Sunday, May 10, 2015


After giving further consideration to some of the various announcements depicted in the posts INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES as well as SUPPLEMENTAL REORGANIZATION DETAILS, it has become clear that a change is in order to better reflect the Proprietorship's interests in effecting sound financial investment instruments as an end product, consistent with the critical overall objective, namely being known for outstanding investments as a whole. Please follow the below description for further details.

Positions/Business Opportunities Affected:
The previous Independent Marketing/Sales Proprietorship, based in the Hawaiian Islands and assigned to Michelle Obama is being reassigned to Jessie Mart, who will now become the Proprietor of this complex area and with her very direct professional style will be able to realize and produce the type of results desired in this unique market. As a result of this change, the position of REGIONAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (RM-CI) will now be filled by Michelle Obama who depicted in the post THE EXTREME IMPORTANCE OF THE COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (CD) DIVISION TO THE “HOLDING BASE” BOTTOM LINE, will bring the type of focus to the field based, Base Coordinators that will ensure their commitment to the primary role for, which they have been selected and assigned. Based on this assignment, the spouse of my former colleague, Curt Bock will now fill the critical role of GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (GM-CD). She is very able to fill the void created by the previous reassignment and as a result bring the type of seasoned professionalism needed to this effect the type of attitudes needed to obtain the desired outcome for this business Division.

It is hoped that with these changes, the type of commitment to the primary task at hand will be reflected a all levels throughout the “Holding Base” organizational structure to bring about the critical results required in order to bring the organization from drawing board to fully functioning business entity, efficiently and professionally by a attempting to match the best skills required with the available talents to best achieve the required results desired to effect outstanding investment vehicles that are second to none! Please join me in congratulating these very skilled individuals to the positions, which they have been selected for and assigned and I am confident that they will all strive to realize the best results for the Proprietorship goals as well as their personal development.

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClCh Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

1 comment:

  1. COMMENT#1
    I find it again necessary to remind any(one) specific recently promoted to a “holding Base” position of leadership of the COMMENT #2 from 5/16/2015 on the COMMENT 2015 Page, even if relocation to a very distant location is needed to assume the role being offered (or was/is involved); this does not take away from the point being underscored in that comment. Redressing past actions is imperitive when leading others, because if we fail to act wisely in the affairs of critical importance in our own personal family lives; how can we then expect to lead others and make sound and on occasion very difficult decisions that carry the potential to impact others, if in our own lives we have issues from our past left unaddressed. In these days of almost instant communication, when something thought “closed”, from yester year (approximately 14 or even 9 years), revealed the previous id used in an article long forgotten, except for that characteristic asset that can’t be mistaken. How much more so could very profound actions left dangling be brought back to impede us when we had concluded that there was no possible way a past action thought completely covered-up (possibly “without a trace”) in the life of another (or even others as the case may be), could come back to "haunt" us or that
    the-dots-could-be-connected-directly-to-your-door-step, even if carried out in an international location and was never resolved? That’s why when it’s in our ability to reconcile past actions (OR REFRAIN FROM A LONG-STANDING CAMPAIGN IN THE LIFE OF INNOCENT INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT TO BE SO UNIMPORTANT THAT COMPLETE LIFE-ALTERING DECISIONS COULD BE MADE IN THE INDIVIDUALS LIFE AND IT WOULD NEVER BE REVEALED), we should do what’s proper and move on because those “borrowed foundations” can be returned, especially when being utilized by those who would prefer that their routine activities be carried out “indiscretely”. The example of what has taken place here in my own life’s example with the steam- of-witnesss all awaiting employment, and possessing bits and pieces of the knowledge expedient types thought that they had covered-up with ONE (1) OR TWO (2) SPECTACULAR DISSASTERS; and even ONE (1), TWO (2) OR MORE “SEEMINGLY UNCONNECTED ACCIDENTAL DEATHS” IN THE LIVES OF “TARGETED” INDIVIDUALS, as well as AN EXPEDIENT IMPOSTOR, THOUGHT TO BE THE “POINT OF UNITY” FOR EXPEDIENT TYPES, AND ALWAYS WITH A DAILY “STORY” FOR ALMOST EVERY SCENARIO, even cannot erase!
    Please Note: .the most updated version of all comments as well as all links, photos, etc. can be is found on the COMMENTS (2015) Page
