Thursday, March 12, 2015


As indicated in the subject, the purpose of this post is to introduce the individuals selected for the critical roles of GBC and RM-CI to assist in guiding the newly founded Proprietorship from its inception through a fully functioning outstanding investment business, as discussed in the sections below.

The leading individual who has been considered for this role is a very experienced Lady who have served in many different roles throughout her very interesting career, most of, which has been involved in public service of one form or another. The vast and very diverse activities in, which she has devoted herself makes the prior Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton the best choice for this very demanding role that requires innovativeness, commitment and creativeness in the leader to whom others will see as the one to seek for direction in making day-to-day business decision-making when its needed as well as for knowing when its time to search for or seek out another when required to find the appropriate.
Nevertheless it is hoped that she will agree to take up this post and bring her incredible talents to ensure that success in this Proprietorship is achieved with her on board to assist in the implementation and achieving of all the business objectives in going from idea on the drawing board to a fully functioning organization eventually.

Just as the role of GBC is important for the internal functioning of the Proprietorship successfully, the responsibilities for this position RM-CI are equally critical as a representative for Cosvry, external to the Proprietorship as a National spokesperson. With this introduction, I am pleased to announce that the leading candidate for this key position is the former Chief Executive of this Nation's 49th State as well as former Vice Presidential candidate for this Nation’s second highest political office, Sarah Palin. This very talented and skilled Lady is an individual who has carried out many accomplishments and convinced many that in her own down-to-earth, “folksy” style, she is capable of being a representative that can be relied on to make the appropriate decisions when required.
In the former Governor, a very important function will be established for achieving long-term growth as her primary role will be to use her incredible persuasive skills to assist other business entities (for example, National chains and/or international manufacturing organizations etc.,) in viewing the economic “big picture” through the same “prism” as Cosvry to achieve even greater financial successes by working in concert with the Proprietorship. 

The Conclusion:
With these two announcements, as indicated in this post as well as in others on the Pages of this Blog, I am confident that the remainder of the organizational structure of Cosvry as depicted in the post
COSVRY INVESTMENTS STATUS - UPDATED, will be comprised of similarly talented individuals as identified publicly to date, who will bring their unique skills to assist the Proprietorship in meeting all its critical, business-related, human resources (to all its staff when selected) and “community-minded” objectives that will be definitely needed to implement and build a successful and outstanding investment business in going from idea to fully functioning business as indicated on the State Permitting business application filed. This filing as shown in the above referenced (linked) post, namely stated that the Proprietorship’s main objective is “investing personal funds in assets” in new areas without attempting to “take over” anything or “wrestle away” from anyone, any concept previously attempted or started by any other individual as a means of achieving personal financial success. These guidelines will be the type of methods used to achieve success the Cosvry way, using old-fashioned hard-work and offering well crafted, soundly designed unique products while shying away from the hastily, thrown together, mass produced superficial but attractive products of questionable quality generally available today in various environments. 
In one aspect this approach bears some similarity to the type of methods advocated by this Nation's (the land of my long-time adopted residence  by choice), 40th President as documented generally in the Blog post THE MAKING OF A GENUINE HERO - EDITED AND UPDATED, who lived and believed simple (but old-fashioned) principles, such as trying to achieve one's own personal goals and objectives. He practiced what he believed, such as fashioning his life after his hero from the book that impacted his life significantly "That Printer of Udell's", and then setting out to accomplish what he believed in. That approach places him in complete contrast to today's "free loader cause" types who only know how to achieve by hiding in the shadows and then attempting to take credit for the accomplishments of others with the assistance of their many supporters that also include political types who have forgotten that they are public servants first as described in the post THE FORGOTTEN VOTERS - EDITED/UPDATED - AMENDED. These "whatever works" types of whom they are many; then follow-up their actions with more of the same and proceed to compound their bad decisions by wasting ill-gotten resources of, which they always appear to have plenty as documented in the post ELECTRONIC NETWORKING RECORDS FRAUD ON A SIGNIFICANT SCALE by attempting to prove what's false (or phony, as impostors are), is real by using all types of unethical and criminal methods such types are known for as depicted in the post THE "FREE LOADERS CAUSE", "CREDIBILITY", THEIR STORY US NOW TOLD - UPDATED. In short such types have never and will never learn that CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE PATH TO AUTHENTICITY WHEN THE WILL OF GOD IS INVOLVED - UPDATED.        

James F. Brazant

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