This announcement focuses on the various roles needed to fix and position the anticipated growth that will result from the Independent Marketing/Sales Proprietorships Opportunities while making sure that the international facility is also positioned to more effectively streamline the operations with staff placements while ensuring that the needed alterations are effectively utilized in the best interest of all consistent with the announcements outlined in the post REALIGNMENT OF INTERNATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT WITH INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORSHIP OPPORTUNITY. Please follow below for details.
This critical subcomponent facility for, which the services of an internationally savvy individual would be obtained to ensure that those operating in this international location conduct themselves according to the local customs, will now be implemented by my acquaintance who is well on her way to recapturing her best asset, even though she doesn’t like to be reminded of it, and she is none other than Kandijah Ameen, a very skillful and capable individual, in whose hands the facility’s management will be entrusted as she assumes the role of GENERAL FACILITY MANAGER. She will be required to fill the same position as previously outlined in the prior post referenced and with the assistance of her family, she a very capable individual indeed, will fill this void and become a valued member of the “Holding Base” Proprietorship’s extended staff.
Other Needed Changes:
With the placement of the eldest daughter of my former mentor’s adopted daughter, Denise, in the Cosvry Development (CD) base location, all the Independent Marketing/Sales Proprietorships will now be purchasing supplies from Laura’s Independent Distributorship, with the exception of the MI outlet. As a result of the anticipated growth/demand, the following changes are being implemented. Elin Nordegrin and Jessie Mart are being reassigned to assist Laura Bush in her Distributorship and if Elin for any reason is unable to provide assistance due to competing interests any additional assistance needed by Laura can be provided by the family members of the former Vicky VonBehren's Twin granddaughters who have been assigned to this area as documented in the post NATIONAL "HOLDING BASE" STAFF ROSTER ROLLOUT - UPDATED. With these changes, I’m very positive that this Distribution enterprise will now be very capable of meeting the expected load that will result from the Proprietors as announced in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED.
In addition, THE BRISTOL, RI INDEPENDENT SALES/MARKETING PROPRIETORSHIP will now be awarded to the eldest daughter of the late Elizabeth Edwards. This very effective and skillful young lady, like her late mother, will be in my opinion be very effective in the management of this business opportunity and she will be a very important member of the Independent Sales/Marketing Proprietorships “family”.
Since Kandijah Ameen was being considered for the position of DISTRIBUTION MANAGER, a very key role in the “Holding Base” business approach, this position will now be assigned to my long-time acquaintance, Elizabeth Ann Tucker, who will I’m sure, run a very efficient, smooth and well thought out “ship”, just as she goes about all the activities she undertakes. Therefore, with the assistance of her staff as documented in the Organizational Chart, she will ensure that all aspects of the business area under her management will be very skillfully and efficiently operated.
The position that Elizabeth Ann was previ0usly assigned to DESIGN/PHYSICAL ASSETS MANAGER, will now instead be filled by Carla Charliere, essentially assisting with ensuring that intellectual property rights are effectively controlled, who along with the eldest of her siblings in the position of DESIGN RESEARCH CONSULTANT /AUXILIARY MANAGER, will ably assist the Design Legal Analyst in the carrying out of her Group’s mission. In these two individuals, the team will now be effectively staffed since the other individual previously assigned that role will be unable to fill it due to competing interests. Carla's other part-time responsibility will be to ensure that all the physical property of the "Holding Base" is maintained effectively.
In the part-time roll of Physical Assets Manager in, which she reports to the Proprietor, Carla will be entrusted with ensuring that all the physical assets wholly owned by the Proprietorship are maintained in a properly functioning manner. For example, if some aspect of any the offices where the “Holding Base”, Cosvry Development (CD) or the Cosvry investments (CI) staff typically “housed” (work out of), are not functioning or is in need of repair, Carla is the individual to make aware of the need and she will in turn schedule time with the appropriate CD Team for the maintenance to be carried out. This is important because as previously mentioned in the post SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT DELIVERY - THE KEY TO THE ADOPTION OF THE “HOLDING BASE” BUSINESS MODEL, all are either directly or indirectly involved in pricing and even though the services are being done by an internal Group, the work carried out represents a cost that has to be paid for and this is where pricing comes in because the cost center (or business section) where the work is carried out has to essentially pay the cost center (or business section) where the work is being done. This is more an internal accounting transfer of costs between sections to in effect track costs and in this way, ensure that everything used, whether physical assets such as supplies or even services carried out are tracked as a cost that will essentially impact the pricing of all products to be sure that they are accurately priced. For that matter even if an applicable CD section was carrying out repairs (or services) in their section, it would also have to be tracked as a cost, but in this case utilized (absorbed or disposed of) internal to the specific business section, in the same manner that any other asset, such as supplies or parts were disposed of (used up and/or discarded) as the case may be, depending on the manner in, which it was utilized.
In her part-time responsibility, Auxiliary Manager, Carla’s older daughter also reports to the Proprietor and is essentially required to be knowledgeable of and is tasked with having arrangements made with standby avenues for obtaining the critical subcomponents should the need ever arise that such services will be needed. It is not expected that this function will require extensive support either once the arrangements are made and/or some development occurs to require the existing arrangements to be updated.
In these two individuals, (Carla and the older of her daughters), the Team (Design Assets) will now be effectively staffed since the other individual previously assigned the role of Design Research Consultant will be unable to fill it due to competing interests.
It is my hope that in these selections, these positions/opportunities will now be in the best “hands” to ensure that all the critical professional and personal goals will be met appropriately. Therefore, please join me in welcoming/congratulating all these very notable professionals as they look forward to these new assignments with the same fervor that they did their previous roles and I’m confident that all concerned (such as family members) will rise to the occasion in support to ensure that shared success is a common objective.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address
This announcement focuses on the international facility to more effectively streamline the operations with staff placement while ensuring that the subcontractual services being obtained are effectively utilized in the best interest of all. Please follow below for details.
This critical subcomponent facility for, which the services of an internationally savvy individual would be obtained to ensure that those operating in this international location conduct themselves according to the local customs, will be altered by this decision change, making the need for these consulting services unnecessary. The individual long considered for this unique opportunity, the oldest “sibling” of my former colleague Curt Bock’s “spouse” is being reassigned and instead, Elin Nordegrin will become the new FACILITY GENERAL MANAGER. With her knowledge of international customs gained even at a tender age, she is the best available and skilled manager to fill this vital role of ensuring that the subcomponents required are supplied to the quality expected. For this she will need the services of a very skilled QUALITY CONSULTANT to ensure that the products supplied consistently meet expectations. In addition, she will need a DESIGN CONSULTANT to ensure that the products design criteria are considered throughout all phases of the product's development, a skill that can be supplied by a VP with outstanding ability. She will also have the benefit of the on site INTERNATIONAL DESIGN ASSETS CONSULTANT, Kathryn, who will be reporting to her when based at the facility to ensure that unique designs receive the appropriate intellectual property classification to protect the rights of all concerned, as appropriate. Since this General Manager’s (GMs) position is in an international location it also comes with an annual spending range, which the Regional Manager will ensure is not exceeded, this range is to allow for reasonable purchases effecting business operations to be made by the GM, once the appropriate senior manager is made aware of the action being taken, in order that business activity would not be impeded; while bearing in mind that traceability is of the utmost importance to avoid unneeded scrutiny.
Needed Change:
Based on this position realignment, the individual previously assigned this position, will instead be assigned the INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORSHIP OPPORTUNITY in the Hawaiian Islands for, which Elin was announced in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED. The eldest of the “siblings” of my former colleague’s “spouse”, will now assigned this position and will be very effective also in this critical location, as she will be using her managerial skills to introduce, market and sell the product successfully across the island chain; with the able support of the “Holding Base” based staff as well the Independent Distribution Team. With this change, the most effective individuals will now be in place to carry out the assigned responsibilities, professionally and with the assistance of their very capable support teams.
It is my hope that in these selections, these positions/opportunities will be in the best “hands” to ensure that all the critical professional and personal goals will be met appropriately. Therefore, please join me in welcoming/congratulating these very notable professionals as they look forward to these new assignments with the same fervor that they did their previous roles and I’m confident that all concerned (such as family members) will rise to the occasion in support to ensure that shared success is a common objective.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address
As pointed out in the post, SUPPLEMENT TO THE PROPRIETOR;S PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITIES, various activities will be required to be carried out by the Manager, this supplement is intended to clarify those activities in further detail and to announce a change with regard these responsibilities. Please follow below for details.
This full-time position involves the management of the personal investments of the Proprietor excluding the “Holding Base” Conservery and associated Proprietorships activity to ensure that sound financial maintenance is being carried out regarding the personal investment vehicles of the Proprietor, which could include but not be limited to such instruments as real estate holdings etc., and since the individual previously selected for this position is being assigned to an alternate position that will make it impossible for her to carry out these responsibilities, no better replacement can be found than one willing to “go the extra mile” to assist another at the time of the individual's greatest need, and even placing herself in a position of “vulnerability” to effect this eventuality; this position will instead be given to Abigail Keiper.
In this position, the Manager’s responsibilities will be to, for example: 1) ensure that rents are collected from those properties being rented; 2) ensure that all real estate taxes due are brought to the attention of the Proprietor when appropriate, etc., whether those properties are held nationally or internationally; 3) in the case of the Independent Proprietorships, the Manager will be required annually to determine with the individual Proprietors the profits realized to adequately determine the 60/40 percent profit sharing split to be divided with the Proprietors, for the purpose of obtaining the Proprietor’s annual 40% return from this investment activity (where appropriate), even in the case of her own Proprietorship that will be under the direct management of her older daughter’s (as documented in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED; 4) the other aspect of the financial arrangements between the Proprietor and the Independent Proprietors/Distributors in need of explanation, relates to the housing subsidy they will receive (ONLY in instances where relocation is required to facilitate their business activity to offset monthly operating expenses). Unlike the “Holding Base’s” staff, benefit, this will be a monthly cash amount paid based on their location, property type in addition to other property specific details; the Personal Finance Manager will ensure that they receive these cash subsidies; 5) where income-producing business/property investments are held internationally, the Manager will work with the local managers to determine the annual profit for the purpose of ensuring that the appropriate profit distribution is determined and realized; 6) in instances where these international income-producing property/businesses require monthly cash subsidies to be paid to local managers, to offset expenses incurred, the Manager will also facilitate these monthly cash subsidies working with the Proprietor to implement these financial obligations; 7) oversee the financial activity regarding ClChs Bakery with the associated Independent Proprietorships involved to ensure adequate financial activity is being undertaken and realized from these mobile only operations as indicated in the post AMENDMENT REGARDING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE EFFECTING ALL OF CLCHS BAKERY - UPDATED; 8) since this position is specific to the investments carried out, the above listing may not be all-inclusive of all the areas where the Manager may be required to manage effectively and 9) finally, the Manager will ensure that adequate attention is directed to all investment instruments held that will serve to enhance personal income tax-filing activity, which will be overseen by the Manager in concert with the avenue determined to effect such activity.
Since the attention of the Proprietor will be directed to many different activities to ensure that the main investment realizes outstanding returns, the Manager will serve as the “eyes” and “ears” with regards these personal investments to ensure that order and proper payments/rates-of-return where applicable are effected in these critically important vehicles, ("without placing herself in a position of personal vulnerability"). I'm confident that in Abby, the most thoughtful individual has been selected for this very important function, which she will in my opinion affect and implement professionally; so please join me in welcoming and congratulating her as she will use her management skill to successfully execute this critically important position as outlined In the previous postings on this subject.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
Since it was previously stated on the pages of this Blog that a few select individuals would be assisted as an outcome of the reorganization that took place and resulted in a complete change in the proposed Proprietorship’s structure that had been proposed; this announcement updates details previously described in the post INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES as well as in the post HOW BUSINESS COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTOR IS INTENDED TO FUNCTION and expands on the details discussed earlier, please follow below.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities Background Details:
At least seven (7) individuals will be assisted with the establishing of distinct INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES proprietorships of, which six (6) will be based in various States in the contiguous USA to ensure that no overlap occurs and one (1) will be based in the Hawaiian islands, focusing on the sale of the Proprietorship “flagship” product on a wholesale basis. These Independent Outlets will be awarded as follows: 1) in the southeast Florida area - Condelezza Rice will be based, 2) the Texas area that includes the city of San Antonio and its surrounding suburbs that will go to, Abigail Keiper, which will be managed for her by her older daughter, 3) the Louisiana area will be where the adopted daughter of my late lecturer, Mr. Abelew, - Denise will be based and assisted by her daughter, 4) the Fairfield, Connecticut area is where my former “Stonegate” neighbor Barbara will be based, 5) Elin Nordegrin will now be awarded the Hawaiian Islands district and be based on the Big Island of Hawaii and will seek to ensure that she has the appropriate assistance to ensure success in this critical service district, 6) the Michigan district is being awarded to my former colleague Jeanie Keiper, who will be based there to successfully manage this effective area exclusively, and the previous positions she were awarded Part-Time PROGRAM MANAGER/SALES CONSULTANT (for a western district) will instead be awarded to my niece Tricia Norville, with the assistance of two (2) MOBILE CONSULTANTS as documented in the post AMENDMENT REGARDING THE REORGANIZATIONAL STRUCFTURE EFECTING ALL OF CLCHS BAKERY - UPDATED as well as various Task consultants as depicted on the Organizational Chart and 7) the Rhode Island town of Bristol along with its surrounding counties/districts will be awarded to Jessie Mart instead. These outlets will in turn require the establishing of two (2) INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTION Proprietorships to successfully support the customer needs generated by five (5) of the seven (7) outlets they will be serving. Located in the geographic region served by four (4) of these Outlets and based in the Virginia area will be the 1st Distribution Proprietorship that will be awarded to Laura Bush. (for ease of facilitating Laura's Distribution capabilities, the Louisiana & Michigan Proprietorships will obtain their supplies directly from Cosvry Investments). The 2nd Distribution Proprietorship opportunity will be awarded to the daughter of my late former friend Margaret and she will be based on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu. These two (2) distribution establishments will purchase their products from Cosvry at costs to be negotiated to enable them to be able to supply the wholesale customer demands required by the Independent Outlets, successfully. To aid in this effort, the "Holding Base" will also acquire the applicable subcomponents required to support the product in the Hawaiian islands from local sources to service this unique market successfully. There will be neither a Cosvry sales/marketing representative based in the Hawaiian islands nor will the Cosvry Sales/Marketing representatives work in the areas where these Independent Outlets are based to avoid overlap.
Developments as a Direct Result of these Opportunities:
The other openings that will directly result from these opportunities will be filled appropriately by various individuals in this regard. For example, to assist Margaret’s daughter with her distribution network needed to successfully navigate the unique Hawaiian island landscape, a very skilled individual who has demonstrated that she has the knowledge of the island customs and techniques and a former political lady herself, who showed that she has what it takes to achieve successful outcomes even if it takes her repeated efforts to attain her objective and learning from her past challenges implements solutions to avoid previous pitfalls. It’s this type of tried and “true” determination that will be needed to service this island chain to meet the customer in this area. This lady is none other than former chief executive of the State, Linda Lingle who will become the DISTRIBUTION/NETWORK CONSULTANT on whom this Proprietor will rely to implement her distribution successfully to service the local island chain and meet the customer demand generated by Elin’s Sales/Marketing Outlet. in this arrangement, Margaret's daughter will award Linda 10% of the typical 60/40% and she will be provided with another 10% by me, making this specific Proprietorship arrangement 50%/20%/30% to be considerate to all involved.
On the Cosvry Investments side, the infrastructure required to service this unique market will have to be implemented locally, therefore, as shown on the Organizational Chart, a locally based GENERAL MANAGER - HAWAII OPERATIONS will be required as well as a team to assist in this production of this “flagship” product. As a result, one previously consider for another position is the candidate who will be offered this role and that is none other than the former very skilled sprinter and my long-time acquaintance and training/track associate from the island of Barbados herself, Lorna Davis, now a resident of New York. Lorna, who had to successfully overcome the challenges of transitioning from one environment and migrating to a completely different area and doing so very skillfully will be able to bring her unique skills attained as a business major and then implemented throughout her chosen career in helping others achieve their true potential by carefully managing their track skills to assist the Proprietorship in implementing the infrastructure needed to support this market. She will be ably assisted by a very long-time friend of 1st Lady Michelle Obama as her DISTRIBUTION MANAGER as well as other skilled professionals including her own as well as those of the long-time friend of the 1st Lady as shown in the Chart to ably support Lorna as the Proprietorship’s main representative, achieve all its goals in this very distinct market. Therefore please join me in welcoming all these individuals to the positions they will serve in from the Independent types and associates to the Cosvry Investments main representative as they all strive to work towards a common goal.
In closing for awareness purposes, it must be pointed out that it is my hope that these adept individuals will strive to do their best to establish and develop the type of operations that I am fully confident they can work towards to support the “Holding Base” Proprietorship’s overall business interests and as a direct outcome, their own efficiently managed business operations, which will be demonstrated by their growth and soundly operated financial enterprises on a continuous basis in their cooperation with the PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR as documented in the post AMENDMENT TO THE PROPRIETOR'S PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER’S RESPONSIBILITIES. In these opportunities a major feature envisioned for the “Holding Base” Proprietorship, namely the in lieu of pension model will be establish to demonstrate their successful implementation and I do not anticipate any circumstances and/or challenges that will impede their demonstrated abilities to achieve the desired outcome in this regard as well as in the others that will be eventually awarded over time.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address
This post updates and clarifies reporting lines of authority as
DESIGN ASSETS grouping for more efficient operational streamlining of staff
Furthermore, details about the positions in the new realignment are included in
addition to their prior responsibilities as appropriate where the new grouping
will be reporting to a new DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST, however, because the
replacement individual offered this position has decided to accept a different
role another replacement individual has been considered and will be offered
this critical position, please follow below.
Background Details:
As depicted in the updated Organizational Chart, the position of DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST will now be reporting to the Proprietor and the individuals in the previous positions of AUXILIARY MANAGER and PHYSICAL ASSETS MANAGER will be part time positions and will continue to report to the Proprietors for those portions of their responsibilities. All activity regarding Design Assets (or intellectual property) will now be the direct responsibility of the DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST, who will be ably assisted by the DESIGN ASSETS MANAGER, who will investigate all innovations at the direction of the Design Legal Analyst to gather all required details to support the filing of appropriate claims definitively and clearly determining what’s being “invented” based on the functions capable of being carrying out as well as the means by, which intended actions are undertaken, following the recommendations of the US Patent and Trademark Office, (see the Patent example 4 701 713 link as documented in the SPECIAL TECHNICAL AWARDS/OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS section of the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED with an actual copy of the Patent award example pictured as the second (2nd) photo insert in the post GIVING PROPER CREDIT WHERE ITS DUE) to protect the rights of the Proprietorship and applicable staff member(s). It will then be the responsibility of the DESIGN RESEARCH CONSULTANT and the VP CONSULTANTS to carry out the needed research to determine if the “idea(s)” as applicable , have any previous “Claims” (see close-up Patent Award 4,701,713 photo Example below for an indication of the Claims depicted, which in this case amounted to 28), filed in support of it and when appropriate, international patent “claims” as well in the areas/locations where business operations is(are) conducted by the Proprietorship at the recommendation of the INTERNATIONAL DESIGN RESEARCH CONSULTANT.

To fill this critical role of directing the activities of this office, where the challenges of: a) determining proper and effective enforceable claims will be essential for securing appropriate royalties when required, b) following the strict guidelines of the Patent & Trademark office, where appropriate to file such claims based on their expectations and c) being cognizant of when the Proprietorship/appropriate staff patented claims are being used and when royalties are due based on the use of these innovations by others such that the Accounts/Payroll Benefits office will be made aware that action on their part is needed to recover applicable compensation; the individual considered for and to whom this highly technical and challenging position in the form of the DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST role, will be offered, is an
individual whom I have known professionally for sometime and have always found
her to be quite capable and deliberate in her actions when determining
information requested and having formed this opinion, I’m quite confident that
Washington DC area realtor, Susan Hand will bring this same level of
intuitiveness to this position in an effort to assist the “Holding Base”
achieve their critical goals with regard intellectual property rights benefits
for all concerned and in her capable hands this very critical role will be
entrusted. Susan knows the expectations that are being given to her because
from her experiences she has come to realize the importance of being prepared,
even for the unexpected and in this way, she will position her group to be
prepared for any and all eventualities with regard the proper filing of claims
to in turn enable the Proprietorship to recover royalties and such payments
when due. She will be ably assisted by the: DESIGN/PHYSICAL ASSETS MANAGER,
two (2) VP RESEARCH CONSULTANTS and I’m confident that this office, which will be
based at the “Holding Base” location with its applicable staff will carry out
their responsibilities to effect the Proprietorship’s critical objectives (as
which is within their sphere of responsibility. Please join me in welcoming
this highly skilled, unique young lady to this position who knows how to
balance the need for very careful scrutiny in a professional, distinctive and
confident manner, regardless of what challenges that may be encountered. In congratulating Susan on her appointment, best wishes are also being extended as she takes on this very technically challenging role and leads
the Proprietorship’s team in ensuring that all appropriate intellectual
property rights are very soundly managed by focusing on the appropriate facts
to assist all in the filing of effective claims to the best of her
As with any new process minor changes are often required to
effect smoother and more efficient operating conditions and it is hoped by that
as shown here, where another oppirtuni6ty made this offer become available for
another very well qualified candidate to be considered; that this type of
upfront effort, which revealed the potential conflict and allowed for another
to be selected to ensure a better functioning and more fiscally sound operation
to avoid any such disruptions when operations begin. Thanks for your
cooperation in effecting these adjustments.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
Just as occurred when overriding conditions made the then change announced in the post FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER (ABC) a necessity, similar conditions have made the changes introduced in this post necessary, to update the announcement described in the post UPDATED REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS as well as to introduce the individual selected for a position that had been held open for another individual who can now longer fill the role due to on-going organizational issues that have made it impractical for her to “wrestle” herself away from the complex developments taking place within her own sphere of professional acquaintances. This update also introduces the new “Holding Base” position of FINANCIAL COMPTROLLER as well as describes how this development and other factors will impact existing staff responsibilities. Please follow the description below.
Expansion of Benefits Personnel/Responsibilities:
Since a major announcement regarding a “holding Base” benefit has been made as documented in the post TYPICAL STAFF BENEFITS TO BE OFFERED BY THE "HOLDING BASE" AND ITS SUBSIDIARY PROPRIETORSHIPS - UPDATED and in addition a new financial-related position added as indicted in the Organizational Chart, the needed staff is being indicated here, that will increase the responsibilities of the Payroll Consultant in their totality such that her position will now be called HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) & PAYROLL/BENEFITS CONSULTANT, reporting to the ACCOUNTS MANAGER who will report to the individual who will fill the new FINANCIAL COMPTROLLER position, who will now be responsible for all financial planning/activity and reporting to the Proprietor. In addition, assisting the HUMAN RESOURCES (HR) & PAYROLL/BENEFITS CONSULTANT and directly under the
supervision of Abby, will be two (2) FLEET ASSETS BENEFITS CONSULTANTS,
one of whom will be the older
daughter of Abigail Keiper who will bring her own keen sense of awareness to this
position and carry it out to the best of her ability and she will be an asset
to the smooth functioning of this very important benefit program. Therefore, please
join me in congratulating and welcoming her to this important position/appointment.
Since the conditions that has caused this announcement to be withheld are now altered as indicated in the Introduction, an alternate candidate has now been considered for and to whom this position will be offered is a very long-time acquaintance from Connecticut and a former colleague of my ex spouse, This very skilled professional Lady has the required management skills to effectively ensure the success of this critical position for the Proprietorship’s crucial “flagship” product. This individual from Hamden, Connecticut is none other than the former Bobbie Ellis. This long-time 4th grade elementary school teacher from the New Haven School System, a position she recently relinquished, will bring the type of comprehensive supervisory skills required to this very important position and in this very accomplished professional a distinctive tone will be set for the expectations required from her direct reports, who will ably assist her in achieving the critical goal required for this section as indicated by the title and documented in the post SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT DELIVERY - THE KEY TO THE ADOPTION OF THE “HOLDING BASE” BUSINESS MODEL, therefore please join me in congratulating and warmly welcoming her to this position of critical importance.
This post focused on implementing critical changes to ensure that successful product delivery is attained in a critical Division’s “flagship” product (as shown in the updated Organizational Chart), in spite of potential inherent obstacles to achieving this desired outcome. Based on these organizational changes the work of implementing and “fashioning” what is intended to be an outstanding investment business operation will now be better achieved even though unplanned, potentially disruptive developments can and do take place occasionally that have now been addressed. With these changes, a better and smoother running organization will result, based on the efforts of all the staff working together as a finely tuned investment “vehicle” aimed at delivering/producing outstanding investment products and services.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
6/21/2015(see the Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
Those who will be employed by the Proprietorship are being considered as professionals deserving of the type of “awards” that are made available to staff, this amendment to the post TYPICAL STAFF BENEFITS TO BE OFFERED BY THE “HOLDING BASE” & ITS SUBSIDIARY PROPRIETORSHIPS will address an additional benefit to be known as the “Fleet/Leased Vehicles Program” that will be instrumental in the personal and professional lives of many of these individuals, in return for their years of continuous, merit worthy service. Please follow below for details regarding this additional discussion.
Here are the Background Issues of Interest:
For those offered employment, these types of benefit “awards” can be expected: 1) Relocation Assistance will be made available that will include a standard cash payment in addition to paid travel. For those who travel by car (recommended), the standard amount used by the IRS with regards the per mileage reimbursable rate will be paid (ex. .50/mile), those who submit documentation in support of their travel requests, that can include food and lodging on the route towards their destination; 2) Subsidized Rents for those Coordinators and Marketing/Sales Consultants stationed in National Base and similar distant locations, which is essentially an increase in salary (the difference between what would normally be paid and what is actually paid in rent in these pricey locals) for those in such locations that is not available to others directly in the same manner but, which they will also receive in different ways), the subsidized rent/income increase will be reflected on the annual tax-related documentation; 3) Equally Shared Royalty Payments for those staff members who excel at being innovative and develop unique designs worthy of pursuing patent protection for these ideas and for, which successful patent claims are obtained. As a result, all royalties obtained will be shared at a rate equivalent to 50/50 percent (%) with the applicable staff member and where multiple individuals share the innovation, they will all share the royalties collected equivalent to the staff 50% split. The remaining 50% will be the Proprietorship’s share of the royalties collected; 4) Incentive Cash Payments will be made available to those staff members who submit written suggestions that result in efficiency savings by the Proprietorship. For example, if a staff member submits an idea for conducting business more efficiently regarding a specific activity (carried out by the Proprietorship), and savings are realized when the alternate method of conducting the same task suggested is implemented, the staff member will receive a cash award equivalent to the following criteria. If cash savings of up to $1000.0 are realized, then a cash payment equivalent to $300.00 will be paid to the staff member. If savings equivalent to $1001.00 and $5000.00 are realized when the suggestion is implemented, a cash payment equivalent to $400.00 will be paid to the staff member. On the other hand, if savings equivalent to $5001.00 and $10,000.00 are realized when the suggestion is implemented, then a cash payment of $500.00 will be paid to the staff member. Finally, if savings of greater than $10,001.00 are realized, then a cash payment of $600.00 will be paid to the staff member. This will be the “Holding Base” Proprietorship’s avenue to encourage staff to make recommendations regarding methods that can improve their working conditions by conducting business more efficiently. 5) The Fleet/Leased Vehicles Program will be made available to all staff holding a valid driver license. The “Holding Base” will use its collective purchasing ability to effect an arrangement with one selected manufacturer from, which all the vehicles will be purchased at a favorable price. It is anticipated that two (2) ONLY manufacturers will be selected from which quotes will be requested and the manufacturer offering the better cost arrangement that can in turn be passed on to the staff, will be the “Manufacturer of Choice” and the specific make/model selected will be known as “fleet” make/model Program vehicles for those desirous of taking part in this Program. The individual staff will lease the vehicles from the Proprietorship and the payments will in turn be deducted from their paychecks each month and it’s the expectation that these vehicles will last for a minimum of four (4) years, at, which time the vehicles will be traded in and new vehicles purchased by the “Holding Base” and offered to the staff as leased vehicles in the same arrangement. All savings realized from this Program will remain in the “pool” of funds set aside for this purpose into, which the monthly leased payments will also be deposited for servicing the fund/avenue (financial institution) via, which the funds are obtained. It is the expectation that all staff participating will maintain valid vehicle insurance and licenses (as required by law) on these vehicles at all times and keep up with required servicing at regular intervals as recommended by the manufacturer in order to enhance the service life of the vehicles and with this cooperation by ALL participating staff, the Program will be a continuous benefit offered. The additional staff added to assist the Pension/Benefits Consultant as indicated in the post REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT/EXPANSION EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS will, under the direct supervision of the Consultant, Abby, be responsible for the administration of this benefit. 6) The “Holding Base” does not offer a Pension Plan as such, but will for those note worthy staff members completing years of continuous meritorious service, the following will be offered in lieu of such, assistance with the establishing of their own proprietorships with terms and similar arrangements and a defined unique service area as discussed in the post HOW BUSINESS COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENT PROPRIETORS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTOR IS INTENDED TO FUNCTION. Those few with the most outstanding service will be assisted with Independent Distributorships and the other notables, Independent Sales/Marketing proprietorships. The main difference or caveat between these two arrangements is that these who are assisted and succeed will be required to contribute an amount equivalent to 2% of their profits toward a fund established by the “Holding Base” that will go towards assisting others it he same way, while the “Holding Base” will contribute an amount equivalent to 3% towards from its share of all profits from these Independent Proprietorships, towards this fund annually.
The “Holding Base” neither is nor will become a “giant” corporate entity with huge “stock payments” being made to “executives” and others, but it will remain a Proprietorship, which values the worthwhile efforts of its staff as they ethically and professionally carry out their required tasks all with the aim of delivering successful products and services. It is hoped that those with the most successful, consistent work records will be those who will earn these in lieu of pension benefits as the Proprietorship’s way of expressing thanks to the appropriate worthy staff. Furthermore, as the Proprietorship becomes the type of outstanding investment “vehicle”, desired and consistent with the description in its Blog Pages Header, it is possible to envision that similar type “benefit awards” may be added to these described here. Nevertheless, this will not take away from the fact that what is prized most in its staff, is their commitment to providing professional, ethical service to assist the Proprietorship achieve its critical objectives and for that the, most notable be “awarded” the applicable benefit in addition to all the others described. It is my hope that these “awards” will be go a long way towards assisting the professional staff members of the “Holding Base” and its subsidiary Proprietorships with their financial needs as we collectively work towards achieving all our critical objectives.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
Just as occurred when overriding conditions made the then change announced in the post FILLING THE CRITICAL POSITION OF GENERAL BUSINESS COMPTROLLER (GBC) essential, similar conditions have made the changes introduced in this post necessary to update the announcement described in the post UPDATED REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS as well as ti introduce the individual selected for a position hat had been held open for an other individual who can now longer fill the role due to on-going organizational issues that have made it impractical for her to “wrestle” herself away from the complex developments taking place within her own sphere of professional acquaintances, please follow below.
Expansion of Benefits Personnel:
Since a major announcement regarding a “holding Base” benefit will be taking place regarding a new benefit, the needed staff is being indicated here, that will increase the responsibilities of the Payroll Consultant, Abby such that her position will now be called PAYROLL/BENEFITS CONSULTANT. In addition, assisting her will be two FLEET ASSETS BENEFITS CONSULTANTS, effectively increasing the staff reporting to the ACCOUNTS MANAGER.
Since the conditions that has caused this announcement to be withheld are now altered as indicated in the Introduction, an alternate candidate has now been considered for and to whom this position will be offered, she is a very long-time acquaintance from Connecticut and a former colleague of my former spouse. This very skilled professional Lady has the required management skills to effectively ensure the success of this critical position for the Proprietorship’s crucial “flagship” product. This individual from Hamden, Connecticut is none other than the former Bobbie Ellis. This long-time 4th grade elementary school teacher from the New Haven School System, a position she recently relinquished, will bring the type of comprehensive supervisory skills required to this very important position and in this very accomplished professional a distinctive tone will be set for the expectations required from her direct reports, who will ably assist her in achieving the critical goals required for this section as indicated by the title and documented in the post SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT DELIVERY - THE KEY TO THE ADOPTION OF THE “HOLDING BASE” BUSINESS MODE - UPDATED, therefore please join me in congratulating and warmly welcoming her to this position of critical importance.
This post focused on implementing critical changes to ensure that successful product delivery is attained in a critical Division’s “flagship” product (as shown in the updated Organizational Chart), in spite of potential inherent obstacles to achieving this desired outcome. Based on these organizational changes the work of implementing and “fashioning” what is intended to be an outstanding investment business operation will now be better achieved even though unplanned, potentially disruptive developments can and do take place occasionally that have now been addressed. With these changes however, a better and smoother running organization will result, based on the efforts of all the staff working together as a finely tuned investment “vehicle” aimed at delivering/producing outstanding investment products and services.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
This update discusses a change in the announcement regarding the previous proposed operating structure for ClChs Bakery’s Midwest coast operation as indicated in the post REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT EFFECTING ALL PREVIOUS POSITIONS FOR COSVRY & CLCHS BAKERY - UPDATED as well as a change effecting the west coast operating structure as indicated in the post EXPANSION OF THE REORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE EFFECTING A SECTION OF CLCHS BAKERY. The changes involved in this post will alter both the ClChs Midwest and west coast business model operations that will ensure all those involved will be able to provide the required products and services in spite of the challenges to the Proprietorships with the details about this change discussed below in addition to including other supporting information for some involved.
ClChs Bakery’s Midwest Operation Details:
The 1st of CLCH’S BAKERY MOBILE ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES will be offered to Laurie Dammann, who will in turn now obtain her supplies from the former Vicky VonBehren with the assistance of her younger daughter, who will be replacing the former supplier due to organizational differences among family members of that
former family that had been announced to supply the products to the Bakery.
To digress:
Vicky’s oldest daughter will be offered a position in any of the SKILLS TRADES TEAMS (choosing from among the electrical, carpentry or tiling groups), while her now adult twin daughters will be offered positions as MARKETING CONSULTANTS in the new Atlantic Coastal Marketing district and will be based in VA and entitled to the subsidized rent benefit. Her eldest daughter oldest as well as her second daughter Janice Ford will both be be offered positions as MOBILE CONSULTANTS, working with the GENERAL CONSULTANT Sheri Weaver to ensure that all those staff at Cosvry Development (CD) national Base locations, as documented in the post NATIONAL “HOLDING NASE” STAFF ROSTER ROLLOUT with dependents in need of instruction assistance receive it.
[This same assistance will be made available to those in Cosvry Investments (CI), via the two (2) MOBILE CONSULTANTS, and for these positions, the former Tipper Gore’s two daughters will be offered these mobile positions working directly with the PART-TIME PROGRAM MANAGER, identified in the post SUPPLEMENT TO THE INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES - UPDATED, Tipper herself will be offered the second (2nd) of the two MARKETING CONSULTANTS based in the New York area and her effective area documented in the ...ROLLOUT post referenced above will be entitled to the subsidized rent benefit].
Finally but by no means least, her middle daughter Terese, has been considered for and will be offered a position as a MARKETING CONSULTANT in the western district where her effective area will include, the states of Colorado, Idaho, North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana and she will be based in the state of Colorado and will as a result be entitled to the subsidized rent benefit. Please join me in wishing these young ladies whom I had the opportunity to witness, (for the most part - Vicky's), grow into young ladies from adolescents, all the best in these opportunities, which is being made available to them.
To resume:
In their Entrepreneurial arrangement, the products offered in the mobile arrangement will all be supplied by this lady well known for her culinary skills and in this regard the various details will be worked out accordingly. Both of these individuals indicated will be assisted with the formation of their own Proprietorships that will include the mobile vehicle and the start-up resources to offset up-front operating expenses, to allow for cash flow to be generated order to get their businesses functioning effectively.
ClChs Bakery’s West Coast Expansion Details:
The 2nd of the CLCH’S BAKERY MOBILE ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES will be offered to that young lady known by her “show” business name as ”Rihanna”, who will partner with the former Chris Kardashian and the two (2) other members of the Kardashian family, Kim and Chloe and together will be provided with a fleet of ten (10) units instead of the two (2) originally described. Assistance from the CULINARY CONSULTANT (and for this position, the third (3rd) of the late Lois Covington's daughters, Gerdes with whom I'm "familiar", will be offered this position and) who will in turn be assisted by the second (2nd) of my late former friend, Margaret daughter's offspring to whom the position of CULINARY ASSISTANT will be offered; who together will be responsible for ensuring the quality of the “healthy” menu selections by effective planning and they will assist with working out the challenges involved to ensure that consistent quality products are made available to be supplied to customers even though four (4) suppliers will be involved. These suppliers, involve a change from what was previously announced and will now include: 1) one well known former State first lady of a political type, who could be considered “over” qualified but who possesses the amazing ability to reinvent herself for whatever role she chooses to pursue, 2) Kate Middleton and her sister Pipa 3) the Kim and Chloe Kardashian themselves will also be providing some of their own supplies working in conjunction with the Culinary Consultant and 4) the former Chris Kardashian will have her own product supplying Proprietorship.
The four (4) supplying entities will In effect be providing the products to the fleet, significantly expanding their supplying capabilities but offering the potential for great successes once the operational details are fine tuned to ensure that their service territory, namely all the greater Los Angeles area is effectively and efficiently serviced. All these individuals involved are known for their astute business skills and will be tested with the challenges early on but in my opinion will rise to the occasion and meet the expected demand for their “winning” healthy menu selections in their highly competitive market area with a resounding market entry and appropriate follow-on product delivery. As a result, this announcements is intended to provide all involved with the background details needed to be prepare for managing their professional venture successfully, which will involve the Partnership being provided with the fleet of ten vehicles in addition to start-up resources to offset up-front operating expenses, to allow for cash flow to be generated consistently. Therefore, please join me in wishing all those identified the best as they are urged to develop a well coordinated strategy involving all who will work together to assist the Partnership as well as their individual Proprietorships achieve the type of success this operation deserves by providing the type of products and services demanded by a very selective customer base.
In closing, let me point out that the financial arrangements involved with all the Partners/Proprietors will be managed as discussed in item #7 of the itemized listing in the post AMENDMENT TO THE PROPRIETOR'S PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITIES. In addition, further details of the financial arrangement to be made with all these Partners and Proprietors are included in the post please join me in wishing all involved with all the various Proprietorships the best as they embark on this journey together in, which they will be more than tested to demonstrate their ability to introduce, market and deliver winning products that will establish those involved as “leaders" in this business area with this offering.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Address Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
This update makes further changes effecting the position of GM - Cosvry Investments as announced earlier in this post as discussed below.
This post that also updates the previous post SUPPLEMENT TO REORGANIZATONAL ASSIGNMENT EFFECTING PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS and introduces additional details about the announcement regarding the “Holding Base” position of COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER as well as details about the positions in the Cosvry investments (CI), Pricing Group as well as details about the General Manager (GM) of Cosvry Development, to demonstrate and underscore the fact that unanticipated developments will not be allowed to impact the functioning of the Proprietorship because such developments, namely staff turnover typically takes place in all organizations and even though it would be ideal if all identified would consider themselves part of a larger “family”; occasionally realignments require changes in positions to better facilitate the Proprietorship’s goals and objectives, as discussed below,
Required Staff Changes:
Since the realization has been made clear to me that the Cosvry Investments Pricing section will be an extremely critical area that could very well determine the outcome of that Division’s “flagship” product as highlighted in the Conclusion section of the post SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT DELIVERY - THE KEY TO THE ADOPTION OF THE “HOLDING BASE” BUSINESS MODEL, the need to strenghten that group has become a critical objective up to the present and as a result, the following changes will be implemented to achieve the desired outcome. Christine Tabak, formerly announced as Manager of the Communications Group is being reassigned and in addition to the eldest of Delia Tabak’s daughters (her half sister), will be joining with and assisting Olivia Gibbons in staffing this area as PRICING CONSULTANTS, which my childhood acquaintance, Olivia will be MANAGER of. These are all very skilled and detailed individuals and this section will now in my opinion rise to the occasion and deliver effectively priced products to assist the Proprietorship in meeting its goals regarding the proper pricing of this critical product.
To fill the void created by the reassignment of the former Communications Manager, the “spouse” of my former colleague, Curt Bock will be moving to the “Holding Base” position of COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER and in her I’m very sure that a well qualified candidate has been selected to fill the void created by the previous candidate’s reassignment as she will be relied upon to institute the design as well as implement the network required to ensure the smooth flow of information across all the “Holding Base” business areas, from its Main area of operation to those centers where the two main Divisions will be based up to and all the Locations where the remotely based Coordinators as well as Marketing and Sales Consultants will be based. This very effective lady who with her direct supports will assist the Proprietorship in this very critically demanding business area since the proper receipt and flow of unimpeded information is vital for the success of any successful business in this information technology “driven” age and will report to the Divisions Manager and will be considered part of the “Holding Base” staff but will be required to ensure that the all the areas of operation (including the international Component Facility) are successfully included in Proprietorship’s communications network.
As a result of her appointment, the critical role of GM - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT has to be again filled due to an existing commitment that would impact the previous selectee's from that well known fixture in Jones County. (the Owner/Proprietor of Paulson's Garage's) ability to carry out the responsibilities involved. Instead she will be offered the position that the sibling of my former colleague Chris Blood was being considered for, namely an ASSISTANT PROJECT PLANNER. As a result, the position of GM - COSVRY DEVELOPMENT will be offered to the sister of my former colleague, Chris Blood. In this very skillful and talented lady, equally qualified to fill such a demanding position; is also very comfortable involving herself in construction/building project type activities and as a result, I’m comfortable that this Division’s day-to-day management will be in very capable hands.
This post was focused on implementing critical changes to ensure that successful product delivery pricing is attained in a critical Division’s “flagship” product in spite of potential inherent obstacles to achieving this desired outcome. Based on these changes the work of implementing and “fashioning” what is intended to be an outstanding investment business operation will now be better achieved even though unplanned, potentially disruptive developments can and do take place occasionally. However, with these changes, it’s anticipated that such occurrences will be kept to a minimum. Please join me in wishing all the announced individuals the best in these critical areas of importance to the “Holding Base” business model.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
As pointed out in the post, PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGER TO THE PROPRIETOR, various activities will be required to be carried out by the Manager, this supplement is intended to clarify those activities in further detail in order for Elin Nordegrin to obtain a more in depth “understanding” of the responsibilities involved. Please follow below for details.
This full-time position involves the management of the personal investments of the Proprietor excluding the “Holding Base” Conservery and associated Proprietorships activity, to ensure that sound financial maintenance is being carried out regarding the personal investment vehicles of the Proprietor, which could include but not be limited to responsibilities such as: 1) ensuring that rents are collected from those properties being rented, 2) ensuring that all real estate taxes due are brought to the attention of the Proprietor when appropriate, etc., whether those properties are held nationally or internationally, 3) in the case of the Independent Proprietorships, the Manager will be required annually to determine with the individual Proprietors the profits realized to adequately determine the 60/40 percent profit sharing split to be divided with the Proprietors, for the purpose of obtaining the Proprietor’s annual 40% return from this investment activity, even in the case of her own Proprietorship since she, Elin will hire her own Manager to independently manage this business successfully, 4) the other aspect of the financial arrangements between the Proprietor and the Independent Proprietors/Distributors in need of explanation, relates to the housing subsidy they will receive (ONLY in instances where relocation is required to facilitate their business activity to offset monthly operating expenses). Unlike the “Holding Base’s” staff, benefit, this will be a monthly cash amount paid based on their location, property type in addition to other property specific details; the Personal Finance Manager will ensure that they receive these cash subsidies, 5) where income-producing business/property investments are held internationally, the Manager will work with the local managers to determine the annual profit for the purpose of ensuring that the appropriate profit distribution is determined and realized, 6) in instances where these international income-producing property/businesses require monthly cash subsidies to be paid to local managers, to offset expenses incurred, the Manager will also facilitate these monthly cash subsidies, 7) oversee the financial activity regarding ClChs Bakery with the associated Independent Proprietorships involved to ensure adequate financial activity is being undertaken and realized from these mobile only operations as indicated in the post EXPANSION OF THE REORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE EFFECTING A SECTION OF CLCHS BAKERY; 8) since this position is specific to the investments carried out, the above listing may not be all-inclusive of all the areas where the Manager may be required to manage effectively and 9) finally, the Manager will ensure that adequate attention is directed to all investment instruments held that will serve to enhance personal income tax-filing activity, which will be overseen by the Manager in concert with the avenue determined to effect such activity.
Since the attention of the Proprietor will be directed to many different activities to ensure that the main investment realizes outstanding returns, the Manager will serve as the “eyes” and “ears” with regards these personal investments to ensure that order and proper payments/rates-of-return where applicable are effected in these critically important vehicles. I’m confident that Elin will be very thoughtful in carrying out this very important function, which I’m confident she will affect and implement professionally; so please join me in congratulating Elin as she will use her management skill to successfully execute this critically important position as outlined In the previous posting on this subject.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
All too often seemingly unexplained events take place,
Obviously by those who are bent on inflicting disgrace.
However, in the midst of these unforeseen challenges,
that the time for your cause will come with haste.
Therefore, as you focus on the possibilities that lay ahead,
find comfort in knowing that opportunities will not bring grief.
because you will be working with a friend who will not permit you to stumble,
even when others attempt to fill you with unbelief.
Your best is yet ahead of you, and this will also bring relief;
in knowing that you have much to look forward too,
and you will gain the assurance that this time will be brief.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)
This post clarifies reporting lines of authority as reported in the previous post AMENDED SUPPLEMENT TO THE REORGANIZATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE “HOLDING BASE” PROPRIETORSHIP’S OPERATING MODEL regarding the “Holding Base” DESIGN ASSETS grouping for more efficient operational streamlining of staff responsibilities as depicted in the CONCEPTUAL ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR CONSERVERY & ITS SUBSIDIARY PROPRIETORSHIPS. Furthermore, details about the positions in the new realignment are included in addition to their prior responsibilities as appropriate where the new grouping will be reporting to a new DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST, however, because the previous individual considered and offered this position has decided to accept a position managing her Mother’s Independent Proprietorship in her Louisiana district as depicted in itemized listing # 3) in the post INDEPENDENT MARKETING/SALES & DISTRIBUTION PROPRIETORSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES, the most appropriate replacement has been considered and will be offered this critical position, please follow below.
Background Details:
As depicted in the updated Organizational Chart, the position of DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST will now be reporting to the Proprietor and the individuals in the previous positions of AUXILIARY MANAGER and PHYSICAL ASSETS MANAGER will be part time positions and will continue to report to the Proprietors for those portions of their responsibilities. All activity regarding Design Assets (or intellectual property) will now be the direct responsibility of the DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST, who will be ably assisted by the DESIGN ASSETS MANAGER, who will investigate all innovations at the direction of the Legal Analyst to gather all required details to support the filing of appropriate claims definitively and clearly determining what’s being “invented” based on the functions it will be capable of carrying out as well as the means by, which it undertakes its untended actions, following the recommendations of the US Patent and Trademark Office, (see the Patent example 4 701 713 link as documented in the SPECIAL TECHNICAL AWARDS/OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS section of the post THE LAUNCHING OF THE INITIAL CONSERVERY WEBSITE - UPDATED with an actual copy of the Patent award example pictured as the second (2nd) photo insert in the post GIVING PROPER CREDIT WHERE ITS DUE) to protect the rights of the Proprietorship and applicable staff member(s). It will then be the responsibility of the DESIGN RESEARCH CONSULTANT and the VP CONSULTANTS to carry out the needed research to determine if the “idea(s)” as applicable , have any previous “Claims” (see close-up Patent Award 4,701,713 photo Example 1 below for an indication of the Claims depicted, which in this case amounted to 28), filed in support of it and when appropriate, international patent “claims” as well in the areas/locations where business operations is(are) conducted by the Proprietorship at the recommendation of the INTERNATIONAL DESIGN RESEARCH CONSULTANT.
To fill this critical role of directing the activities of this office, where the challenges of: a) determining proper and effective enforceable claims will be essential for securing appropriate royalties when required, b) following the strict guidelines of the Patent & Trademark office, where appropriate to file such claims based on their expectations and c) being cognizant of when the Proprietorship/appropriate staff patented claims are being used and when royalties are due based on the use of these innovations by others such that the Accounts/Payroll Benefits office will be made aware that action on their part is needed to recover applicable compensation; the individual considered for and to whom this highly technical and challenging position in the form of the DESIGN LEGAL ANALYST role, will be offered, is the daughter of my former colleague who herself has been offered a position as Part-Time Program Manager in addition to that of Sales Consultant, This very capable young Lady is none other than Abigail Keiper, who comes very well qualified to manage the demands of this very demanding office, and on whom the intellectual property rights of others generally and the Proprietorship specifically will be entrusted, knows the expectations that is being given to her because from her experiences she has come to realize the importance of being “ready” for the unexpected and in this way, she will position her office to be prepared for any and all eventualities with regard the proper filing of claims to in turn enable the Proprietorship to recover royalties and such payments when due. She will be ably assisted by the: DESIGN/PHYSICAL ASSETS MANAGER, DESIGN RESEARCH CONSULTANT, the INTERNATIONAL DESIGN RESEARCH CONSULTANT and two (2) VP RESEARCH CONSULTANTS and I’m confident that this office, which will be based at the “Holding Base” location with its applicable staff will carry out their responsibilities to effect the Proprietorship’s critical objectives (as described in #3 of the itemized listing in the post TYPICAL STAFF BENEFITS TO BE OFFERED BY THE “HOLDING BASE” & ITS SUBSIDIARY PROPRIETORSHIPS, which is within their sphere of responsibility. Please join me in welcoming this highly skilled and unique young lady to this position who knows how to balance the need for very careful scrutiny in a professional, distinctive and confident manner, regardless of what challenges that may be encountered. Please join me in congratulating Abby on her appointment and in wishing her the best as she take on this very technically challenging role s she leads the Proprietorship team in ensuring that its and the appropriate staff’s intellectual property rights are very soundly managed by focusing on the appropriate facts to assist all to the best of her ability.
As with any new process minor changes are often required to effect smoother and more efficient operating conditions and it is hoped by that as shown here, where another opportunity made this offer become available for another very well qualified candidate to be considered; that this type of upfront effort, which revealed the potential conflict and allowed for another to be selected to ensure a better functioning and more fiscally sound operation to avoid any such disruptions when operations begin, that makes this fact-finding process all the more worthwhile. Thanks for your cooperation in effecting these adjustments.
James F. Brazant
Conservery/Cosvry/ClChs Bakery
(see the Conservery Blog Page for the Proprietorship’s new mailing address)