This post focuses on making critical changes to the following announced positions and/or general staff including the reconsideration of the “spouse” of my former colleague Curt Bock for another type of role previously motioned in the post AN UPDATE IN ADDITION TO MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS REGARDING POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS and the expansion of the personal staff to the Proprietor with the addition of a SECRETARY to complement the role of PERSONAL ASSISTANT in addition to introduce the 1st of those who will be assigned to the SKILLS TRADE Groups, as follows.
The spouse of my former colleague who was reassigned to this position for, which was previously announced in, is once again being considered for a different role, about, which details will be made available at a later date. To replace this very skillful lady who knows when its best to request information for, those issues about, which she is unfamiliar and is in need of additional details, the 3rd sibling of the elder sister of my former colleague, Chris Blood will now fill this very important position in this Group that can be best described as having responsibility for what will become known as one of, if not the Proprietorship’s main “flagship” product. Her Mother and older sibling already have been announced for positions in another Proprietorship ClCh’s Bakery under the post CLCH’s FUNCTIONAL OPERATING STATUS. The candidate to fill the final unfilled Sales position in the IP group will be 5th sibling of
the elder sister of my former colleague Chris Blood as well.
These critical positions required for the Cosvry Development (CD) as well as in the CFWF Products Production sections will be filled by individuals who find nothing wrong with carrying out hard work, using their hands because this is honorable. As a result, both the 1st and 4th siblings of the elder sister of my former colleague Chris Blood will be assigned to these Groups and will be allowed to choose the specific type of trade area section of the two previously mentioned that they will prefer to work in (in, which they will receive training to carry out these very important skilled professions). In this way I'm confident that they as well as the others who will join them will also carry out their assigned responsibilities to the best of their abilities to achieve the desired objectives within their sphere of responsibility. Since these are the only positions left unfilled as well as unannounced; all those to whom positions will be offered from this point on will be in this area* (see Footnote).
PERSONAL SECRETARY to the Proprietor:
To ensure that the focus of the Proprietor remain on “big picture” issues, a staff augmentation is required to ensure that the PERSONAL ASSISTANT is not deterred by any other competing issues needing attention that can best be handled by other direct reports. Within this context, the PERSONAL SECRETARY is expected to keep the ASSISTANT’s attention focused on the appointment schedule for the Proprietor, in spite of any competing requests regardless of how compelling. As a result, the individual selected for and to whom this position will be offered is the eldest special sibling of the MEDIA/OFFICE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER. She will bring her willingness to find out additional details to this crucial role in, which she will develop and enhance her critical business and professional skills as she becomes a vitally important contributor to the Cosvry Proprietorship.
With the announcements of these roles as indicated in this post, I am confident that with all those individuals involved Cosvry will rise to the occasion to assist the Proprietorship and themselves achieve the desired objectives the only way it’s possible, with hard-work and commitment to the effort at hand.
James F. Brazant
Cosvry & ClCh's Bakery
* Footnote:
It must be noted that not all filled positions have been announced with those who have been considered for and assigned to these roles. Therefore, these few remaining announcements will be made at a more appropriately convenient date.
This post focuses on making critical changes to the following announced positions and/or general staff including the reconsideration of the “spouse” of my former colleague Curt Bock for another type of role previously motioned in the post AN UPDATE IN ADDITION TO MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS REGARDING POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTS and the expansion of the personal staff to the Proprietor with the addition of a SECRETARY to complement the role of PERSONAL ASSISTANT in addition to introduce the 1st of those who will be assigned to the SKILLS TRADE Groups, as follows.
The spouse of my former colleague who was reassigned to this position for, which was previously announced in, is once again being considered for a different role, about, which details will be made available at a later date. To replace this very skillful lady who knows when its best to request information for, those issues about, which she is unfamiliar and is in need of additional details, the 3rd sibling of the elder sister of my former colleague, Chris Blood will now fill this very important position in this Group that can be best described as having responsibility for what will become known as one of, if not the Proprietorship’s main “flagship” product. Her Mother and older sibling already have been announced for positions in another Proprietorship ClCh’s Bakery under the post CLCH’s FUNCTIONAL OPERATING STATUS. The candidate to fill the final unfilled Sales position in the IP group will be 5th sibling of
the elder sister of my former colleague Chris Blood as well.
These critical positions required for the Cosvry Development (CD) as well as in the CFWF Products Production sections will be filled by individuals who find nothing wrong with carrying out hard work, using their hands because this is honorable. As a result, both the 1st and 4th siblings of the elder sister of my former colleague Chris Blood will be assigned to these Groups and will be allowed to choose the specific type of trade area section of the two previously mentioned that they will prefer to work in (in, which they will receive training to carry out these very important skilled professions). In this way I'm confident that they as well as the others who will join them will also carry out their assigned responsibilities to the best of their abilities to achieve the desired objectives within their sphere of responsibility. Since these are the only positions left unfilled as well as unannounced; all those to whom positions will be offered from this point on will be in this area* (see Footnote).
PERSONAL SECRETARY to the Proprietor:
To ensure that the focus of the Proprietor remain on “big picture” issues, a staff augmentation is required to ensure that the PERSONAL ASSISTANT is not deterred by any other competing issues needing attention that can best be handled by other direct reports. Within this context, the PERSONAL SECRETARY is expected to keep the ASSISTANT’s attention focused on the appointment schedule for the Proprietor, in spite of any competing requests regardless of how compelling. As a result, the individual selected for and to whom this position will be offered is the eldest special sibling of the MEDIA/OFFICE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER. She will bring her willingness to find out additional details to this crucial role in, which she will develop and enhance her critical business and professional skills as she becomes a vitally important contributor to the Cosvry Proprietorship.
With the announcements of these roles as indicated in this post, I am confident that with all those individuals involved Cosvry will rise to the occasion to assist the Proprietorship and themselves achieve the desired objectives the only way it’s possible, with hard-work and commitment to the effort at hand.
James F. Brazant
Cosvry & ClCh's Bakery
* Footnote:
It must be noted that not all filled positions have been announced with those who have been considered for and assigned to these roles. Therefore, these few remaining announcements will be made at a more appropriately convenient date.