Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Since it was previously stated on the pages of this Blog that a few select individuals would be assisted as an outcome of the reorganization that took place and resulted in a complete change in the proposed Proprietorship’s structure that had been proposed; this announcement updates details previously described in the post

Entrepreneurial Opportunities Background Details:
At least seven (7) individuals will be assisted with the establishing of distinct INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES proprietorships of, which six (6) will be based in various States in the contiguous USA to ensure that no overlap occurs and one (1) will be based in the Hawaiian islands, focusing on the sale of the Proprietorship “flagship” product on a wholesale basis. These Independent Outlets will be awarded as follows: 1) in the southeast Florida area - Condelezza Rice will be based, 2) the Texas area that includes the city of San Antonio and its surrounding suburbs that will go to, Abigail Keiper, which will be managed for her by her older daughter,  3) the Louisiana area will be where the adopted daughter of my late lecturer, Mr. Abelew, - Denise will be based and assisted by her daughter, 4) the Fairfield, Connecticut area is where my formerStonegateneighbor Barbara will be based, 5) Elin Nordegrin will now be awarded the Hawaiian Islands district and be based on the Big Island of Hawaii and will seek to ensure that she has the appropriate assistance to ensure success in this critical service district, 6)
the Michigan district is being awarded to my former colleague Jeanie Keiper, who will be based there to successfully manage this effective area exclusively, and the previous positions she were awarded Part-Time PROGRAM MANAGER/SALES CONSULTANT (for a western district) will instead be awarded to my niece Tricia Norville, with the assistance of two (2) MOBILE CONSULTANTS as documented in the post AMENDMENT REGARDING THE REORGANIZATIONAL STRUCFTURE EFECTING ALL OF CLCHS BAKERY - UPDATED as well as various Task consultants as depicted on the Organizational Chart and 7) the Rhode Island town of Bristol along with its surrounding counties/districts will be awarded to Jessie Mart instead. These outlets will in turn require the establishing of two (2) INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTION Proprietorships to successfully support the customer needs generated by five (5) of the seven (7) outlets they will be serving. Located in the geographic region served by four (4) of these Outlets and based in the Virginia area will be the 1st Distribution Proprietorship that will be awarded to Laura Bush. (for ease of facilitating Laura's Distribution capabilities, the Louisiana & Michigan Proprietorships will obtain their supplies directly from Cosvry Investments). The 2nd Distribution Proprietorship opportunity will be awarded to the daughter of my late former friend Margaret and she will be based on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. These two (2) distribution establishments will purchase their products from Cosvry at costs to be negotiated to enable them to be able to supply the wholesale customer demands required by the Independent Outlets, successfully. To aid in this effort, the "Holding Base" will also acquire the applicable subcomponents required to support the product in the Hawaiian islands from local sources to service this unique market successfully. There will be neither a Cosvry sales/marketing representative based in the Hawaiian islands nor will the Cosvry Sales/Marketing representatives work in the areas where these Independent Outlets are based to avoid overlap.    

Developments as a Direct Result of these Opportunities:
The other openings that will directly result from these opportunities will be filled appropriately by various individuals in this regard. For example, to assist Margaret’s daughter with her distribution network needed to successfully navigate the unique Hawaiian island landscape, a very skilled individual who has demonstrated that she has the knowledge of the island customs and techniques and a former political lady herself, who showed that she has what it takes to achieve successful outcomes even if it takes her repeated efforts to attain her objective and learning from her past challenges implements solutions to avoid previous pitfalls. It’s this type of tried and “true” determination that will be needed to service this island chain to meet the customer in this area. This lady is none other than former chief executive of the State, Linda Lingle who will become the DISTRIBUTION/NETWORK CONSULTANT on whom this Proprietor will rely to implement her distribution successfully to service the local island chain and meet the customer demand generated by Elin’s Sales/Marketing Outlet. in this arrangement, Margaret's daughter will award Linda 10% of the typical 60/40% and she will be provided with another 10% by me, making this specific Proprietorship arrangement 50%/20%/30% to be considerate to all involved.

On the Cosvry Investments side, the infrastructure required to service this unique market will have to be implemented locally, therefore, as shown on the Organizational Chart, a locally based GENERAL MANAGER - HAWAII OPERATIONS will be required as well as a team to assist in this production of this “flagship” product. As a result, one previously consider for another position is the candidate who will be offered this role and that is none other than the former very skilled sprinter and my long-time acquaintance and training/track associate from the island of Barbados herself, Lorna Davis, now a resident of New York. Lorna, who had to successfully overcome the challenges of transitioning from one environment and migrating to a completely different area and doing so very skillfully will be able to bring her unique skills attained as a business major and then implemented throughout her chosen career in helping others achieve their true potential by carefully managing their track skills to assist the Proprietorship in implementing the infrastructure needed to support this market. She will be ably assisted by a very long-time friend of 1st Lady Michelle Obama as her DISTRIBUTION MANAGER as well as other skilled professionals including her own as well as those of the long-time friend of the 1st Lady as shown in the Chart to ably support Lorna as the Proprietorship’s main representative, achieve all its goals in this very distinct market. Therefore please join me in welcoming all these individuals to the positions they will serve in from the Independent types and associates to the Cosvry Investments main representative as they all strive to work towards a common goal.

In closing for awareness purposes, it must be pointed out that it is my hope that these adept individuals will strive to do their best to establish and develop the type of operations that I am fully confident they can work towards to support the “Holding Base” Proprietorship’s overall business interests and as a direct outcome, their own efficiently managed business operations, which will be demonstrated by their growth and soundly operated financial enterprises on a continuous basis in their cooperation with the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR as documented in the post
AMENDMENT TO THE PROPRIETOR'S PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITIES. In these opportunities a major feature envisioned for the “Holding Base” Proprietorship, namely the in lieu of pension model will be establish to demonstrate their successful implementation and I do not anticipate any circumstances and/or challenges that will impede their demonstrated abilities to achieve the desired outcome in this regard as well as in the others that will be eventually awarded over time. 

James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the
Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address

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