on FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER - UPDATED/AMENDED
April 28, 2015 at 5:30 AM by J_F_Brazant
Both workers as discussed in the COMMENT #1 from 4/23/205 on the COMMENTS 2015 Page and from the description under the subject MANAGER - CFWF PRODUCTS PRICING from the post CHANGES AND ADDITIONS TO COSVRY POSITION AND ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED were retaliated against for the same core reason, namely because of the illegal destruction of records in open violation against the 10 CFR criteria. The only difference was that in one case, direct knowledge of the action that occurred existed and in the other, the retaliation was in effect to cover up a “loose end” since my communicating with the worker in question meant that the intent of the disposal “namely to attempt to prove that impostors were originals ” who actually worked at the plant, therefore made her a liability and capable of disproving what was being promoted by those attempting to “sell” (or convince) all of; that impostors actually worked at the nuclear facility and in effect were originals, responsible for variations of my history. As a result, the correct and fair way to rectify the situation is bring about reinstatement for both individuals. on UPDATE TO REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR COSVRY AND CLCHS BAKERY - AMENDED
April 23, 2015 at 5:33 PM J_F_Brazant
Retaliation against plant workers who are knowledgeable about what happened to actual plant records that were disposed of (ILLEGALLY destroyed) in open defiance of 10 CFR CRITERIA as documented in the Footnote in the post WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS ALSO GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS CARNDERS - EDITED/UPDATED & AMENDED, Is NOT the path to achieve "legitimacy” for impostors claiming to be originals. on REORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESSION THOUGHT PROCESS/DECISION - UPDATED
April 10, 2015 at 7:30 AM by J_F_Brazant
While this reorganization does eliminate some positions in their entirety, a few select affected individuals will be assisted via independent arrangements outside this process and will be so informed at a later date; in addition, all other positions will be offered to the selected individuals in a more personalized manner than was carried out previously. on REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTING ALL PREVIOUS POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS - UPDATED
March 23, 2015 at 7:29 AM by J_F_Brazant
For one who could be considered “a deprived mother”, that may have been eagerly hoping to be included in the position announcements, who may have also taken personal steps in this regard, please be mindful that your cause has not been forgotten; it just may not be in this avenue. on AN UPDATE AND MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS REGARDING POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS