Friday, March 13, 2015


Realizing that the majority of the Proprietorship’s staff will be single mothers, a plan was envisioned to address the critical needs in this area with regards the educational development of their children. In this way, staff will be assured that those entrusted in their care, will be receiving adequate assistance with their educational/developmental needs while employed at Cosvry. In reality it will be a type of collective home school program under the guidance of the GENERAL CONSULTANT, ably assisted by various TASK CONSULTANTS, depending on the number of enrolled school-aged children. Please follow the below discussion for additional details.

A Synopsis of the Overall Program:
The instruction program will be headed by the GENERAL CONSULTANT, who reports to the GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER (GBC), and will ultimately be preparing the children to successfully complete the Iowa National Readiness Certificate issued by ACT. The children will be provided with classroom tasks to complete according to their various age-group grade levels with the assistance of the TASK CONSULTANTS. These asks will consist of the typical requirements needed to satisfy the ACT criteria for:

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Reading for Information and
  • Locating Information
In addition to the above mentioned ACT criteria, hands-on skills will be maintained through-out ALL the grade levels instead of focusing mainly on satisfying only the ACT criteria in the later grade levels. In this way a well-balanced instruction will be the primary objective comprising of ensuring that both the skills to satisfy ACT as well as hands-on capabilities are provided. The Cosvry Volunteer Position (VP) program (described in the post THE STUDENTS WITH PROMISE MENTORING VERSUS THE SPECIAL NEEDS INDIVIDUALS PROGRAMS), will be a part of this experience aimed at those teen-aged students mainly in the later grade levels to prepare them with the practical hands-on skills needed, while maintaining the balance to ensure well-rounded instruction; leading to a smooth transition when incorporation into the workforce is the prime objective.

The Cosvry way in this regard, is based on the belief that a satisfied staff member, knowing that the overall educational/developmental needs of her child (or children as appropriate), are being attended to “a short distance away, within her reach” (but not located within the general working areas of the other Proprietorship's business activities), will be a very productive employee. Furthermore, overall effectiveness will be realized when the results achieved by those either in and/or having graduated from the program are measured either on the job or accomplishments attained after graduation. Based on the training received, it is hoped that these trained students will in-turn find permanent employment and will want to be hired into the Cosvry workforce because of the first-hand knowledge gained from the years spent in the VP program that will have provided them with the skills required to become a Cosvry staff member.

James F. Brazant

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