Thursday, March 12, 2015


This post is being further updated to include additional details regarding the announcement of the INTERNATIONAL COORDINATOR mainly. In addition, the details about the DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, GM - BI and STAFF ASSISTANT/CONSULTANT - BI have since been updated in the post NEEDED ADJUSTMENTS TO VARIOUS POSITIONS - UPDATED AND AMENDED . Furthermore, one of two TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS positions as well as some of the other individuals who will provide support to the GM - IP to assist her in her important role, (and whose responsibilities are discussed in the previous post FILLING THE VERY IMPORTANT POSITION OF GENERAL MANAGER - INVESTMENT PRODUCTS (IP) are discussed here. The others who report to her include, the PRODUCTION AND SALES MANAGERS, who are also part of the focus of this announcement. Others whose positions are included in this announcement are the GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (GM - CD) as well as the GENERAL MANAGER - BUSINESS INVESTMENTS (GM - BI) in addition to a supporting staff member. These positions are all of critical importance even though collectively introduced. This post provides details about all the individuals considered and chosen for these positions, please follow.

The leading individual selected for this position is a long-time acquaintance of mine, the helpful Celia Holder also from the country of my birth. In this role she will be in charge of ensuring that one aspect of the “flagship” product is produced under the appropriate conditions even though this facility will “play” only a back-up role to the main international center that will produce this component that is featured in this product line. Even though at Cosvry’s main business center only a back-up facility will exists for producing this part of the product, it will none-the-less be very important for ensuring that no disruptions exists in the ability to produce this needed aspect of the unique product to be supplied to wholesalers. Celia in her role will be assisted by two (2) Technical Consultants who will ensure that the equipment/facility remains functional round-the-clock. In addition, two (2) volunteer PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS will also provide support assistance to Celia in this position. Details about the other 
TECHNICAL CONSULTANT position will be announced at a later date.


As indicated above, this main objective of the individual carrying out this role is to ensure that the equipment at the main facility’s back-up production center is operating round-the-clock for one of the components that comprise one of the Proprietorship’s “flagship” products. One of the two individual’s selected for this critical position is also a Hobby Blogger who prefers to be known as Discourse in C Minor. This very capable young lady is very skilled as can be determined from her very carefully managed “tiny” Blog, which is the way in, which she modestly refers to her Site. The very capable Discourse I am sure will carry out her responsibilities in a professional manner to assist the Proprietorship in meeting its investment business prime objective, namely becoming known as a business that’s synonymous with
outstanding investment products by conducting operations “the Cosvry way”.


This is a unique position for just the right individual who will be based at the international supplier’s facility to ensure that only the highest quality component product is produced and shipped to be made available ultimately to ready wholesalers. For this very sensitive and highly technical position the leading candidate to whom it will be offered is the older sibling of the announced TECHNICAL CONSULTANT - IP, (or Discourse’s older sister). This young lady will be tasked with becoming as knowledgeable about the sub supplier's processes as they are themselves and if needed even more so, in order to be able to be confident that the output component will be exactly what is required to be made available to wholesalers for their critical schedule. This young lady will when needed use her acquired skills tactfully and professionally in order to achieve the desired outcome and carry out her responsibilities successfully on an on-going basis. I am sure that the older Discourse will represent Cosvry well as she achieves  just the right balance to ensure that the appropriate component reaches Cosvry to satisfy our customers needs while conducting business the Cosvry way.


The candidate to whom this position will be offered is the one who was overlooked by conditions described in the posts DISAGREEMENT, DIVIDE AND MENDING in addition to OVERCOMING GROWING UP WITHOUT A CRITICAL PICTURE IN YOUR LIFE. This reliable young lady will lead the sales team that will assist the GM - IP in ensuring that this product line remains successful as a long-term objective well after its initial introduction. The Sales Manager and her team will work in close cooperation with the MARKETING CONSULTANT to be provided by an outsourced supplier described in the post, ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES ANNOUNCEMENT to ensure successful follow-through to all marketing campaigns to “close” available opportunities and provide the needed product to wholesale suppliers. Two (2) SALES CONSULTANTS will provide support to the Manager and comprise the sales team for this “flagship” IP group. The position announcements for others in Celia’s sales team will be announced at a later date.

The leading candidate considered for and to whom this position that reports to the GBC will be offered, is another long-time acquaintance, the highly skilled daughter of my Accounting studies partner, the then Janet L. Windus as described in the in the 3rd bulleted insert in the "As previously pointed out,..." paragraph in the Conclusion section of the post
WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS ALSO GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS "CARNDERS" - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED. This completely separate division provides a service product that will be competed for and offered to those needing these services to be provided in this “flagship” offering in four (4) different areas that will be provided by twenty (20) SKILLED TRADES CONSULTANTS. The GM - CD will also be ably supported by the GENERAL RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL COORDINATOR in addition to a DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR and the PROJECT PLANNER (whose position announcement is made below).

This position was inadvertently omitted from the previous announcements and the leading candidate to whom it will be offered is the youngest member/sibling of my late dear friend Lyn Swanston and the only one of that original family of five including their Mother left alive. In addition to Michal Swanston, only her middle sister, Jennifer’s daughter remains of that once thriving family who were all dear friends held in high regard by me. In this role Michal will be responsible for ensuring that the construction teams are functioning effectively at their work sites. Even though this is not quite the same as the previous position for, which she was previously considered it is none-the-less just as critical to Cosvry’s success as any other and I’m sure that she will carry it out to the best of her ability. 
Note, this announcement has now been updated by the post

The leading candidate to whom this position will be offered is the only daughter of my late Mother’s niece on her late brother Oliver’s side and a cousin of mine, the deliberate but determined Abigail John. Abby as she is familiarly known will be responsible for planning every detail of all the projects undertaken by this group in order to ensure that no aspect is unaccounted for when planning and consequently when carrying out the actual project work undertaken for critical accuracy when pricing for projects is under consideration. The details needed to be considered by the planner cannot be underscored because every item used and action carried out has to be considered (even as minute as every nail has to be accounted for, to ensure accuracy when quoting prices for projects).

The leading candidate to whom this position that reports to the GBC will be offered is my long-time “exceptionally determined” acquaintance as documented in the 1st bulleted insert in the "As previously pointed out,..." paragraph in the Conclusion section of the post
WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GEESE IS ALSO GOOD FOR THE WIRELESS "CARNDERS" - EDITED/UPDATED AND AMENDED, Elizabeth Ann Tucker. The importance of Elizabeth Ann’s group to Cosvry cannot be overstated since the work done at all areas of the Proprietorship is impacted by this group, which prices ALL products and services offered, therefore accuracy of details are paramount as all items that are consumed (or even damaged and/or discarded has to be tracked and accounted for). This group will work to implement tracking mechanisms in all areas of the business operations ultimately for effective pricing of all products and services successfully. Elizabeth Ann’s group will also be responsible for ensuring that all Federal, State and local permits, etc., required for carrying out business activity are complied with. Additional details about the activities within this group’s area of responsibilities are discussed in the post THE UNVEILING OF THE COSVRY INVESTMENTS. Elizabeth Ann will be supported by the: MANAGER - BUSINESS INVESTMENTS (BI), MANAGER - PRODUCTS BUSINESS, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PRODUCT CONSULTANT and the STAFF ASSISTANT/CONSULTANT. The other individuals who will comprise this team will be announced at a later date, with the exception of the Staff Assistant/Consultant, described below. Note, this announcement has now been updated by the post NEEDED ADJUSTMENTS TO VARIOUS POSITIONS - UPDATED AND AMENDED

The main candidate selected for and to whom this position will be offered is older of the two siblings of GM - BI, Elizabeth Ann Tucker. The requirement for accuracy and details/tracking this group will be required to maintain will be demonstrate that she is well suited for and capable of ensuring that the many facets her group is responsible for will be carried out professionally and responsibly, clearly demonstrating her skill in whatever task she is required to implement.
Note, this announcement has now been updated by the post NEEDED ADJUSTMENTS TO VARIOUS POSITIONS - UPDATED AND AMENDED.

This announcement completes this 1st round of announcements of those selected for and to whom the indicated positions will be offered appropriately as none have any responsibility with regards any of the activities identified here or in any other aspect of Cosvry or any other of the Proprietorship’s established by me whether currently functioning or not (since carrying out unethical tampering actions “after-the-fact” with regards required State filings performed by me is only a demonstration of fleeting “legitimacy” and NOT credibility). The other area for, which no announcements have been made, mainly CFWF requires more interaction with those being considered before details can be made available. The details about the other positions as documented in the organizational chart depicted in the post
COSVRY INVESTMENTS STATUS - UPDATED and not included in this or prior announcements as well as those for the CFWF group generally will be made at a later date as appropriate.

James F. Brazant

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