Since it was previously stated on the pages of this Blog that a few select individuals would be assisted as an outcome of the reorganization that took place and resulted in a complete change in the proposed Proprietorship’s structure that had been proposed; this announcement describes how those individuals as well as another previously impacted in an earlier more subtle "reflective" organizational position focus will be assisted as follows.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities Background Details:
Five (5) individuals will be assisted with the establishing of distinct INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES Proprietorship Outlets of, which four (4) will be based in various States in the contiguous USA to ensure that no overlap occurs and one (1) will be based in the Hawaiian islands, focusing on the sale of the Proprietorship “flagship” product on a wholesale basis. These Independent Outlets will be awarded as follows: 1) in the southeast Florida area - Condoleezza Rice will be based, 2) the Texas area that includes the city of San Antonio and its surrounding suburbs will go to, Elin Nordegrin, 3) the Louisiana area will be where the adopted daughter of the late TCI lecturer, Mr. Abelew, - Denise will be based, 4) the Fairfield, County, Connecticut area is where my former “Stonegate” neighbor Barbara will be based and 6) Michelle Obama will be based on the Big Island of Hawaii. These outlets will in turn require the establishing of two (2) INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTION Proprietorship Operations to successfully support the customer needs generated by the five (5) Outlets, centrally in the geographic region served these Outlets most likely in the Virginia area and will be awarded to Laura Bush. The other distribution opportunity will be awarded to the daughter of my late former friend Margaret and will be based on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. These two (2) distribution establishments will purchase their products from Cosvry at costs to be negotiated to enable them to be able to supply the wholesale customer demands required by the Independent Outlets, successfully. To aid in this effort, Cosvry will also establish a second distribution center and acquire the applicable subcomponents required to support the product in the Hawaiian islands either from local sources or through direct acquisition to service this unique market successfully. There will be neither a Cosvry sales/marketing representative based in the Hawaiian islands nor will the Cosvry Sales/Marketing representatives work in the areas where these Independent Outlets are based to avoid overlap.
Developments Resulting Directly from these Opportunities:
The other openings that will directly result from these opportunities will be filled appropriately by various individuals in this regard. For example, to assist Margaret’s daughter with her distribution network needed to successfully navigate the unique Hawaiian island landscape, a very skilled individual who has demonstrated that she has the knowledge of the island customs and techniques and a former political lady herself, who showed that she has what it takes to achieve successful outcomes even if it takes her repeated efforts to attain her objective and learning from her past challenges, implement solutions to avoid previous pitfalls. It’s this type of tried and “true” determination that will be needed to service this island chain to meet the customer in this area. This lady is none other than former chief executive of the State, Linda Lingle who will become the DISTRIBUTION/NETWORK CONSULTANT on whom this Proprietor will rely to implement her distribution successfully to service the local island chain and meet the customer demand generated by the Michelle Obama’s Sales/Marketing Outlet. On the Cosvry Investments side, the infrastructure required to service this unique market will have to be implemented locally, therefore, as shown on the Organizational Chart, a locally based GENERAL MANAGER - HAWAII OPERATIONS will be required as well as a team to assist in this production of this “flagship” product. As a result, one previously consider for another top position as documented in the Introduction section of the post REORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESSION THOUGHT PROCESS/DECISION - UPDATED, is the candidate who will be offered this role and that is none other than the former very skilled sprinter and my long-time acquaintance and training/track associate from the island of Barbados herself, Lorna Davis, now a resident of New York. Lorna, who had to successfully overcome the challenges of transitioning from one environment and migrating to a completely different area and doing so very skillfully will be able to bring her unique skills attained as a business major and then implemented throughout her chosen career in helping others achieve their true potential by carefully managing their track skills to assist the Proprietorship in implementing the infrastructure needed to support this market. She will be ably assisted by a very skilled team of professionals as shown in the Chart some of whom will be known for their roles in supporting the high executive Offices their employer(s) was(were) ale to attain and others lesser known but equally skilled to be able to support Lorna as the Proprietorship’s main representative, achieve all its goals in this very distinct market. Therefore please join me in welcoming all these individuals to the positions they will serve in from the Independent types and associates to the “Holding Base” main representative as they all strive to work towards a common goal.
In closing for awareness purposes, it must be pointed out that a specific position that had been delayed in making decisions regarding it status has now been filled as well as one of the newly created positions and the successful candidates will be announced at a later date. The positions affected include the GENERAL MANAGER - COSVRY INVESTMENTS as well as the DISTRIBUTION MANAGER in the Hawaii area of operations. It is my hope that these adept individuals will strive to do their best to establish and develop the type of operations that I am fully confident they can work towards to support the “Holding Base” Proprietorship’s business interests and as a direct outcome, their own efficiently managed business operations, which will be demonstrated by their growth and soundly operated financial enterprises on a continuous basis. In these opportunities for these select individuals, previously considered in most cases but now excluded from any major envisioned “Holding Base” led Proprietorship roles by default, the object of following through on a broad promise in addition to a more personal one regarding one who could have been "overlooked" will have been met and I do not anticipate any circumstances and/or challenges that will impede their demonstrated abilities to achieve the desired outcome in this regard to make up for any previously indicated shortfall towards them, in most instances.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
This post clarifies reporting lines of authority as depicted in the post REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTING ALL PREVIOUS POSITIONS FOR COSVRY & CLCHS BAKERY to ensure a smooth and efficient operating Proprietorship at all the various levels, whether “Holding Base” or subsidiaries for various positions. In addition, details about a few positions are also included regarding either new announcements and/or the expansion of responsibilities, as well as the announcement about a critical international “Holding Base” consultant and Part-Time Program Manager position, therefore, please follow below.
Background Details:
As depicted in the updated Organizational Chart, the ACCOUNTS MANAGER will now be reporting to the Proprietor and the IT MANAGER will in turn now be reporting to the DIVISIONS MANAGER in order to center this divisions crossing activity in a single location for efficiency. The direct report of the ACCOUNTS MANAGER, the PAYROLL CONSULTANT, will continue to report to this Manager. In addition, the ACCOUNTS MANAGER will also now be based at the “Holding Base” location as the PAYROLL CONSULTANT will be based. As far as the IT positions are concerned, one of the two IT MANAGER positions will become an IT CONSULTANT and will now report to the IT Manager. This change should streamline their activities across the divisions, since similar software products require implementation in either subsidiary Proprietorship as well as at the “Holding Base”. Since management responsibility for the software functions are directly being assigned to the DIVISIONS MANAGER, management responsibility for the accounting/payroll functions will now be direct responsibility of the Proprietor as reflected in the change in reporting for the ACCOUNTS MANAGER in order to achieve clearer operating and reporting functions.
The daughter of my childhood friend Olivia Gibbons was considered for and will be offered the position of IT MANAGER. In this very skilled and technologically astute young lady, the Proprietorship and its subsidiaries will be in "good" hands with regards the implementing of all needed software requirements. Therefore, please join me in welcoming her to this position of the utmost importance to the successful functioning of the business operations.
In addition to the GENERAL CONSULTANT, based at the CD operating center, a PART-TIME VP PROGRAM MANAGER will be based at the Cosvry Investments (CI) main operating center to coordinate the activities for those needing such at this location. This PART-TIME VP PROGRAM MANAGER will report to the SALES MANAGER and to the VP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR for those applicable responsibilities under that area of responsibility and will also serve as a SALES CONSULTANT and report to the SALES MANAGER for those applicable responsibilities. As a result, the individual considered for and to whom this position will be offered is none other than a former colleague, who carried out her duties with commitment and purpose while taking the time to ensure that she made available what was truly required and did so in a professional manner, demonstrated dedication to her specific responsibilities, in my opinion. Therefore, I am pleased to announce that in Jeannie Keiper, the dedicated individual needed will be available to make sure that this vital service will be provided to those who need it and will be assisted by full-time assistants to carry out the support activity required.
Furthermore, the role of the DESIGN ASSETS MANAGER will be expanding to also include the management of all of the Proprietorship's physical assets including all activities on-going at all the various operating centers as well, with the new title, DESIGN/PHYSICAL ASSETS MANAGER.
The direct report to Design/Physical Assets Manager, the DESIGN ASSETS CONSULTANT will be offered to the 2nd of the three (3) siblings of my former very special friends Pat and Aubrie Huque of St. James, Barbados as documented in item # 16 from the listing in the post WHEN SACRIFICING IS IMPLEMENTED BY DECREE - UPDATED who is also the now the former spouse of the CEO of that well known “American” icon best known for its travel and entertaining financial services products with its well identified title that sounds like “Amelian” Express. In this very skilled young lady, a dedicated professional individual in her own right who knows not only how to withstand but also to survive under tough circumstances both personally as well as professionally who has become a leading patron and advocate for those who have had to endure very trying emotional and other types of circumstances will be ensuring that the international intellectual property rights of the “Holding Base” Proprietorship are secured internationally for any and all innovations developed by the team stationed internationally. Therefore, please join me in welcoming this very astute and tactful young lady who when based internationally will report to the General Facilities Manager for smooth organizational control, and I’m proud to be able to assist the younger of the two siblings of my "late" former dear friends Pat and Aubrie Huque.
As reflected on the Organizational Chart, the position of SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PROPRIETOR is being created for my former “Stonegate” condo, Branford, CT neighbor, Barbara, which essentially will have her filling in at the “Holding Base” for the Proprietor, on such occasions as I am forced to be away for other pressing reasons, in order to effect smooth functioning and avoid any disruptions by my absence. On such occasions, those who directly report to the Proprietor will be informed of the temporary change in reporting to better streamline on-going activity about, which she will be briefed.
In conclusion, it must also be stated that a new Independent International Subcontractual consulting position will be made available, providing international operations guidance to the Cosvry Investments (CI) division, and reporting to the Regional Manager. This subcontractual Opportunity will be offered to a lady who is distinguished by her birth in the important state of New Mexico and who also spent a number of her childhood years traveling to and remaining in the cross border country of Mexico and as a result became a very internationally savvy individual even at a young age. This person is none other than the unassuming Elin Nordegrin, who will assist the Proprietorship in better transitioning into and in conducting on-going business in the (those) area(s) where such business activities will be carried out. As part of this arrangement, Elin will establish an office in the international location to better facilitate the availability of her timely and useful recommendations about how best to traverse the local customs in order to conduct business more effectively as the Proprietorship works out the details about obtaining the critically needed subcomponent and in this manner will maintain her international office in the best interest of ensuring that on-going business will remain free of any issues that could potentially disrupt the established details secured to conduct an ongoing presence in the international location. Therefore, please join me in welcoming her as well as all newly announced individuals to their applicable positions.
The Conclusion:
As with any new process minor changes are often required to effect smoother and more efficient operating conditions and it is hoped by the upfront effort being taken to ensure a better functioning and more fiscally sound and efficient operation that any such scenarios will either be eliminated or kept to a minimum to avoid any disruptions when operations begin. Thanks for your cooperation in effecting these adjustments.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
mentioned the positions of all who are considered senior management for the purpose of ensuring that there is no misunderstanding about who have been tasked with implementing the responsibilities of the referenced Directive, a change in the previous method of announcement is being implemented with regards these positions as they will be announced in this post for consistency as far as possible, without indicating those to whom they are being assigned, please follow.
Those who have been considered for and to whom these positions as indicated in the Organizational Chart will be offered, are as follows:
COSVRY DEVELOPMENT’s (CDs) day-to-day activities will be managed by Jessie Mart, who is a very skilled lady and can be relied on to carry out the Proprietorship’s goals in order to help in the attainment of all its critical objectives, within her sphere of responsibility. In this position, she will work cooperatively with the Regional Manager to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of that Division.
FACILITY’s day-to-day activities will be under the capable hands of the eldest of the siblings of the RM - CD, who is also a very effective lady in her own right and one on whom the critical responsibility of an international production facility can be entrusted to ensure that the subcomponents needed can supplied as required to meet customer demands. She will have the support of her staff, consistent with the issued Directive, available to ensure that none are allowed to function in a manner that is inconsistent with the proper conduct/expectations from her direct reports even those based in a foreign country.
MARKETING & SALES day-to-day activities will be managed by the former PM of the twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago and first female to hold this position, Kamla Persaud. Needless to say she comes well qualified to manage the needs of many long-distance-based staff while simultaneously ensuring that the Proprietorship’s goals are implemented even under such circumstances. This very capable lady possesses the strength and stamina to maintain guidance and direction under these very challenging conditions and will act to implement what is in the best interest of her staff as well as for the Proprietorship. The importance of this senior Management role cannot be more over-emphasized, because those who will be assigned these very responsible National Base Coordinators as well as Marketing and Sales Consultants will be among some of our best and outstanding staff, who either in person or through another member of their family are considered the very reliable from whom much is expected as a result. With these descriptions, these individuals will include: those known for quite sometime, those well known and connected either directly or indirectly, extensions of some who go very far back and known either personally or professionally including some from my very first position worked after graduating and eventually entering the workforce and extension of others who have held very responsible positions and known for extensive periods.
COSVRY INVESTMENTS’ day-to-day manager will be revealed and made known when prerequisite criteria under consideration and being evaluated (in various circles) are resolved according to the satisfaction of the Proprietorship.
These selections/appointments are being made known to ensure that those who are expected to implement the Proprietorship’s goals and objectives are very sure what is required as they carry out the dual tasks of assisting the staff by helping them become as skilled in their assigned roles as possible while also helping to attain the business goals and objectives of, which the primary criterion is the establishment and maintenance of an efficiently operated business enterprise. In closing, please join me in welcoming all these very successful and skilled professionals to the “Holding Base”/subsidiaries Proprietorships model as it nears the time frame for moving forward finally with the established plans as defined here on the Pages of this Blog ONLY, as there is no other model for implementing Conservery’s business objectives.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
The focus of this post is to document the departure of one individual from a critical role and correspondingly introduce her replacement to lead the division as it embarks on the mission it was destined to fulfill as a “flagship” product’s “parent” in an environment where meaningful goals are fostered and uplifted.
Background Details:
With this announcement, it becomes clear that a special individual will not be a part of “Holding Base” organizational structure in anyway and she, Elin Nordegrin will be offered a role of a different kind to be revealed later. As a result of this action, the position of REGIONAL MANAGER - COSVRY INVESTMENTS (RM - CI) has become vacant temporarily and has to be reassigned to another. Immediately, two notable individuals come to mind, both of whom in my opinion can “hit the ground running", and they are, my very long standing friend whom was previously considered for and offered a position managing one of the previous organization’s concept CFWF, sections. She is none other than Denise Maddox, formerly of Pennsylvania and now, New Jersey, who is a very capable and skilled banker by profession, who early on recognized that my earlier business approach, (which was shelved for the new “Holding Base” approach), would not be very cost competitive and would be very unlikely to achieve financial success in its form. The other leading candidate is also a very longtime friend and in her case, a former track training colleague who unlike me made track and field, at which she was a very skilled competitor (in the days immediately prior to and following the completion of my secondary school years in the country of my birth, Barbados). She is none other than the very gifted Lorna Davis who could outrun many of the guys that competed in track and field at that time and as a result, parted with the shores of her island home approximately five (5) or more years prior to my leaving after being offered a scholarship and accepting it to study and continue training in the US, in the hopes of becoming a track and field “star” athlete. Lorna is now a resident of and resides in New York. On the other hand, I would later leave my homeland in 1978 to pursue my technical studies in New York and lost track of her as I concentrated on a different career, having long since concluded that track and field would not be life’s profession for me unlike the extremely gifted Lorna. However, in making my decision, I had to make the very tough choice of whom in my opinion would make the better business manager and even though Lorna would become a business major as her choice of studies, the position will be offered to my long-time banking friend Denise Maddox, who will bring her strong financial skills to this critically important division to ensure that it’s managed in a sound financial manner while making the tough decisions needed to ensure that success is realized giving the directive outlined in the post REORGANIZATIONAL UPDATE/DIRECTIVE - UPDATED/AMENDED. However, Lorna will not be forgotten as the “Holding Base” organization approach is completely filled out.
In my long-time friend Denise at the helm, a strong sense of financial accountability can be expected to be placed on the COSVRY INVESTMENTS as well as all the Proprietorships business operations, which will complement and support the Directive given in the earlier above post, ensuring that unacceptable conduct, which translates into financial inefficiency, will not be tolerated with the guidance given “life” by the “Directive”. Please join me in welcoming Denise to this section where great things can be expected from my long-time friend who will ensure that the goals of the Proprietorship are realized through this “flagship” product.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
With regards the previously announced positions discussed in the post REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTING ALL PREVIOUS POSITIONS FOR COSVRY & CLCHS BAKERY - UPDATED, a change is
being made to address the long-term professional development of the
Proprietorship’s management staff in order to achieve the results desired from the outset.
Leadership Change:
To obtain the intended outcome regarding the above action, the individuals in the positions DIVISIONS MANAGER and REGIONAL
MANAGER COSVRY INVESTMENTS (RM - CI) will be essentially be switching roles. As a result, my former colleague
from the then Combustion Engineering (C-E), Pauline will lead the DIVISIONS
as MANAGER with her own unique and committed style this seasoned
engineering professional knows and I’m confident that the “Holding Base” will be
in “good” hands to lead it forward. As
a result, Elin Nordegrin will in turn head one division as RM - CI,
knowing that the major area with the potential to disrupt operations in that
section has been identified, addressed effectively and placed in reliable
“hands”. Elin with her own deliberate but determined style will bring a breath
of “fresh air” to the section as it: manufactures, assembles, markets and
distributes the Proprietorship’s “flagship” product aggressively from the outset.
Conclusion & Directive:
Alterations such as this are on occasion required to present the best approach with the realization that the moves even though often causing
upheavals, can and do bring: strengthening in the areas being focused on,
strategic promise that needed attention is also being given to the areas in
addition to the notice to all even if “based” in the furthest outpost, that
rotation “out” is possible to bring about the desired outcome. Furthermore,
both positions by these additions, introduce the potential to “stir up” their
respective areas for the better as they aid the Proprietorship in achieving its
goals the Cosvry way, namely by “old fashioned” hard work. Please join me in
welcoming both of these skilled ladies to their respective positions as the
more “streamlined” “Holding Base” Proprietorship approach prepares for
operation, efficiently and effectively.
It must be emphasized in closing that even though the DIVISIONS MANAGER and the REGIONAL MANAGER - COSVRY INVESTMENTS (RM - CI) are the focus of the original update, this directive regarding the type of action to be expected from ALL at Senior Management level in response to unacceptable staff actions; are also applicable to the REGIONAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (RM - CD), GENERAL MANAGER - CD as well as to the GENERAL MANAGER - CI and GENERAL FACILITIES MANAGER in order that the staff can expect consistent actions from these Professionals.
James F. Brazant
Conservery, Cosvry & ClChs Bakery
After much consideration it became increasingly clear that the implementation of the previous organization in the format proposed would involve a considerable drain on resources such as to cause a serious imbalance if not addressed and as a result a completely different approach had to be adopted to achieve success in the business ventures that involved scaling back what was previously considered, The new approach for the organizations impacted will be as discussed below.
The entire business structure will be based on the consideration of Conservery as the “holding base” Proprietorship from, which all others will be realized and a corresponding organizational chart featuring this approach about, which announcements will be made personally, can be viewed at the following link. As seen, this new organization, with Conservery assist “base” Proprietorship, consists of two distinct Proprietorships, Cosvry Development and Cosvry Investments, focusing only on two products and services instead of three. The three (3)-product and/or services approach was too high a hurdle to implement from a ground-up organizational approach from, which financial success was to be realized with fixed resources at the outset without a corresponding amount of income or revenue coming in to offset the surge in spending anticipated up-front to make a mark in the intended marketplaces.
As depicted in the “HOLDING BASE" ORGANIZATIONAL CHART, the “Holding Base” will remain a “small” Proprietorship of approximately five (5) based-individuals including a DIVISIONS MANAGER, DESIGN ASSETS MANAGER, AUXILIARY MANAGER and a PAYROLL CONSULTANT all of whom will report to the Proprietor with the exception of the PAYROLL CONSULTANT who reports to the ACCOUNTS MANAGER. The main area of responsibility of the DIVISIONS MANAGER will be to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the divisions to ensure that the issues, which cross division lines are successfully managed. The main focus of the DESIGN ASSETS MANAGER will be on securing the intellectual assets rights of Proprietorship both nationally and internationally. In addition the main focus of the AUXILIARY MANAGER will be to ensure that alternate avenues are available for the critical subcomponents required for the Proprietorship’s “flagship” product are identified with the necessary arrangements established with these potential suppliers to avoid disruptions if the need arises.
The directs reports of the DIVISIONS MANAGER will be: an OPERATIONS ANALYST, ACCOUNTS MANAGER, VP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR, COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, COSVRY DEVELOPMENT REGIONAL MANAGER and COSVRY INVESTMENTS REGIONAL MANAGER The main focus of the OPERATIONS ANALYST will be on taxes for all the business operations of the “Holding Base” and its subsidiary Proprietorships as well as ensuring that all Federal, State and local permits needed for operation, are managed properly. The main responsibility of the ACCOUNTS MANAGER will be to address all the accounting details for the Proprietorships are efficiently well managed. The duties of the VP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR will be to ensure that the Students with Promise and Special Needs Programs as documented in the post THE STUDENTS WITH PROMISE MENTORING VERSUS THE SPECIAL NEEDS INDIVIDUALS PROGRAMS, are successfully implemented and managed. Finally, the primary duties of the COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER will be to ensure that an efficient communications network exists throughout all the Proprietorships areas of operation from the “Holding Base” level to all its other operating areas as well as at the regional base levels. The main responsibilities of both REGIONAL MANAGERS are ensuring that the "big picture" issued affecting their applicable sections are properly addressed to ensure the smooth functioning of the division in all the regions where business is conducted and/or where representatives are placed.
ClCh’s Bakery will be run mainly as mobile operations to better streamline the services and products offering instead of attempting to take on too much and then result in being stretched too thin in the process. One will be based in the greater Cedar Rapids area and the other will be based in the greater Los Angeles, CA area. The details about whom these offerings will be included below.
It is my sincere hope that any inconvenience caused by the previous announcements, via the pages of these Blogs did not impact any individual (or individuals) significantly, and it is also my hope that the new “Holding Base” approach will be recognized as an attempt to effectively manage the anticipated financial drain to be place on a single structured approach, consisting of designing, manufacturing and marketing three products and or services successfully. In the new approach, the “Holding Base” and subsidiary Proprietorships will be based in completely different locations for more effective management. With this as a backdrop, the individuals who have been considered for and to whom the above mentioned positions will be offered are as follows: DIVISIONS MANAGER will be offered to Elin Nordegrin, she is a very capable lady will excellent management skills and in her selection, I’m confident that the subsidiaries will be managed and led efficiently by all involved. The position of DESIGN ASSETS MANAGER will be offered to my longtime “exceptionally determined” acquaintance, Elizabeth Ann Tucker. Elizabeth, who does not shy away from a challenge will be responsible for ensuring that all the intellectual property rights of the Proprietorships are adequately addressed and will become the “go to” for becoming informed about any and all patent and royalty type rights affecting any of the Proprietorships products wherever business is conducted. The position of AUXILIARY MANAGER, which will be based at the main operating center for Cosvry Investments will be offered to a long-time acquaintance Celia Holder, who has spent years undertaking the successful management of those details that ensure the smooth running of office business activities and in her I’m sure that the skills needed will be applied to help the Proprietorship meet its critical goals within her area of responsibility. In addition, the position of PAYROLL CONSULTANT will be offered to the daughter of my senior semester Management Accounting 101 study partner, Janet L. Windus, who is a very focused and dedicated–to-her-cause young lady, much as her skilled fencing mother and I’m confident that she will be an asset to the Proprietorship when she assumes the tough roll of managing all the staff payroll and related issues to ensure that this vital area will receive the critical attention it deserves.
Regarding the direct reports of the DIVISIONS MANAGER, the position of OPERATIONS ANALYST will be offered to Jan Miller, who is a very capable leader and one on whom the tax liabilities of the Proprietorships will be in competent “hands”, knowing that they are being managed efficiently and competently. The position of ACCOUNTS MANAGER will be offered to 2nd of the siblings of my former “Stonegate” neighbor Barbara, whom as previously noted is a very responsibility lady and one on whom greater responsibility can be entrusted and from who outstanding results can in turn be expected and in her appointment, I’m confident that the accounting-related affairs of the business will be carried out to the best of her abilities. The position of VP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR will be offered to a young lady who has spent a number of years involved in such program activities with a well known area agency and in the appointment of this lady known familiarly as Gabby of Cedar Rapids and now Burlington, to this position, I’m sure will encourage her to continue to make the bold steps needed to complete the actions towards become a truly outstanding individual in her own right who is able to carry out the demands of her appointment with the type of professional conduct that will make her an asset to the Proprietorship. The position of COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER will be offered to the former Maureen MacDonald who now resides in her home state, New York, and as a former hospital administrator will be very “qualified” for this position that places the responsibility for ensuring that an efficient communications network exists between the man facility location and all the regional base Cosvry Development (CD) Coordinators locations as well as between the Cosvry Investments main facility and all their Marketing/Sales Consultants regional locations in addition to a similar network between all these locations and the Conservery “Holding Base” location since these three facilities will be located in distinctly different locations, Maureen will have the assistance of a COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR and 2 VP COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS as documented in the post THE UNVEILING OF THE NEW PROPRIETORSHIP/SUBSIDIARIES - UPDATED to assist her in ensuring that success is achieved in this endeavor and I’m confident that she will be able to assist the Proprietorship with these assigned task The position of REGIONAL MANAGER - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT (RM-CD) will be offered to that very skillful lady, in the form of the “spouse” of my former colleague, Curt Bock, who needs no introduction to the Pages of this Blog. Her skills as a lady of many talents have been noted as well as those as a leader in her own right and area of responsibility and she has demonstrated that she possesses the skills to eventually handle challenges successfully even if realizing that that a different approach is required in a given circumstance in order to achieve success and in this position no less will be expected and in her, I’m confident that this services offering from a regional base approach as depicted in the Organizational Chart will be effectively and firmly managed as well as efficiently operated. The final position in this phase of announcement regarding the “Holding Base” approach business structure, namely REGIONAL MANAGER - COSVRY INVESTMENTS (RM-CI) will be offered to a very long-time colleague with whom I worked in my first position that I gained after graduating from Pratt as a Nuclear Engineer at the then Combustion Engineering. Pauline, like me was young engineer who did not “fit” the typical “mold” of who was expected to be encountered in the nuclear engineering profession, but who was recognized as a very skilled and talented young lady in her own right who did not allow her uniqueness to inhibit her ability to be recognized as a skilled and very competent technical contributor to the then I&CE team under the very capable leadership of the very outstanding, Manager Ken Rohde, who was my first engineering Manager on graduating. Pauline, will be able to bring the type of leadership to this “flagship” product that will ensure success building on strength to strength, one step at a time the Cosvry way. Please join me in welcoming Pauline, to this position in, which the typical challenges can be expected as with any new product and/or service and in whom great results can be expected as she rises to the occasion.
The 1st of the CLCH’S BAKERY MOBILE ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES will be offered to Laurie Dammann, who will in turn obtain her supplies from the family of the Lady who was previously announced to be Manager and whose daughter was offering Special Occasion products to the Bakery. In their Entrepreneurial arrangement, the products offered in the mobile arrangement will all be supplied by this team of family members and the various details will be worked out accordingly. The 2nd of the CLCH’S BAKERY MOBILE ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES will be offered to that young lady known by her “show” business name as “Rihanna”, who will be provided with two (2) mobile units and in addition, the assistance of a CULINARY CONSULTANT for menu planning and who will in turn be obtaining her supplies from two different sources. One will be from a well known former State first lady of a political type, who could be considered “over” qualified but who possesses the amazing ability to reinvent herself for whatever role she chooses to pursue, and who resides in the greater Los Angeles area about whom details will be announced in due course. The second product supplier for this young entrepreneurially-minded lady will be two sisters known for another form of "genteel" living, in the form of the former "Kate" Middleton and her and her equally well-known sister, Pippa. These two enterprising sisters will be the second source of products for Rihanna, for the second of her two mobile units, from their own subcontractural business operation, as they all strive to compete in that highly competitive "upscale" market. These announcements complete this reorganizational announcement and I hope that all will eventually recognize the critical significance of the “Holding Base" and mobile only bakery approaches to the business structures, that have been envisioned for long-term financial stability.
James F. Brazant