Friday, April 24, 2015


Since the previous post
mentioned the positions of all who are considered senior management for the purpose of ensuring that there is no misunderstanding about who have been tasked with implementing the responsibilities of the referenced Directive, a change in the previous method of announcement is being implemented with regards these positions as they will be announced in this post for consistency as far as possible, without indicating those to whom they are being assigned, please follow.

Those who have been considered for and to whom these positions as indicated in the Organizational Chart will be offered, are as follows:
COSVRY DEVELOPMENT’s (CDs) day-to-day activities will be managed by Jessie Mart, who is a very skilled lady and can be relied on to carry out the Proprietorship’s goals in order to help in the attainment of all its critical objectives, within her sphere of responsibility. In this position, she will work cooperatively with the Regional Manager to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of that Division.
’s day-to-day activities will be under the capable hands of the eldest of the siblings of the RM - CD, who is also a very effective lady in her own right and one on whom the critical responsibility of an international production facility can be entrusted to ensure that the subcomponents needed can supplied as required to meet customer demands. She will have the support of her staff, consistent with the issued Directive, available to ensure that none are allowed to function in a manner that is inconsistent with the proper conduct/expectations from her direct reports even those based in a foreign country.
MARKETING & SALES day-to-day activities will be managed by the former PM of the twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago and first female to hold this position, Kamla Persaud. Needless to say she comes well qualified to manage the needs of many long-distance-based staff while simultaneously ensuring that the Proprietorship’s goals are implemented even under such circumstances. This very capable lady possesses the strength and stamina to maintain guidance and direction under these very challenging conditions and will act to implement what is in the best interest of her staff as well as for the Proprietorship.
The importance of this senior Management role cannot be more over-emphasized, because those who will be assigned these very responsible National Base Coordinators as well as Marketing and Sales Consultants will be among some of our best and outstanding staff, who either in person or through another member of their family are considered the very reliable from whom much is expected as a result. With these descriptions, these individuals will include: those known for quite sometime, those well known and connected either directly or indirectly, extensions of some who go very far back and known either personally or professionally including some from my very first position worked after graduating and eventually entering the workforce and extension of others who have held very responsible positions and known for extensive periods.
COSVRY INVESTMENTS’ day-to-day manager will be revealed and made known when prerequisite criteria under consideration and being evaluated (in various circles) are resolved according to the satisfaction of the Proprietorship.              

These selections/appointments are being made known to ensure that those who are expected to implement the Proprietorship’s goals and objectives are very sure what is required as they carry out the dual tasks of assisting the staff by helping them become as skilled in their assigned roles as possible while also helping to attain the business goals and objectives of, which the primary criterion is the establishment and maintenance of an efficiently operated business enterprise. In closing, please join me in welcoming all these very successful and skilled professionals to the “Holding Base”/subsidiaries Proprietorships model as it nears the time frame for moving forward finally with the established plans as defined here on the Pages of this Blog ONLY, as there is no other model for implementing Conservery’s business objectives. 

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery

(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)

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